17 rows where "dataset_modified" is on date 2022-06-29 and publisher = "Queensland State Archives"
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Suggested facets: dataset_title, dataset_issued, dataset_modified, dataset_description, info_url, file_modified, file_size, dataset_issued (date), file_created (date)
file_description ✖
- This open data file lists the names of respondents and co-respondents involved in matrimonial petitions (otherwise known as divorces or writs) at the Supreme Court, Brisbane, from 1861 to 1894. Information also includes the writ number, Supreme Court district and Queensland State Archives' catalogue details. 2
- This open data file provides description details for plans of Queensland Railway station buildings, residences, bridges and station equipment as kept by the Railway Department from 1865. Information also includes dates, department numbers and Queensland State Archives' catalogue details. 2
- This open data file provides description details for working drawings of most classes of Queensland Railway steam locomotives operated since 1864. Information also includes dates, department numbers and Queensland State Archives' catalogue details. 2
- This series comprises drawings and charts of Queensland ports and harbour areas together with port and harbour infrastructure and government vessels. A large proportion of the drawings are of soundings of various reaches, cuttings and sections of waterways throughout Queensland, including surveyed contours and cross sections. Drawings of infrastructure include wharves and jetties including buildings and roadways, terminals and loaders, cranes, dry docks, breakwaters, lighthouses and other navigation aids; vessels include dredges, tugs, launches, pilot cutters, ferries, punts, launches. A small number of related items not being charts or plans are also included in the series. Numerical by drawing numbers, or alphabetical by drawing title. Note that a large number of items in this series have no drawing numbers and no drawing numbers are recorded for items in this series. 2
- This series contains the microfilmed engineering drawings and other miscellaneous drawings of works, and other sundry items, undertaken by the Land Survey section of the Department of Main Roads and/or commissions. These drawings and design plans include construction and maintenance of roads and bridges, traffics islands, traffic lights, roadways and traffic routes. The files contain specifications and standards, plans and maps, correspondence between Local authorities regarding works in their area, estimates of costs, and tender documents. Also included are progressive quality tests, newspaper reports, government gazette notices relating to the road works and correspondence touching on land resumptions. 2
- Civil actions brought before the Supreme Court, Southern District, Brisbane. Includes divorce files 1894-1961. The file on each case contains the writ of summons and associated documents such as entry of appearance, affidavits, bill of costs, certification of taxation, pleas, declaration, notice of motion for a new trial, joinder of issue, praecipes, fi fa, exhibits, replication, bond, interpleader, application of search, consent order, certificate of lower scale (costs), papers for the judge, petition, summons for directions, judgment nisi, judgment by default for want of appearance, judgment, discontinuance of action etc. Writs include cases of admiralty, defamation, unpaid debts or wages, negligence (sometimes resulting in death), breach of agreement or contract, trespassing, damages, dissolution of marriage, dissolution of partnership, negligent driving, possession of land, income tax, injunctions restraining, etc Matrimonial writs are marked "Mat" or "Matrimonial". Matrimonial petitions were kept as a separate series from 1861 to 1894 and from 1961 to 1976; from 1894 to 1961 they were kept together with other writs. Note: The majority of writs for 1961 and 1962 were destroyed in a Supreme Court fire in 1968. 1
- Civil actions brought before the Supreme Court, Southern District, Brisbane. Includes divorce files 1894-1961. The file on each case contains the writ of summons and associated documents such as entry of appearance, affidavits, bill of costs, certification of taxation, pleas, declaration, notice of motion for a new trial, joinder of issue, praecipes, fi fa, exhibits, replication, bond, interpleader, application of search, consent order, certificate of lower scale (costs), papers for the judge, petition, summons for directions, judgment nisi, judgment by default for want of appearance, judgment, discontinuance of action etc. Writs include cases of admiralty, defamation, unpaid debts or wages, negligence (sometimes resulting in death), breach of agreement or contract, trespassing, damages, dissolution of marriage, dissolution of partnership, negligent driving, possession of land, income tax, injunctions restraining, etc Matrimonial writs are marked "Mat" or "Matrimonial". Matrimonial petitions were kept as a separate series from 1861 to 1894 and from 1961 to 1976; from 1894 to 1961 they were kept together with other writs. Note: The majority of writs for 1961 and 1962 were destroyed in a Supreme Court fire in 1968. 1
