1021 |
Historical Plans - Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme (SRO-001) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Damien Hassan |
2019-09-03T02:56:57.037637 |
2022-08-12T21:56:27.270419 |
Historical survey plans created by the Metropolitan Water Works Board (and successor departments) in preparation for a sewerage scheme for the Perth metropolitan area.
The original plans were transferred to the State Archives Collection in the 1980's and were digitised and geo-referenced between 2016-2019. |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/e773bb79-85f8-4c4d-b932-34599fddc8e0 |
List of Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme Plans |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/e773bb79-85f8-4c4d-b932-34599fddc8e0/resource/05c6e8c3-3f66-4980-9ba8-3bdadb1f990f/download/srowa_series634_cons4156.csv |
This CSV comprises an itemised list of all historical Sewerage Scheme plans that are held by the State Records Office as part of the State archives collection. |
2019-12-10T05:45:51.735541 |
2019-12-10T05:45:51.663687 |
361453.0 |
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |
1022 |
Historical Plans - Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme (SRO-001) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Damien Hassan |
2019-09-03T02:56:57.037637 |
2022-08-12T21:56:27.270419 |
Historical survey plans created by the Metropolitan Water Works Board (and successor departments) in preparation for a sewerage scheme for the Perth metropolitan area.
The original plans were transferred to the State Archives Collection in the 1980's and were digitised and geo-referenced between 2016-2019. |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/e773bb79-85f8-4c4d-b932-34599fddc8e0 |
Index Sheets to Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme Plans |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/e773bb79-85f8-4c4d-b932-34599fddc8e0/resource/f72b3ba3-e2b3-4171-a1f1-1de98a0edee1/download/index-sheets-to-metropolitan-sewerage-scheme-plans.pdf |
This document includes a grid map of the Perth metropolitan area, showing which Sewerage Plans are held by the State Records Office and are available through the RetroMaps site. |
2020-01-16T08:23:45.974272 |
2020-01-16T08:23:45.892461 |
14491411.0 |
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |
1023 |
Historical Plans - Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme (SRO-001) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Damien Hassan |
2019-09-03T02:56:57.037637 |
2022-08-12T21:56:27.270419 |
Historical survey plans created by the Metropolitan Water Works Board (and successor departments) in preparation for a sewerage scheme for the Perth metropolitan area.
The original plans were transferred to the State Archives Collection in the 1980's and were digitised and geo-referenced between 2016-2019. |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/e773bb79-85f8-4c4d-b932-34599fddc8e0 |
Date Range Information for Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme Plans |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/e773bb79-85f8-4c4d-b932-34599fddc8e0/resource/552e82eb-060a-4f63-8cca-c5a4264256eb/download/date-range-information-for-metropolitan-sewerage-scheme-plans.pdf |
This guide provides a chart that shows the number of sewerage plans prepared during each decade across the 20th Century and provides advice on how to establish the approximate date for undated plans. |
2020-02-03T03:25:26.367856 |
2020-02-03T03:25:26.220694 |
543034.0 |
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |
1024 |
Historical Plans - Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme (SRO-001) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Damien Hassan |
2019-09-03T02:56:57.037637 |
2022-08-12T21:56:27.270419 |
Historical survey plans created by the Metropolitan Water Works Board (and successor departments) in preparation for a sewerage scheme for the Perth metropolitan area.
The original plans were transferred to the State Archives Collection in the 1980's and were digitised and geo-referenced between 2016-2019. |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/e773bb79-85f8-4c4d-b932-34599fddc8e0 |
ArcGIS Server Map Service |
https://services.slip.wa.gov.au/public/rest/services/SLIP_Public_Services/Imagery_and_Maps/MapServer/182 |
API ArcGIS Server Map Service |
An ArcGIS Server Map Service offers access to a geographic dataset - such as a map or imagery - by providing a set of tiled images for use in web-based maps.
Depending on the capabilities enabled, this web service may also allow a client to dynamically draw, search, and query its features.
This service is aimed at advanced geographical information users, and will require access to geographical information system (GIS) software such as ArcGIS and QGIS. |
2020-03-31T23:14:33.039146 |
2020-02-27T00:00:00 |
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |
1025 |
Historical Plans - Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme (SRO-001) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Damien Hassan |
2019-09-03T02:56:57.037637 |
2022-08-12T21:56:27.270419 |
Historical survey plans created by the Metropolitan Water Works Board (and successor departments) in preparation for a sewerage scheme for the Perth metropolitan area.
The original plans were transferred to the State Archives Collection in the 1980's and were digitised and geo-referenced between 2016-2019. |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/e773bb79-85f8-4c4d-b932-34599fddc8e0 |
Web Mapping Service |
https://services.slip.wa.gov.au/public/services/SLIP_Public_Services/Imagery_and_Maps/MapServer/WMSServer |
Web Map Service (WMS) is a standard protocol for serving georeferenced map images over the internet that are generated by a map server using data from a GIS database.
WMS allows a user to spatially visualise the dataset, and query individual features, but does not allow downloading the raw data.
This service is aimed at advanced geographical information users, and will require access to geographical information system (GIS) software such as QGIS and ArcGIS. |
2020-12-08T00:09:03.016220 |
2020-02-27T00:00:00 |
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |
1026 |
Historical Plans - Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme (SRO-001) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Damien Hassan |
2019-09-03T02:56:57.037637 |
2022-08-12T21:56:27.270419 |
Historical survey plans created by the Metropolitan Water Works Board (and successor departments) in preparation for a sewerage scheme for the Perth metropolitan area.
