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562 The NSW Aborigines Protection/Welfare Board 1883-1969 Map Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) 2018-05-31T10:34:22.675157 2018-06-20T23:50:45.875506 __Project Title:__ The NSW Aborigines Protection/Welfare Board 1883-1969: A History (ARC DP150100247) __Investigators:__ Prof John Maynard, Prof Victoria Haskins, Dr Lawrence Bamblett, Dr Lorina Barker, Prof Jakelin Troy, Dr Ray Kelly __Researcher:__ Lachlan Russell __Institutions:__ The University of Newcastle, AIATSIS, The University of New England, The Australian National University, The University of Sydney 1883 1969 AWB NSW map CSV   2018-05-31T10:40:44.005775 2018-06-04   Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia
655 Memory of a Nation dataset National Archives of Australia   2014-07-11T04:31:06.808586 2015-04-08T01:26:41.919943 This dataset tells fascinating stories drawn from treasures of the National Archives collection - The dataset includes a digitised version of every original item that has been put on display in the Archives’ permanent exhibition Memory of a Nation, from its launch in 2007 through to the present day. This includes an original musical score of Waltzing Matilda, a petition for Aboriginal land rights from the Larrakia people of Darwin, and Charles Kingsford Smith’s 1921 application for a pilot’s licence. The dataset covers around 500 record items (eg. a file, object or photograph in the NAA collection). Examples of content - Record Item data fields include • Theme • Subtheme • Title • Keyword tags (names, places, government activities), • Short description • Long description • More info • Year (of record) • Series number (note: a series is a group of records that has resulted from the same filing process), • Control symbol and barcode (record item reference numbers) • Collection (i.e. the government agency or person that created the series) • Format (for example, photograph, letter, bound volume, plan, film, etc.) • File name for scanned images • Number of images • Notes • Digitised and Folio / page number 1866-2002   Memory of a Nation csv CSV   2014-07-11T04:32:45.299159     Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia