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753 Photographs relating to Sir Ross Smith and Sir Keith Smith State Library of South Australia State Library of South Australia 2019-06-20T04:28:06.459148 2019-08-29T04:34:28.134125 Photographs relating to Sir Ross Smith and Sir Keith Smith and the 1919 Epic Flight from England to Australia. For more information about the Smith brothers and their prize-winning flight see the State Library of South Australia's [Sir Ross and Sir Keith Smith, pioneer aviators]( "Sir Ross and Sir Keith Smith, pioneer aviators") website. 1892-01-01 2018-12-31 Photographs relating to Sir Ross Smith and Sir Keith Smith - Excel workbook XLSX This Excel workbook contains the same data as the CSV file but has the advantage that URLs are active hyperlinks. 2019-06-20T04:31:47.796748 2019-06-20T04:31:47.706234   Creative Commons Attribution