The original plans were transferred to the State Archives Collection in the 1980's and were digitised and geo-referenced between 2016-2019. |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/e773bb79-85f8-4c4d-b932-34599fddc8e0 |
Historical Plans - Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme (19GB) |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/e773bb79-85f8-4c4d-b932-34599fddc8e0/resource/4dfcbd8d-fae7-4010-a377-30814d944217/download/srowa_series634_cons4156.tif |
This file comprises all historical Sewerage Scheme plans that are held by the State Records Office and are available for individual download through the [RetroMaps](https://mapping.sro.wa.gov.au/) site. |
2021-01-18T03:16:32.230550 |
20299206895.0 |
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |
1027 |
Perth Townsite 1838 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T05:29:19.782705 |
2022-05-25T14:59:11.603633 |
Perth 18. Plan from actual survey of Township of Perth showing Lots, Streets & Lakes bounded by Perth Water to South, Ellen Street to North, Mt Eliza to West & Swan River & Hierrisson Island to East. Drawn by A. C. Hillman, 1838 [scale: 10 chains to an inch]. |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/52713dfc-25df-4cd5-9361-40bddf8f2070 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/52713dfc-25df-4cd5-9361-40bddf8f2070/resource/af307237-a6d7-4f01-978e-bc3a10459f89/download/series235_cons3868_item288.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:19:01.142142 |
68818944.0 |
1028 |
Perth Townsite 1838 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T05:29:19.782705 |
2022-05-25T14:59:11.603633 |
Perth 18. Plan from actual survey of Township of Perth showing Lots, Streets & Lakes bounded by Perth Water to South, Ellen Street to North, Mt Eliza to West & Swan River & Hierrisson Island to East. Drawn by A. C. Hillman, 1838 [scale: 10 chains to an inch]. |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/52713dfc-25df-4cd5-9361-40bddf8f2070 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/52713dfc-25df-4cd5-9361-40bddf8f2070/resource/839f2484-2b0b-4b3c-9a62-b6beaea5b8a6/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:36:31.581561 |
2022-03-15T01:36:31.462341 |
1029 |
1955 Perth Land Use |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T01:12:31.130959 |
2022-05-25T14:59:12.193222 |
Plan for the Metropolitan Region 1955 Atlas by Gordon Stephenson and J.A. Hepburn; Plate 8 "Land Use Survey" |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/b1c0a0a6-b9d2-47df-a8cc-eefa9d2dfa72 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/b1c0a0a6-b9d2-47df-a8cc-eefa9d2dfa72/resource/c00ab401-f86d-4b6e-9c0f-3cd7c8658d1b/download/plate8complete_geo.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T05:13:15.984723 |
7267569.0 |
1030 |
1955 Perth Land Use |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T01:12:31.130959 |
2022-05-25T14:59:12.193222 |
Plan for the Metropolitan Region 1955 Atlas by Gordon Stephenson and J.A. Hepburn; Plate 8 "Land Use Survey" |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/b1c0a0a6-b9d2-47df-a8cc-eefa9d2dfa72 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/b1c0a0a6-b9d2-47df-a8cc-eefa9d2dfa72/resource/556932fe-cb83-407a-abd0-daa2c1c09f44/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:09:46.124821 |
2022-03-15T01:09:46.021863 |
1031 |
Index to Western Australian group settlement information |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
sro@sro.wa.gov.au |
2017-06-01T06:38:01.617882 |
2022-05-25T14:59:12.668155 |
Spreadsheet linking data relating to group settlements in south west Western Australia from the State Records Office of Western Australia and the National Archives of Australia |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/69bcdc4e-0025-4600-b5d4-a71a46a87b51 |
Index to group settlements in WA |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/69bcdc4e-0025-4600-b5d4-a71a46a87b51/resource/12ea1737-0e52-4aba-9274-fd892e5c46b0/download/gp-settlements.csv |
Identifies group number, date established and SROWA and NAA related records |
2017-06-01T16:39:17.820034 |
2017-06-01T06:39:17.736820 |
1032 |
State Archives online catalogue |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
2017-03-09T03:41:23.165381 |
2022-05-25T14:59:13.124123 |
The State Records Office is responsible for the State Archive Collection, the largest archival collection in Western Australia and one of the most important historical and cultural resources belonging to the people of this state. Material in the collection has been identified as having enduring value to the state and community of Western Australia, and includes records from state and local government, courts, police, Royal Commissions and government Ministers.
The catalogue follows national and international |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/be28f52b-52e9-4d2e-a5ff-27aa1716a903 |
State Archive Collection |
https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/ |
Website |
Online catalogue for the Western Australian State Archive collection. Items can be identified by searching on terms in the file or item title or series (archival description), by organisation or people, or by government function. The catalogue uses Boolean search term to refine searches, such as AND, OR, NOT. |
2017-03-09T03:45:16.841621 |
1033 |
Fremantle Townsite 1844 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T05:15:04.973433 |
2022-05-25T14:59:13.575606 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 126
Fremantle 19R. Plan of the Town of Fremantle, Western Australia. As marked out on the ground in 1844 by Chauncy Fieldbook 8 [scale: 40 chains to 1 inch, Tally No. 005692].
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/9a812b37-fa93-485c-ae60-96a2861d8445 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/9a812b37-fa93-485c-ae60-96a2861d8445/resource/0dbc8093-ed4b-4527-a652-dddb361d5276/download/series235_cons3868_item126.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:22:48.910969 |
78833376.0 |
1034 |
Fremantle Townsite 1844 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T05:15:04.973433 |
2022-05-25T14:59:13.575606 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 126
Fremantle 19R. Plan of the Town of Fremantle, Western Australia. As marked out on the ground in 1844 by Chauncy Fieldbook 8 [scale: 40 chains to 1 inch, Tally No. 005692].
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/9a812b37-fa93-485c-ae60-96a2861d8445 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/9a812b37-fa93-485c-ae60-96a2861d8445/resource/f46763a1-9531-484a-b909-fb84f702ec96/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:35:05.955879 |
2022-03-15T01:35:05.830590 |
1035 |
Western & Central Australia 1862 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T05:34:09.153873 |
2022-05-25T14:59:14.095370 |
AU WA S50- cons3423 094A - Australia from surveys made by Order of the British Government (et alia), John Arrowsmith, London, 1862 [Office record with explorer's routes marked to 1874]. |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/52ede330-18dd-40ea-be2e-75026fd4a7b5 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/52ede330-18dd-40ea-be2e-75026fd4a7b5/resource/b39b19a5-f56a-4044-bc5e-81911ea40605/download/series50_cons3423_item094a.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:12:32.988233 |
55502544.0 |
1036 |
Western & Central Australia 1862 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T05:34:09.153873 |
2022-05-25T14:59:14.095370 |
AU WA S50- cons3423 094A - Australia from surveys made by Order of the British Government (et alia), John Arrowsmith, London, 1862 [Office record with explorer's routes marked to 1874]. |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/52ede330-18dd-40ea-be2e-75026fd4a7b5 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/52ede330-18dd-40ea-be2e-75026fd4a7b5/resource/cb9eed1f-7454-4b15-a8b9-aa7f96381a05/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:36:56.710202 |
2022-03-15T01:36:56.655127 |
1037 |
1955 Perth Central Area Development |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T01:20:48.704735 |
2022-05-25T14:59:14.543049 |
Plan for the Metropolitan Region 1955 Atlas by Gordon Stephenson and J.A. Hepburn; Plate 14 "Perth Central Area Development Proposals" |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/e09efc5b-6ced-4020-9159-8a04d9afc7a1 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/e09efc5b-6ced-4020-9159-8a04d9afc7a1/resource/74b2d4c6-0c32-4710-a67c-ca5c3f3ae0dd/download/plate14_geo.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T05:11:11.183795 |
3129027.0 |
1038 |
Geolocation index for WA townsite plans - AU WA S2168 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2017-06-01T04:26:54.360060 |
2022-05-25T14:59:14.998365 |
Geolocation and other data for townsite plans transcribed from _"Cancelled public plans" and related plans of Western Australia 1865 - 1987. An inventory and catalogue edited by A.Mali with the support of of the Department of Land Administration of Western Australia_
( Townsite plans - https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/townsite-plans-s2168) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/7a4f046f-9b1d-4faa-9d42-7f229ca3b5a4 |
Townsite index |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/7a4f046f-9b1d-4faa-9d42-7f229ca3b5a4/resource/19d31ed3-cbd5-496b-bd4e-7862690e82bf/download/maps-of-wa-townsites-parts-1-2.csv |
2017-06-01T16:19:51.089202 |
2017-06-01T06:19:51.045417 |
Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 |
1039 |
Early Townsite of Geraldton 1863-66 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:45:05.433734 |
2022-05-25T14:59:15.919657 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 137
Geraldton 7. Geraldton, includes town lots, suburban lots and quarries [scale: 80 chains to 1 inch, Tally No. 005696].
