rowid | dataset_title | publisher | author | dataset_issued | dataset_modified | dataset_description | source | info_url | start_date | end_date | file_title | download_url | format | file_description | file_created | file_modified | file_size | licence |
1022 | Historical Plans - Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme (SRO-001) | State Records Office of Western Australia | Damien Hassan | 2019-09-03T02:56:57.037637 | 2022-08-12T21:56:27.270419 | Historical survey plans created by the Metropolitan Water Works Board (and successor departments) in preparation for a sewerage scheme for the Perth metropolitan area. The original plans were transferred to the State Archives Collection in the 1980's and were digitised and geo-referenced between 2016-2019. | | | Index Sheets to Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme Plans | | This document includes a grid map of the Perth metropolitan area, showing which Sewerage Plans are held by the State Records Office and are available through the RetroMaps site. | 2020-01-16T08:23:45.974272 | 2020-01-16T08:23:45.892461 | 14491411.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | |||
1023 | Historical Plans - Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme (SRO-001) | State Records Office of Western Australia | Damien Hassan | 2019-09-03T02:56:57.037637 | 2022-08-12T21:56:27.270419 | Historical survey plans created by the Metropolitan Water Works Board (and successor departments) in preparation for a sewerage scheme for the Perth metropolitan area. The original plans were transferred to the State Archives Collection in the 1980's and were digitised and geo-referenced between 2016-2019. | | | Date Range Information for Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme Plans | | This guide provides a chart that shows the number of sewerage plans prepared during each decade across the 20th Century and provides advice on how to establish the approximate date for undated plans. | 2020-02-03T03:25:26.367856 | 2020-02-03T03:25:26.220694 | 543034.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |