795 |
Mount Gambier Main Street Traders |
Mount Gambier Library |
Mount Gambier Library |
2014-06-10T14:53:05.816908 |
2016-06-08T07:11:39.244861 |
Historical information about commercial buildings and ownership in the Main Street of Mount Gambier including date information, owner and or company name, business type and newspaper article dates and references to the images held in the Les Hill Photographic Collection. Information is based on research of publicly available information. |
data.sa.gov.au |
https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/0e4a82b7-b1d9-47d8-8c74-3cb2ac296661 |
1847-1940 |
Commercial Street Traders |
https://data.sa.gov.au/data/storage/f/2014-06-10T14%3A54%3A17.368Z/commercial-street-traders-data-set.csv |
Commercial Street Traders dataset |
2014-06-10T15:02:46.951865 |
2014-10-30T09:01:35 |
354738.0 |
Creative Commons Attribution |