[Further Information (State Records Office)](http://aeon.sro.wa.gov.au/Investigator/Details/Item_Detail.asp?Entity=Global&Search=Geraldton%207.%20Geraldton%2C%20includ&Op=All&Page=1&Id=4842831&SearchPage=Global) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/81937fcd-d171-40cf-a760-6441b5496099 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/81937fcd-d171-40cf-a760-6441b5496099/resource/08d50a88-b2ed-4725-ac8a-ea69d38d8e06/download/series235_cons3868_item137.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:35:32.535667 |
77992449.0 |
1040 |
Early Townsite of Geraldton 1863-66 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:45:05.433734 |
2022-05-25T14:59:15.919657 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 137
Geraldton 7. Geraldton, includes town lots, suburban lots and quarries [scale: 80 chains to 1 inch, Tally No. 005696].
[Further Information (State Records Office)](http://aeon.sro.wa.gov.au/Investigator/Details/Item_Detail.asp?Entity=Global&Search=Geraldton%207.%20Geraldton%2C%20includ&Op=All&Page=1&Id=4842831&SearchPage=Global) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/81937fcd-d171-40cf-a760-6441b5496099 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/81937fcd-d171-40cf-a760-6441b5496099/resource/3f75ec64-1575-46fb-ae83-9067cb4b1cf9/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:26:55.918503 |
2022-03-15T01:26:55.861555 |
1041 |
Early Townsite of Collie 1899 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:21:27.309870 |
2022-05-25T14:59:15.447481 |
AU WA S235-cons3868 072 Collie 155/1. Collie. John Ewing [scale: 10 chains to 1 inch].
[Further Information (State Records Office)] |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/f7dda3d2-be06-4f3b-9169-7bc406fe6432 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/f7dda3d2-be06-4f3b-9169-7bc406fe6432/resource/398f4d8f-f3e1-4c8c-987b-77ab29af8470/download/series235_cons3868_item072.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:47:39.447913 |
72258999.0 |
1042 |
Early Townsite of Collie 1899 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:21:27.309870 |
2022-05-25T14:59:15.447481 |
AU WA S235-cons3868 072 Collie 155/1. Collie. John Ewing [scale: 10 chains to 1 inch].
[Further Information (State Records Office)] |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/f7dda3d2-be06-4f3b-9169-7bc406fe6432 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/f7dda3d2-be06-4f3b-9169-7bc406fe6432/resource/a8cba575-6bf1-49b5-be81-77627748a54a/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:24:03.676791 |
2022-03-15T01:24:03.562736 |
1043 |
Perth Townsite 1845 (Perth Lakes Cross-Section Survey) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T05:32:18.162843 |
2022-05-25T14:59:16.420647 |
AU WA S235- 296
Perth 18E. Plan of Perth Townsite showing Lots & Streets between Melbourne Street, Trafalgar Road & Causeway - position of Lakes Henderson, Irwin Kingsford & Sutherland. A. Hillman, Assistant Surveyor, 1845. J.S. Roe 1834 and M Fox [scale: 6 chains to an inch, Tally No. 005757]. |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/2a178a88-eefe-48e6-8a83-805ccf46930d |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/2a178a88-eefe-48e6-8a83-805ccf46930d/resource/721a8532-000b-45ad-8c1d-2b68154d46a4/download/series234_cons3844_item243.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:16:55.415359 |
42335118.0 |
1044 |
Perth Townsite 1845 (Perth Lakes Cross-Section Survey) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T05:32:18.162843 |
2022-05-25T14:59:16.420647 |
AU WA S235- 296
Perth 18E. Plan of Perth Townsite showing Lots & Streets between Melbourne Street, Trafalgar Road & Causeway - position of Lakes Henderson, Irwin Kingsford & Sutherland. A. Hillman, Assistant Surveyor, 1845. J.S. Roe 1834 and M Fox [scale: 6 chains to an inch, Tally No. 005757]. |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/2a178a88-eefe-48e6-8a83-805ccf46930d |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/2a178a88-eefe-48e6-8a83-805ccf46930d/resource/32c370ca-80cb-4d7d-860b-2b04a98f54d9/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:35:54.881322 |
2022-03-15T01:35:54.821646 |
1045 |
Garden Island to Port Leschenault - Bunbury 1829 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T05:21:06.448063 |
2022-05-25T14:59:16.920183 |
Chart of coast between Garden Island and Port Leschenault by Lt. W. Preston by A. Hillman [Tally No. 005052].
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S234 - SURVEY PLANS - HISTORIC](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/survey-plans-historic-s234) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/813f41d4-f4dc-4cf6-ac8a-5aa7efc3f0b0 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/813f41d4-f4dc-4cf6-ac8a-5aa7efc3f0b0/resource/955257f7-255d-405c-b9bc-abe242f4aedf/download/series234_cons3844_item267.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:20:01.225899 |
56427279.0 |
1046 |
Garden Island to Port Leschenault - Bunbury 1829 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T05:21:06.448063 |
2022-05-25T14:59:16.920183 |
Chart of coast between Garden Island and Port Leschenault by Lt. W. Preston by A. Hillman [Tally No. 005052].
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S234 - SURVEY PLANS - HISTORIC](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/survey-plans-historic-s234) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/813f41d4-f4dc-4cf6-ac8a-5aa7efc3f0b0 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/813f41d4-f4dc-4cf6-ac8a-5aa7efc3f0b0/resource/9b1beb9b-e17d-42d8-af43-73c523a8fc34/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:35:31.162170 |
2022-03-15T01:35:31.098375 |
1047 |
Bunbury Townsite 1849 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T02:29:19.160662 |
2022-05-25T14:59:18.738647 |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/449a6d26-bab9-44d8-a180-982f4deff277 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/449a6d26-bab9-44d8-a180-982f4deff277/resource/e21ec383-60da-4f25-96eb-1df7cc615306/download/series235_cons3868_item055.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T05:07:46.765537 |
82579224.0 |
1048 |
Bunbury Townsite 1849 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T02:29:19.160662 |
2022-05-25T14:59:18.738647 |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/449a6d26-bab9-44d8-a180-982f4deff277 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/449a6d26-bab9-44d8-a180-982f4deff277/resource/4366faa2-036c-4a09-b82e-e48b2145957e/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:12:32.447637 |
2022-03-15T01:12:32.376053 |
1049 |
1955 Perth Central Area Land Use |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T01:17:27.962253 |
2022-05-25T14:59:19.287443 |
Plan for the Metropolitan Region 1955 Atlas by Gordon Stephenson and J.A. Hepburn; Plate 10 "Perth Central Area Land Use" |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/545529d9-7ac2-4329-b371-af67cac964c6 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/545529d9-7ac2-4329-b371-af67cac964c6/resource/a551d357-6941-477b-9623-084d21931b08/download/plate10_geo.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T05:12:14.988333 |
9375999.0 |
1050 |
1955 Perth Central Area Land Use |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T01:17:27.962253 |
2022-05-25T14:59:19.287443 |
Plan for the Metropolitan Region 1955 Atlas by Gordon Stephenson and J.A. Hepburn; Plate 10 "Perth Central Area Land Use" |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/545529d9-7ac2-4329-b371-af67cac964c6 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/545529d9-7ac2-4329-b371-af67cac964c6/resource/e2944741-e20e-44fa-9b32-292ef2b32b6b/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:08:24.258261 |
2022-03-15T01:08:24.204367 |
1051 |
Albany 1834 (Early Townsite of Albany & Environs) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T01:29:10.336174 |
2022-05-25T14:59:17.409958 |
AU WA S241- cons3850 08
Map of Albany and its environs, drawn and reduced from R Clint's survey by W K Shenton, 28 August 1834.
