
Custom SQL query returning 1 row (show)

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560 Austlang dataset Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) AIATSIS 2019-05-15T02:54:29.583808 2022-02-16T00:07:05.889021 Austlang provides information about Indigenous Australian languages which has been assembled from referenced sources. The dataset provided here includes the language names, each with a unique alpha-numeric code which functions as a stable identifier, alternative/variant names and spellings and the approximate location of each language variety. __Please note this is a live dataset and is updated regularly.__ __As this dataset file is generated live, please be patient as it downloads.__ The complete Austlang resource can be found on the AIATSIS website at 2003-01-01 00:00:00   AUSTLANG dataset CSV ## Data format **Format**: CSV, comma separated, with quotes **Encoding**: UTF-8 BOM **Dataset status**: Active, delivered via end-point ## Data structure field name: **language_code** description: language code length: up to 255 bytes format: text repeated: no field name: **language_name** description: language name length: up to 255 bytes format: text repeated: no field name: **language_synonym** description: language synonyms length: up to 65535 bytes format: text repeated: yes delimiter: , (comma) field name: **thesaurus_heading_language** description: thesaurus heading language length: up to 255 bytes format: text repeated: no field name: **approximate_latitude_of_language_variety** description: approximate latitude of language variety length: up to 255 bytes format: numeric, long repeated: no field name: **approximate_longitude_of_language_variety** description: approximate longitude of language variety length: up to 255 bytes format: numeric, long repeated: no field name: **state_territory** description: state or territory this language group intersects length: up to 255 bytes format: text repeated: yes delimiter: , (comma) field name: **uri** description: URI on AUSTLANG length: up to 255 bytes format: text repeated: no 2019-05-15T02:55:39.267160 2022-02-16 301501.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International