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339 Applications by Selectors 1868-1885 Queensland State Archives 2020-06-23T23:32:50.890198 2022-08-09T05:41:51.346470 These [registers]( held at Queensland State Archives record applications from selectors. They give details of land taken up under the "Crown Lands Alienation Acts, 1868 and 1876", and amending acts. The registers give the selector's name and the selection numbers and details of any selections taken up.     Registers of Applications by Selectors 1868-1885 CSV This index has been created from Queensland State Archives Series ID13960 [Index to Registers of Applications by Selectors](; and Queensland State Archives Series ID13961 [Registers of Applications by Selectors]( These registers record applications from selectors. They give details of land taken up under the "Crown Lands Alienation Acts, 1868 and 1876", and amending acts. The registers give the selector's name and the selection numbers and details of any selections taken up. 2020-06-23T23:44:15.361246 2022-06-22T03:57:33.911696 17961803.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0