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S241 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s241) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/e7e913ce-192d-4acc-b151-23d6657c2228 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/e7e913ce-192d-4acc-b151-23d6657c2228/resource/a6f4480d-3f6a-47b6-bd17-f140daaeddf0/download/series241_cons3850_item08.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T05:10:29.258354 |
62678589.0 |
1052 |
Albany 1834 (Early Townsite of Albany & Environs) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T01:29:10.336174 |
2022-05-25T14:59:17.409958 |
AU WA S241- cons3850 08
Map of Albany and its environs, drawn and reduced from R Clint's survey by W K Shenton, 28 August 1834.
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S241 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s241) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/e7e913ce-192d-4acc-b151-23d6657c2228 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/e7e913ce-192d-4acc-b151-23d6657c2228/resource/2e658921-a0c1-4d9d-9998-6278b842933c/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:10:43.002317 |
2022-03-15T01:10:42.925776 |
1053 |
Early Townsite of Busselton 1835 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:16:39.865854 |
2022-05-25T14:59:19.757960 |
AU WA S235-cons3868 057 Busselton 27. Plan of the Townsite of Busselton by H. M. Ommanney, Assistant Surveyor.
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/32cd8e67-0362-4b09-a4e5-5ed02098b421 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/32cd8e67-0362-4b09-a4e5-5ed02098b421/resource/6ecad065-07d0-4a78-b4dc-b140a05e7ca2/download/series235_cons3868_item057.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:51:15.556643 |
85242489.0 |
1054 |
Early Townsite of Busselton 1835 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:16:39.865854 |
2022-05-25T14:59:19.757960 |
AU WA S235-cons3868 057 Busselton 27. Plan of the Townsite of Busselton by H. M. Ommanney, Assistant Surveyor.
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/32cd8e67-0362-4b09-a4e5-5ed02098b421 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/32cd8e67-0362-4b09-a4e5-5ed02098b421/resource/da2be8ac-a8cf-49ab-9c5c-8519df399eec/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:20:31.047052 |
2022-03-15T01:20:30.938896 |
1055 |
1955 Perth Development Proposals |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T01:14:25.696606 |
2022-05-25T14:59:18.318996 |
Plan for the Metropolitan Region 1955 Atlas by Gordon Stephenson and J.A. Hepburn; Plate 9 "Development Proposals" |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/3449c73d-b79e-4e72-a52b-b12224b6d376 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/3449c73d-b79e-4e72-a52b-b12224b6d376/resource/b5bedd3c-e5fc-4cba-8c48-6ba9099266b1/download/plate9complete_geo.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T05:12:43.591028 |
5886609.0 |
1056 |
1955 Perth Development Proposals |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T01:14:25.696606 |
2022-05-25T14:59:18.318996 |
Plan for the Metropolitan Region 1955 Atlas by Gordon Stephenson and J.A. Hepburn; Plate 9 "Development Proposals" |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/3449c73d-b79e-4e72-a52b-b12224b6d376 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/3449c73d-b79e-4e72-a52b-b12224b6d376/resource/923b4af4-5e43-48c1-b10d-3d6ae2e19332/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:09:23.930502 |
2022-03-15T01:09:23.845445 |
1057 |
Australind Townsite 1841 (Australind Town Plan) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T02:14:42.285715 |
2022-05-25T14:59:17.854189 |
AU WA S235-cons3868 020
Australind 5/1. Plan of the intended Town of Australind as finally arranged by M. Walter Clifton Esq., FRS. [Tally No. 005627].
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/450ccc91-b399-4ba4-b0a2-ae78ef76b0e5 |
Imagery New |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/450ccc91-b399-4ba4-b0a2-ae78ef76b0e5/resource/10248298-e324-4a4e-bb90-893428f320a5/download/series235_cons3868_item020.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T05:08:35.930612 |
44393199.0 |
1058 |
Australind Townsite 1841 (Australind Town Plan) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T02:14:42.285715 |
2022-05-25T14:59:17.854189 |
AU WA S235-cons3868 020
Australind 5/1. Plan of the intended Town of Australind as finally arranged by M. Walter Clifton Esq., FRS. [Tally No. 005627].
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/450ccc91-b399-4ba4-b0a2-ae78ef76b0e5 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/450ccc91-b399-4ba4-b0a2-ae78ef76b0e5/resource/355bc3ee-2aaf-4b33-a9e7-536c2e3d7884/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:11:54.340995 |
2022-03-15T01:11:54.261724 |
1059 |
Fremantle Town Plan 1833.img |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T05:17:01.444780 |
2022-05-25T14:59:20.829437 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 109
Fremantle 19. Part of Fremantle showing some additional allotments shaded blue which are submitted by the Surveyor General for approval of the Lieutenant Governor. W. K. Shenton [scale: 2 chains to 1 inch].
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/81490ab9-c572-4a15-9d51-87b3a14ea5e3 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/81490ab9-c572-4a15-9d51-87b3a14ea5e3/resource/e7937a4a-cca1-4eec-8c25-4590c959891f/download/fremantle-town-plan-1833.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:21:27.717176 |
70249227.0 |
1060 |
Fremantle Town Plan 1833.img |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T05:17:01.444780 |
2022-05-25T14:59:20.829437 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 109
Fremantle 19. Part of Fremantle showing some additional allotments shaded blue which are submitted by the Surveyor General for approval of the Lieutenant Governor. W. K. Shenton [scale: 2 chains to 1 inch].
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/81490ab9-c572-4a15-9d51-87b3a14ea5e3 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/81490ab9-c572-4a15-9d51-87b3a14ea5e3/resource/43dd5609-46c3-47a5-b82c-e58b9acaddfb/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:34:23.931755 |
2022-03-15T01:34:23.865083 |
1061 |
Early Townsite of Bridgetown 1896 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T03:22:45.076316 |
2022-05-25T14:59:21.250777 |
AU WA S235-cons3868 043
Bridgetown 26/6. Townsite of Bridgetown (Lots to the South and S. West of Townsite). Compiled by Hogarth.
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/50be185f-da00-4d70-aafc-e7fe9b9ffc34 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/50be185f-da00-4d70-aafc-e7fe9b9ffc34/resource/6efbb406-3a67-4a39-a9be-df6eafa704d0/download/series235_cons3868_item043.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T05:03:14.006376 |
84058809.0 |
1062 |
Early Townsite of Bridgetown 1896 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T03:22:45.076316 |
2022-05-25T14:59:21.250777 |
AU WA S235-cons3868 043
Bridgetown 26/6. Townsite of Bridgetown (Lots to the South and S. West of Townsite). Compiled by Hogarth.
