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349 Equity files 1857 to 1899 Queensland State Archives 2013-03-04T05:47:13.945336 2022-08-09T05:36:22.768856 This index was compiled from [Equity files]( created by the Supreme Court, Southern District, Brisbane from 1857 to 1899. Equity files include liquidation of companies, gold miners’ disputes, rights of minors and incapacitated persons, and disputes over wills and intestacies. The files are held at [Queensland State Archives](     Equity files 1857 to 1899 CSV This open data file lists the names of people and businesses involved in equity cases before the Supreme Court, Brisbane. Details include the date the case was first filed, the file number and Queensland State Archives' catalogue details. 2013-03-03T23:48:22.785307 2022-06-20T05:58:50.985310 1782579.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0