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1021 Historical Plans - Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme (SRO-001) State Records Office of Western Australia Damien Hassan 2019-09-03T02:56:57.037637 2022-08-12T21:56:27.270419 Historical survey plans created by the Metropolitan Water Works Board (and successor departments) in preparation for a sewerage scheme for the Perth metropolitan area. The original plans were transferred to the State Archives Collection in the 1980's and were digitised and geo-referenced between 2016-2019.     List of Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme Plans CSV This CSV comprises an itemised list of all historical Sewerage Scheme plans that are held by the State Records Office as part of the State archives collection. 2019-12-10T05:45:51.735541 2019-12-10T05:45:51.663687 361453.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
1022 Historical Plans - Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme (SRO-001) State Records Office of Western Australia Damien Hassan 2019-09-03T02:56:57.037637 2022-08-12T21:56:27.270419 Historical survey plans created by the Metropolitan Water Works Board (and successor departments) in preparation for a sewerage scheme for the Perth metropolitan area. The original plans were transferred to the State Archives Collection in the 1980's and were digitised and geo-referenced between 2016-2019.     Index Sheets to Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme Plans PDF This document includes a grid map of the Perth metropolitan area, showing which Sewerage Plans are held by the State Records Office and are available through the RetroMaps site. 2020-01-16T08:23:45.974272 2020-01-16T08:23:45.892461 14491411.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
1023 Historical Plans - Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme (SRO-001) State Records Office of Western Australia Damien Hassan 2019-09-03T02:56:57.037637 2022-08-12T21:56:27.270419 Historical survey plans created by the Metropolitan Water Works Board (and successor departments) in preparation for a sewerage scheme for the Perth metropolitan area. The original plans were transferred to the State Archives Collection in the 1980's and were digitised and geo-referenced between 2016-2019.     Date Range Information for Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme Plans PDF This guide provides a chart that shows the number of sewerage plans prepared during each decade across the 20th Century and provides advice on how to establish the approximate date for undated plans. 2020-02-03T03:25:26.367856 2020-02-03T03:25:26.220694 543034.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
1024 Historical Plans - Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme (SRO-001) State Records Office of Western Australia Damien Hassan 2019-09-03T02:56:57.037637 2022-08-12T21:56:27.270419 Historical survey plans created by the Metropolitan Water Works Board (and successor departments) in preparation for a sewerage scheme for the Perth metropolitan area. The original plans were transferred to the State Archives Collection in the 1980's and were digitised and geo-referenced between 2016-2019.     ArcGIS Server Map Service API ArcGIS Server Map Service An ArcGIS Server Map Service offers access to a geographic dataset - such as a map or imagery - by providing a set of tiled images for use in web-based maps. Depending on the capabilities enabled, this web service may also allow a client to dynamically draw, search, and query its features. This service is aimed at advanced geographical information users, and will require access to geographical information system (GIS) software such as ArcGIS and QGIS. 2020-03-31T23:14:33.039146 2020-02-27T00:00:00   Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
1025 Historical Plans - Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme (SRO-001) State Records Office of Western Australia Damien Hassan 2019-09-03T02:56:57.037637 2022-08-12T21:56:27.270419 Historical survey plans created by the Metropolitan Water Works Board (and successor departments) in preparation for a sewerage scheme for the Perth metropolitan area. The original plans were transferred to the State Archives Collection in the 1980's and were digitised and geo-referenced between 2016-2019.     Web Mapping Service WMS Web Map Service (WMS) is a standard protocol for serving georeferenced map images over the internet that are generated by a map server using data from a GIS database. WMS allows a user to spatially visualise the dataset, and query individual features, but does not allow downloading the raw data. This service is aimed at advanced geographical information users, and will require access to geographical information system (GIS) software such as QGIS and ArcGIS. 2020-12-08T00:09:03.016220 2020-02-27T00:00:00   Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
1026 Historical Plans - Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme (SRO-001) State Records Office of Western Australia Damien Hassan 2019-09-03T02:56:57.037637 2022-08-12T21:56:27.270419 Historical survey plans created by the Metropolitan Water Works Board (and successor departments) in preparation for a sewerage scheme for the Perth metropolitan area. The original plans were transferred to the State Archives Collection in the 1980's and were digitised and geo-referenced between 2016-2019.     Historical Plans - Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme (19GB) TIF This file comprises all historical Sewerage Scheme plans that are held by the State Records Office and are available for individual download through the [RetroMaps]( site. 2021-01-18T03:16:32.230550   20299206895.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0