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/50be185f-da00-4d70-aafc-e7fe9b9ffc34 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/50be185f-da00-4d70-aafc-e7fe9b9ffc34/resource/430677a2-e130-444e-9257-7756970daef7/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:18:24.005576 |
2022-03-15T01:18:23.872991 |
1063 |
Early Townsite of Hannans Find - Kalgoorlie 1894 (Kalgoorlie Town Plan) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:46:50.065125 |
2022-05-25T14:59:23.963503 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 185
Kalgoorlie 77. Plan of Hannans Find (later changed to Kalgoorlie) Lots 1 to 110. G. Claude Hamilton, 30/07/1894. [scale: 2 chains to an inch]. (2220 KB)
[Further Information (State Records Office)](http://aeon.sro.wa.gov.au/Investigator/Simple_Search/Global_List.asp?Entity=Global&Search=Kalgoorlie%2077.%20Plan%20of%20Hannans&Op=All&Page=1) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/dffc2d49-6db0-45b6-b599-e4ecb74a5626 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/dffc2d49-6db0-45b6-b599-e4ecb74a5626/resource/92c22f9c-d813-46e8-bd31-ef369823f24e/download/series235_cons3868_item185.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:34:34.208199 |
38018589.0 |
1064 |
Early Townsite of Hannans Find - Kalgoorlie 1894 (Kalgoorlie Town Plan) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:46:50.065125 |
2022-05-25T14:59:23.963503 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 185
Kalgoorlie 77. Plan of Hannans Find (later changed to Kalgoorlie) Lots 1 to 110. G. Claude Hamilton, 30/07/1894. [scale: 2 chains to an inch]. (2220 KB)
[Further Information (State Records Office)](http://aeon.sro.wa.gov.au/Investigator/Simple_Search/Global_List.asp?Entity=Global&Search=Kalgoorlie%2077.%20Plan%20of%20Hannans&Op=All&Page=1) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/dffc2d49-6db0-45b6-b599-e4ecb74a5626 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/dffc2d49-6db0-45b6-b599-e4ecb74a5626/resource/bd8ecc13-a61c-4d6d-b01f-8785f9e6a890/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:27:31.172203 |
2022-03-15T01:27:31.124938 |
1065 |
Early Townsite of Dongara 1896 (Port Denison Town Plan) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:41:51.142204 |
2022-05-25T14:59:21.736652 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 098
Dongara 8. Dongara, as marked on the ground [scale: 4 chains to 1 inch, Tally No. 005672].
[Further Information (State Records Office)] |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/3e30382d-6937-4eb2-a5d0-52eed573b44c |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/3e30382d-6937-4eb2-a5d0-52eed573b44c/resource/d8ec7f4b-e16e-4c44-8453-e675da481673/download/series235_cons3868_item098.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:42:03.222542 |
68461359.0 |
1066 |
Early Townsite of Dongara 1896 (Port Denison Town Plan) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:41:51.142204 |
2022-05-25T14:59:21.736652 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 098
Dongara 8. Dongara, as marked on the ground [scale: 4 chains to 1 inch, Tally No. 005672].
[Further Information (State Records Office)] |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/3e30382d-6937-4eb2-a5d0-52eed573b44c |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/3e30382d-6937-4eb2-a5d0-52eed573b44c/resource/962be612-8c85-4303-bb0a-2287184c48ae/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:25:08.342969 |
2022-03-15T01:25:08.300303 |
1067 |
Arthur's Head Landuse Capability Survey, Fremantle 1838 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T02:12:55.037566 |
2022-05-25T14:59:20.280698 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 112
Fremantle 19C. Plan of Arthur's Head showing the improvements made by Fremantle Whaling Company surveyed by A. Hillman, 1838 [scale: 1 chain to 1 inch, Tally No. 005681].
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/a64bda31-798c-4f86-b763-b728771e94b0 |
Imagery New |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/a64bda31-798c-4f86-b763-b728771e94b0/resource/c1326c71-2424-49fd-8a2f-56cefdd5b26b/download/series235_cons3868_item112.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T05:09:19.483428 |
48166179.0 |
1068 |
Arthur's Head Landuse Capability Survey, Fremantle 1838 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T02:12:55.037566 |
2022-05-25T14:59:20.280698 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 112
Fremantle 19C. Plan of Arthur's Head showing the improvements made by Fremantle Whaling Company surveyed by A. Hillman, 1838 [scale: 1 chain to 1 inch, Tally No. 005681].
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/a64bda31-798c-4f86-b763-b728771e94b0 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/a64bda31-798c-4f86-b763-b728771e94b0/resource/540fbb17-f3d6-401f-9d3f-6aae9a3109b5/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:11:22.880768 |
2022-03-15T01:11:22.833620 |
1069 |
1955 Perth Central Area Land Zoning |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T01:19:06.485834 |
2022-05-25T14:59:23.471751 |
Plan for the Metropolitan Region 1955 Atlas by Gordon Stephenson and J.A. Hepburn; Plate 11 "Perth Central Area Zoning Proposals" |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/698c7eff-7aa9-4659-b6bd-5e4db9e180c5 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/698c7eff-7aa9-4659-b6bd-5e4db9e180c5/resource/3fe60b2b-4d90-4177-8f48-d7b8056d4f82/download/plate11_geo.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T05:11:45.430931 |
9782889.0 |
1070 |
1955 Perth Central Area Land Zoning |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T01:19:06.485834 |
2022-05-25T14:59:23.471751 |
Plan for the Metropolitan Region 1955 Atlas by Gordon Stephenson and J.A. Hepburn; Plate 11 "Perth Central Area Zoning Proposals" |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/698c7eff-7aa9-4659-b6bd-5e4db9e180c5 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/698c7eff-7aa9-4659-b6bd-5e4db9e180c5/resource/49f3352b-379d-47eb-afeb-db8bc37ad7f9/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:08:50.906534 |
2022-03-15T01:08:50.804411 |
1071 |
Early Townsite of Coolgardie 1898 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:23:29.884394 |
2022-05-25T14:59:23.068457 |
AU WA S235-cons3868 079
Coolgardie 76/2. Coolgardie townsite. R. Gledden, G. C. Hamilton, J. O. Oxley [scale: 3 chains to 1 inch].
[Further Information (State Records Office)] |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/eb962469-98d7-4222-9b9e-a4fe5d957019 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/eb962469-98d7-4222-9b9e-a4fe5d957019/resource/bea49fc1-2d64-4cb6-bc71-5b9e007bf95e/download/series235_cons3868_item079.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:46:28.616631 |
78830889.0 |
1072 |
Early Townsite of Coolgardie 1898 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:23:29.884394 |
2022-05-25T14:59:23.068457 |
AU WA S235-cons3868 079
Coolgardie 76/2. Coolgardie townsite. R. Gledden, G. C. Hamilton, J. O. Oxley [scale: 3 chains to 1 inch].
[Further Information (State Records Office)] |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/eb962469-98d7-4222-9b9e-a4fe5d957019 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/eb962469-98d7-4222-9b9e-a4fe5d957019/resource/09bf40b7-3daa-4d73-9f5a-59455cd6d331/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:24:37.713263 |
2022-03-15T01:24:37.593632 |
1073 |
Early Townsite of Narrogin 1889 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:53:15.782529 |
2022-05-25T14:59:25.513006 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 261
Narrogin 160. Plan of Narrogin Townsite showing Streets, watercourse, Narrogin Pool, Great Southern Railway, Good Shed and yard sidings by Charles R. Fenwick dated 1889 [scale: 3 chains to an inch].
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/9bc84957-f998-4b77-a037-2a0a40a974dc |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/9bc84957-f998-4b77-a037-2a0a40a974dc/resource/a0068eab-10a6-4864-a157-07664753f5fc/download/series235_cons3868_item261.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:30:40.602256 |
59398809.0 |
1074 |
Early Townsite of Narrogin 1889 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:53:15.782529 |
2022-05-25T14:59:25.513006 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 261
Narrogin 160. Plan of Narrogin Townsite showing Streets, watercourse, Narrogin Pool, Great Southern Railway, Good Shed and yard sidings by Charles R. Fenwick dated 1889 [scale: 3 chains to an inch].
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/9bc84957-f998-4b77-a037-2a0a40a974dc |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/9bc84957-f998-4b77-a037-2a0a40a974dc/resource/69a95dbf-12ff-4ca6-b984-0acbb55c44a9/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:29:57.208578 |
2022-03-15T01:29:57.154339 |
1075 |
Early Townsite of Augusta 1834 (Survey Map of Augusta) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T03:02:16.003184 |
2022-05-25T14:59:25.032278 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 016
Augusta 28. Augusta. Survey of west side of River. A. Hillman [Tally No. 005621].
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/179f2b08-b70d-43a2-90ad-b0e530b86797 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/179f2b08-b70d-43a2-90ad-b0e530b86797/resource/25b88479-bb9a-41e5-899a-501c89f2ef8f/download/series235_cons3868_item016.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T05:06:09.578271 |
60779769.0 |
1076 |
Early Townsite of Augusta 1834 (Survey Map of Augusta) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T03:02:16.003184 |
2022-05-25T14:59:25.032278 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 016
Augusta 28. Augusta. Survey of west side of River. A. Hillman [Tally No. 005621].
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/179f2b08-b70d-43a2-90ad-b0e530b86797 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/179f2b08-b70d-43a2-90ad-b0e530b86797/resource/921e6f25-40e2-4b1f-ac58-9ad3615bd0b8/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:16:57.283638 |
2022-03-15T01:16:57.222223 |
1077 |
Historical index to government entities |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2017-06-01T08:30:23.055707 |
2022-05-25T14:59:22.157004 |
Listing of government entities identified in the State archives collection |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/6a3df6d1-f889-4059-892f-a335af6e1cc3 |
Agency index |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/6a3df6d1-f889-4059-892f-a335af6e1cc3/resource/89911fd3-075c-4b5b-82ce-dae1b53ad3b1/download/government-entities-identified-by-srowa.csv |
2017-06-01T18:30:47.628843 |
2017-06-01T08:30:47.579452 |
Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 |
1078 |
Zotero for archive.sro.wa.gov.au |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
sro@sro.wa.gov.au |
2017-07-27T07:09:41.639384 |
2022-05-25T14:59:30.294103 |
Code for a zotero translator for the State Records Office of Western Australia's archive catalogue. |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/55112b78-d248-4974-af49-1c56ba6d4933 |
zotero-for-archive-sro-wa-gov-au |
https://gist.github.com/anonymous/6e588852dc0a22577934fed23e37e795 |
app |
Zotero is free software, created by the Roy Rosenzweig Centre for History and New Media at George Mason University. Using Zotero allows researchers to prepopulate footnotes, endnotes and bibliographies. The SROWA implementation will enable researchers to create metadata for archival resources that can be amended for a range of citation standards and journals. |
2017-07-27T17:13:51.125156 |
Custom (Other) |
1079 |
Early Townsite of Beverley 1860s |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T03:20:55.316986 |
2022-05-25T14:59:24.508122 |
Beverley 15/2. Beverley - coloured working plan, G. Roe.
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/3622a014-1805-447e-a5d2-64ecc8283681 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/3622a014-1805-447e-a5d2-64ecc8283681/resource/5103a241-d0d5-4d1f-8ce2-7e5445aba6d6/download/series235_cons3868_item027.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T05:04:12.696548 |
139617789.0 |
1080 |
Early Townsite of Beverley 1860s |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T03:20:55.316986 |
2022-05-25T14:59:24.508122 |
Beverley 15/2. Beverley - coloured working plan, G. Roe.
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/3622a014-1805-447e-a5d2-64ecc8283681 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/3622a014-1805-447e-a5d2-64ecc8283681/resource/9d53db54-fb85-4f94-ae1c-43caf31a5b46/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:17:44.140222 |
2022-03-15T01:17:44.092376 |
1081 |
Early Townsite of Ravensthorpe 1900 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T05:09:45.022839 |
2022-05-25T14:59:22.610141 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 370
Ravensthorpe 211. Plan of Ravensthorpe Townsite (Phillips River Goldfield) showing Lots 1-157 and Lots 382-429 [scale: 2 chains to an inch].
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/c617a1d4-72a4-438c-a8d0-212dd7f4c443 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/c617a1d4-72a4-438c-a8d0-212dd7f4c443/resource/3609ebcb-a831-486d-82cd-350e421fc8e0/download/series235_con3868_item370.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:26:14.385117 |
68375049.0 |
1082 |
Early Townsite of Ravensthorpe 1900 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T05:09:45.022839 |
2022-05-25T14:59:22.610141 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 370
Ravensthorpe 211. Plan of Ravensthorpe Townsite (Phillips River Goldfield) showing Lots 1-157 and Lots 382-429 [scale: 2 chains to an inch].
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/c617a1d4-72a4-438c-a8d0-212dd7f4c443 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/c617a1d4-72a4-438c-a8d0-212dd7f4c443/resource/147c73cf-419d-4db4-baae-004b0f379fb3/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:32:12.915025 |
2022-03-15T01:32:12.833616 |
1083 |
Early Townsite of Northam 1871 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:59:19.885125 |
2022-05-25T14:59:28.836348 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 270
Northam 13. Compilation Plan of Northam Townsite showing the Avon and Mortlock Rivers by C.H. Roe. Various Lots by F.T. Gregory and others. [scale: 8 chains to an inch, Tally No. 005739].
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/a94f8aab-bb79-4575-992a-215910d15091 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/a94f8aab-bb79-4575-992a-215910d15091/resource/6df774ed-96e0-4b03-8630-3086ed3e88a6/download/series235_cons3868_item270.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:29:15.352807 |
125487609.0 |
1084 |
Early Townsite of Northam 1871 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:59:19.885125 |
2022-05-25T14:59:28.836348 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 270
Northam 13. Compilation Plan of Northam Townsite showing the Avon and Mortlock Rivers by C.H. Roe. Various Lots by F.T. Gregory and others. [scale: 8 chains to an inch, Tally No. 005739].
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/a94f8aab-bb79-4575-992a-215910d15091 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/a94f8aab-bb79-4575-992a-215910d15091/resource/d58f174a-215f-4177-866e-918a16d344c7/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:30:50.044425 |
2022-03-15T01:30:50.002614 |
1085 |
Early Townsite of Toodyay 1852 (Town Plan) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Landgate |
2016-01-20T05:11:45.392099 |
2022-05-25T14:59:29.866543 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 400
Toodyay (Newcastle) 12. Plan of Toodyay Townsite by F.T. Gregory 1852, W. Phelps 1859/1860, by C. Evans 1861 and unsigned [scale: 4 chains to an inch, Tally No. 005855].
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/88b6de29-bcb0-4c9a-9eb8-64fc51a6803e |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/88b6de29-bcb0-4c9a-9eb8-64fc51a6803e/resource/f259fbcb-06c0-4aaa-b303-3175c92c45ab/download/series235_con3868_item400.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:25:11.417627 |
130518249.0 |
1086 |
Early Townsite of Toodyay 1852 (Town Plan) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Landgate |
2016-01-20T05:11:45.392099 |
2022-05-25T14:59:29.866543 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 400
Toodyay (Newcastle) 12. Plan of Toodyay Townsite by F.T. Gregory 1852, W. Phelps 1859/1860, by C. Evans 1861 and unsigned [scale: 4 chains to an inch, Tally No. 005855].
