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1161 PROV Annual Report - Environmental Sustainability 2015-2016 Public Records Office Victoria   2016-12-12T14:50:25.951078 2016-12-12T14:50:26.014144 Public Record Office Victoria has an ongoing focus on energy efficiency and the reduction of waste, water and paper use. Broadly our aims are to: • Maintain a reduced carbon footprint at the VAC. • Maintain a reduced ecological footprint around our office based activities. • Continue to support the sustainable management and use of government records. During the year we progressed several major facility projects that delivered immediate energy efficiencies to the Victorian Archives Centre: • We installed our fourth new chiller unit as part of our multi-year chiller replacement program. These new chiller units are extremely energy efficient. • We upgraded our entire external lighting system to use energy efficient LED lights. • We installed a new second boiler. We have three boilers in total, with the final unit scheduled to be replaced during 2016-17. These boilers use gas and we have already seen a reduction in gas consumption with the introduction of the first two new boilers. We will investigate the possibility of installing solar panels in 2016-17 as part of our ongoing commitment to reducing our carbon footprint and further increasing our energy efficiency at the Victorian Archives Centre.     Environmental Sustainability 2015-2016 CSV Further details about this specific data resource, to be displayed on the Preview page 2016-12-12T10:48:20.119041     Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International