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402 Companies 1863 to 1959 Queensland State Archives 2014-06-26T00:35:29.142514 2022-06-28T05:35:49.104967 These indexes were compiled from the [Registers of Companies]( for the three Company Registry Districts of Queensland (Northern, Central and Southern) between 1863 and 1959. The registers are held at [Queensland State Archives](     Companies 1863 to 1959 CSV This open data file lists the names of companies which are no longer in existence, as recorded by the Company Registry Districts of Queensland between 1863 and 1959. Information also includes date of registration, file and book number, registration year and companies office. 2014-07-07T06:16:36.194277 2021-09-23T03:59:13.365003 9542041.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
427 Brisbane Hospital registers of deaths 1933 to 1963 Queensland State Archives 2014-09-29T04:14:30.937125 2022-06-22T06:32:57.719396 This index was compiled from the [registers]( of patient deaths as primarily created by the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital between 1933 and 1963 held at [Queensland State Archives](     Brisbane Hospital registers of deaths 1933 to 1963 CSV This open data file lists the names of patients who died at the Brisbane Hospital during the period 1933 to 1963. Information also includes the age, ordinal number of death, date of death and Queensland State Archives' [catalogue ]( details. 2014-09-29T04:19:50.102167 2021-09-23T03:28:15.437044 12792627.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0