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/88b6de29-bcb0-4c9a-9eb8-64fc51a6803e |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/88b6de29-bcb0-4c9a-9eb8-64fc51a6803e/resource/3f18cfbd-e754-4ddf-b99e-58ac77351441/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:32:59.712832 |
2022-03-15T01:32:59.628313 |
1087 |
Early Townsite of Broome |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T03:55:44.799322 |
2022-05-25T14:59:26.959271 |
Broome 36. Townsite of Broome. J. S. Brooking.
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/3b54c5fb-b4b6-4cc3-a0a5-9f98630013f6 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/3b54c5fb-b4b6-4cc3-a0a5-9f98630013f6/resource/1003a697-79d1-4db1-b705-14b0347aca8a/download/series235_cons3868_item049.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:52:07.425601 |
82875129.0 |
1088 |
Early Townsite of Broome |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T03:55:44.799322 |
2022-05-25T14:59:26.959271 |
Broome 36. Townsite of Broome. J. S. Brooking.
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/3b54c5fb-b4b6-4cc3-a0a5-9f98630013f6 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/3b54c5fb-b4b6-4cc3-a0a5-9f98630013f6/resource/d7153329-435f-412b-89a3-9476ee230f80/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:19:57.471219 |
2022-03-15T01:19:57.404316 |
1089 |
Early Townsite of Albany |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T02:49:17.496572 |
2022-05-25T14:59:26.024814 |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/33ae82e2-b0c5-4cf8-9bef-a05d5e2fbc23 |
Imagery New |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/33ae82e2-b0c5-4cf8-9bef-a05d5e2fbc23/resource/970ad287-7bf5-455b-994d-c7d764355532/download/series235_cons3868_item001.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T05:06:51.790568 |
71346594.0 |
1090 |
Early Townsite of Albany |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T02:49:17.496572 |
2022-05-25T14:59:26.024814 |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/33ae82e2-b0c5-4cf8-9bef-a05d5e2fbc23 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/33ae82e2-b0c5-4cf8-9bef-a05d5e2fbc23/resource/a3119d98-2296-4caa-8972-6212a8cc6f9b/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:13:35.338840 |
2022-03-15T01:13:35.274974 |
1091 |
Indexes |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2017-06-29T03:21:53.456006 |
2022-05-25T14:59:27.433142 |
Images of index plans for cancelled public plans, 1900 and 1949. Shows boundaries for cancelled public plans in SROWA series S979 - https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/cancelled-public-plans-standard-series-s979 - and plans in Series 981 (Cancelled Public Plans - 80 Chain Plans), Series 4264 (Cancelled Public Plans - 40 Chain Plans), Series 4265 (Cancelled Public Plans - 300 Chain Plans) and Series 4267 (Cancelled Public Plans - 800 Chain Plans). |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/69b465f2-602a-4cd9-8bcf-e6fa09a63f50 |
Index plan 1900 |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/69b465f2-602a-4cd9-8bcf-e6fa09a63f50/resource/622e3deb-526c-490f-8f75-15bc85530f91/download/index-map-1900.jpg |
2017-06-29T13:22:49.667226 |
2017-06-29T03:22:49.623280 |
1092 |
Indexes |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2017-06-29T03:21:53.456006 |
2022-05-25T14:59:27.433142 |
Images of index plans for cancelled public plans, 1900 and 1949. Shows boundaries for cancelled public plans in SROWA series S979 - https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/cancelled-public-plans-standard-series-s979 - and plans in Series 981 (Cancelled Public Plans - 80 Chain Plans), Series 4264 (Cancelled Public Plans - 40 Chain Plans), Series 4265 (Cancelled Public Plans - 300 Chain Plans) and Series 4267 (Cancelled Public Plans - 800 Chain Plans). |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/69b465f2-602a-4cd9-8bcf-e6fa09a63f50 |
Index plan 1949 |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/69b465f2-602a-4cd9-8bcf-e6fa09a63f50/resource/2e73b886-74da-4359-b385-4c07427e391b/download/index-map-1949.jpg |
Shows boundaries for cancelled public plans in SROWA Series 981 (Cancelled Public Plans - 80 Chain Plans), Series 4264 (Cancelled Public Plans - 40 Chain Plans), Series 4265 (Cancelled Public Plans - 300 Chain Plans) and Series 4267 (Cancelled Public Plans - 800 Chain Plans). |
2017-06-29T13:23:18.602192 |
2017-06-29T03:23:18.540131 |
1093 |
Early Townsite of Kalgoorlie |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:49:15.401658 |
2022-05-25T14:59:26.514011 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 190
Kalgoorlie 77/7. Townsite of Kalgoorlie - new plan. G.G. Hogarths [scale: 3 chains to an inch].
[Further Information (State Records Office)](http://aeon.sro.wa.gov.au/Investigator/Details/Item_Detail.asp?Entity=Global&Search=77/7&Op=All&Page=1&Id=4842884&SearchPage=Global) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/b5577f0a-de5d-4242-85eb-59eca3da14f4 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/b5577f0a-de5d-4242-85eb-59eca3da14f4/resource/c1ad68b1-0334-4ba9-848c-18bdc5d038b2/download/series235_cons3868_item190.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:32:45.642573 |
153304089.0 |
1094 |
Early Townsite of Kalgoorlie |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:49:15.401658 |
2022-05-25T14:59:26.514011 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 190
Kalgoorlie 77/7. Townsite of Kalgoorlie - new plan. G.G. Hogarths [scale: 3 chains to an inch].
[Further Information (State Records Office)](http://aeon.sro.wa.gov.au/Investigator/Details/Item_Detail.asp?Entity=Global&Search=77/7&Op=All&Page=1&Id=4842884&SearchPage=Global) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/b5577f0a-de5d-4242-85eb-59eca3da14f4 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/b5577f0a-de5d-4242-85eb-59eca3da14f4/resource/48cf5729-bb37-4edf-838e-de599d9293e8/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:28:17.904452 |
2022-03-15T01:28:17.838925 |
1095 |
Fitzroy River 1850 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T05:13:00.044813 |
2022-05-25T14:59:27.827761 |
AU WA S236- cons3869 Kent 35
Vicinity of the Fitzroy River, Mt Campbell, Margaret & Cunningham Rivers by G.E. May, Fieldbooks 7 & 9 [scale: 8 chains to an inch, undated].
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S236 - ORIGINAL PLANS - DISTRICTS](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-districts-s236) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/9343f6a8-efac-4b4d-af2b-552d5992458b |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/9343f6a8-efac-4b4d-af2b-552d5992458b/resource/c7125ba3-972a-446a-b3b0-e5bcdb8d3c27/download/series236_cons3869_itemkent35.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:24:01.960355 |
90026529.0 |
1096 |
Fitzroy River 1850 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T05:13:00.044813 |
2022-05-25T14:59:27.827761 |
AU WA S236- cons3869 Kent 35
Vicinity of the Fitzroy River, Mt Campbell, Margaret & Cunningham Rivers by G.E. May, Fieldbooks 7 & 9 [scale: 8 chains to an inch, undated].
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S236 - ORIGINAL PLANS - DISTRICTS](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-districts-s236) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/9343f6a8-efac-4b4d-af2b-552d5992458b |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/9343f6a8-efac-4b4d-af2b-552d5992458b/resource/c8c533db-2719-422e-abe3-4c841418953c/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:33:54.093211 |
2022-03-15T01:33:54.035619 |
1097 |
Early Townsite of Esperance 1893 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:43:26.331859 |
2022-05-25T14:59:29.366963 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 106
Esperance 67/1. Esperance Townsite, Lots 1 to 42, additional lots added to 82. R. Brazier 1893, W H Angrove 1894. Drawn by Murray [scale: 2 chains to 1 inch].
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/ebb32be1-fb3c-4793-a846-ba7afda1c02e |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/ebb32be1-fb3c-4793-a846-ba7afda1c02e/resource/3d036bfc-d459-435e-9943-869ec5b1d345/download/series235_cons3868_item106.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:39:24.248156 |
82012029.0 |
1098 |
Early Townsite of Esperance 1893 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:43:26.331859 |
2022-05-25T14:59:29.366963 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 106
Esperance 67/1. Esperance Townsite, Lots 1 to 42, additional lots added to 82. R. Brazier 1893, W H Angrove 1894. Drawn by Murray [scale: 2 chains to 1 inch].
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/ebb32be1-fb3c-4793-a846-ba7afda1c02e |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/ebb32be1-fb3c-4793-a846-ba7afda1c02e/resource/4daae73c-aea2-435c-97b0-5302fc9c5957/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:25:46.295426 |
2022-03-15T01:25:46.252162 |
1099 |
Early Townsite of Brookton 1894 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T03:24:23.463539 |
2022-05-25T14:59:28.350413 |
AU WA S235-cons3868 048
Brookton 101. Brookton Townsite. H. M. Lefroy.
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/9a848526-ea79-4ea4-99ee-3812517f78c6 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/9a848526-ea79-4ea4-99ee-3812517f78c6/resource/d663fa29-580a-489b-a7cf-ac3400dc60df/download/series235_cons3868_item048.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T05:02:04.202787 |
136732569.0 |
1100 |
Early Townsite of Brookton 1894 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T03:24:23.463539 |
2022-05-25T14:59:28.350413 |
AU WA S235-cons3868 048
Brookton 101. Brookton Townsite. H. M. Lefroy.
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/9a848526-ea79-4ea4-99ee-3812517f78c6 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/9a848526-ea79-4ea4-99ee-3812517f78c6/resource/2afeef4f-715d-4b6f-96e6-23ce14b1026e/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:19:21.777900 |
2022-03-15T01:19:21.717228 |
1101 |
Early Townsite of Merredin |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:51:45.037649 |
2022-05-25T14:59:31.708796 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 246
Merredin 54/1. Plan of Merredin Townsite Lots (East & West of Lukin St.) & Merredin Peak. HK 189 Road & plan surveyed by H.S. King in 1892. Lots 1-2 by H.S. King Fieldbook 28 p 7. Lots 3-5 by H. Wilson Fieldbook 2 p 64.
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/c54dbc8f-6203-46ce-af19-c3bff7a303cd |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/c54dbc8f-6203-46ce-af19-c3bff7a303cd/resource/65400479-0545-4da2-8e67-9ef32dd0ccf5/download/series235_cons3868_item246.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:31:35.704525 |
76019649.0 |
1102 |
Early Townsite of Merredin |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:51:45.037649 |
2022-05-25T14:59:31.708796 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 246
Merredin 54/1. Plan of Merredin Townsite Lots (East & West of Lukin St.) & Merredin Peak. HK 189 Road & plan surveyed by H.S. King in 1892. Lots 1-2 by H.S. King Fieldbook 28 p 7. Lots 3-5 by H. Wilson Fieldbook 2 p 64.
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/c54dbc8f-6203-46ce-af19-c3bff7a303cd |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/c54dbc8f-6203-46ce-af19-c3bff7a303cd/resource/3824c422-f7fe-4026-9f09-8e76fc6502ab/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:29:04.241626 |
2022-03-15T01:29:04.195795 |
1103 |
Early Townsite of Port Hedland 1902 (Town Plan) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T05:02:37.221214 |
2022-05-25T14:59:31.189140 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 368
Port Hedland 102/3. Plan of Extension of Townsite of Port Hedland showing Lots 7-127 bounded by The Esplanade, Darlot, Morgans, McKay & Anderson Streets & Lots 1, 20, 21, 40, 41 & 60 facing Anderson Street [scale: 4 chains to an inch].
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/61320d7e-e235-40b4-a34a-ba343f627ec8 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/61320d7e-e235-40b4-a34a-ba343f627ec8/resource/14a614d9-3817-46ea-8b30-f0d3058ae79a/download/series235_con3868_item368.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:28:03.679477 |
74367429.0 |
1104 |
Early Townsite of Port Hedland 1902 (Town Plan) |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T05:02:37.221214 |
2022-05-25T14:59:31.189140 |
AU WA S235- cons3868 368
Port Hedland 102/3. Plan of Extension of Townsite of Port Hedland showing Lots 7-127 bounded by The Esplanade, Darlot, Morgans, McKay & Anderson Streets & Lots 1, 20, 21, 40, 41 & 60 facing Anderson Street [scale: 4 chains to an inch].
Further Information available from State Records Office.
[Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES](https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/original-plans-townsites-s235) |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/61320d7e-e235-40b4-a34a-ba343f627ec8 |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/61320d7e-e235-40b4-a34a-ba343f627ec8/resource/c90a970f-e0ea-40ea-be7b-313a5d8d0449/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:31:29.138516 |
2022-03-15T01:31:29.054357 |
1105 |
Early Townsite of Carnarvon 1851 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:19:14.395737 |
2022-05-25T14:59:30.761215 |
AU WA S235-cons3868 064
Carnarvon 16C/3. Carnarvon Townsite - plan of suburban lots. T. Beasley. Amended A. H. Richter 1947 and W. S. C. Brockway 1948. Richter Fieldbook 85, Brockway Fieldbook 194 [scale: 40 chains to 1 inch].
[Further Information (State Records Office)] |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/16b7e61f-963a-4e6a-b576-98d175f93e0b |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/16b7e61f-963a-4e6a-b576-98d175f93e0b/resource/298f5a73-5297-4f49-9b01-aecc2a43b2d8/download/series235_cons3868_item064.img |
This resource provides a once off snapshot of the dataset for the image. |
2021-05-03T04:50:26.312228 |
82012029.0 |
1106 |
Early Townsite of Carnarvon 1851 |
State Records Office of Western Australia |
Author Not Specified |
2016-01-20T04:19:14.395737 |
2022-05-25T14:59:30.761215 |
AU WA S235-cons3868 064
Carnarvon 16C/3. Carnarvon Townsite - plan of suburban lots. T. Beasley. Amended A. H. Richter 1947 and W. S. C. Brockway 1948. Richter Fieldbook 85, Brockway Fieldbook 194 [scale: 40 chains to 1 inch].
[Further Information (State Records Office)] |
data.wa.gov.au |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/16b7e61f-963a-4e6a-b576-98d175f93e0b |
Imagery File |
https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/16b7e61f-963a-4e6a-b576-98d175f93e0b/resource/096741d8-cc1f-45a3-bf8c-85f14471632c/download/imagery-file.jpg |
2022-03-15T01:23:24.094847 |
2022-03-15T01:23:24.050023 |