- Note: JSON data set is experimental. Use CSV resource in case of errors. These files record the particulars of travel of nominated / sponsored immigrants who came to Queensland between 1947 and 1976. Each file may include: a nominal roll of assisted passage migrants (passenger list), luggage lists, notes of passenger travel arrangements after arrival, correspondence on payment of rail fares, and welfare officers report on meeting ship. The passenger lists include: name of passenger (nominated immigrants), age, religion, occupation, country / place of origin, name of ship or flight number of aircraft, date of arrival, and name and address of nominator. For the majority of the aircraft files only the passenger list for the flight is included on the file. The files are arranged in chronological order by the date of arrival of the ship or aircraft. While each ship has a separate file for each voyage, the aircraft files include passenger lists for several months or a period of one year. 1
- These files record the particulars of travel of nominated / sponsored immigrants who came to Queensland between 1947 and 1976. Each file may include: a nominal roll of assisted passage migrants (passenger list), luggage lists, notes of passenger travel arrangements after arrival, correspondence on payment of rail fares, and welfare officers report on meeting ship. The passenger lists include: name of passenger (nominated immigrants), age, religion, occupation, country / place of origin, name of ship or flight number of aircraft, date of arrival, and name and address of nominator. For the majority of the aircraft files only the passenger list for the flight is included on the file. The files are arranged in chronological order by the date of arrival of the ship or aircraft. While each ship has a separate file for each voyage, the aircraft files include passenger lists for several months or a period of one year. 1
- This index is a compilation of all series of school admission registers for all state schools from 1878 to 2001. 1
- This open data file alphabetically lists the names of defendants and plaintiffs at the Court of Petty Sessions, Marburg, during the period 1885 to 1908. Information also includes the offence, date, page and Queensland State Archives' catalogue details. 1
- This open data file alphabetically lists the names of teachers registered by the Boards of Education and subsequently the Public Instruction Department from 1860 to 1905. Information also includes volume, page number and Queensland State Archives’ catalogue details. 1
file_modified (date) ✖
- 2018-09-04 7
- 2018-04-17 2
- 2017-06-29 1
- 2018-02-23 1
- 2018-04-13 1
- 2018-04-30 1
- 2018-09-03 1
- 2020-06-08 1
- 2022-04-19 1
- 2022-06-29 1
- Queensland State Archives · 17 ✖
Link | rowid ▼ | dataset_title | publisher | author | dataset_issued | dataset_modified | dataset_description | source | info_url | start_date | end_date | file_title | download_url | format | file_description | file_created | file_modified | file_size | licence |
366 | 366 | Register of Court Fees Marburg 1885 to 1908 | Queensland State Archives | | 2016-09-08T01:50:59.387998 | 2022-06-29T05:47:21.398551 | This index was compiled from the [Register of Fees](… | | | Register of Court Fees Marburg 1885 to 1908 | | CSV | This open data file alphabetically lists the names of defendants and plaintiffs at the Court of Pett… | 2016-09-08T02:07:13.234508 | 2022-06-29T05:47:14.747857 | 321373.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | ||
367 | 367 | Writs 1857-2008 | Queensland State Archives | | 2018-01-19T04:13:50.385047 | 2022-06-29T02:32:44.860953 | Civil actions brought before the Supreme Court, Southern District, Brisbane. Includes divorce files … | | | Writs 1857-2008 | | CSV | Civil actions brought before the Supreme Court, Southern District, Brisbane. Includes divorce files … | 2018-01-19T04:16:09.724309 | 2018-09-04T00:00:00 | 10485760.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | ||
368 | 368 | Writs 1857-2008 | Queensland State Archives | | 2018-01-19T04:13:50.385047 | 2022-06-29T02:32:44.860953 | Civil actions brought before the Supreme Court, Southern District, Brisbane. Includes divorce files … | | | Writs 1857-2008 JSON | | JSON | Civil actions brought before the Supreme Court, Southern District, Brisbane. Includes divorce files … | 2018-09-04T05:38:23.425072 | 2018-09-04T05:38:23.314295 | 16252928.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | ||
369 | 369 | Teachers 1860 to 1905 | Queensland State Archives | | 2015-07-01T04:19:08.161316 | 2022-06-29T02:19:11.161781 | This index was compiled from the registers of teachers, admitted to service in schools, as kept by t… | | | Teachers 1860 to 1905 | | CSV | This open data file alphabetically lists the names of teachers registered by the Boards of Education… | 2015-07-01T04:21:24.083543 | 2022-04-19T01:30:05.249200 | 7654604.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | ||
370 | 370 | Steam locomotive drawings and railway plans | Queensland State Archives | | 2017-01-17T03:47:37.179290 | 2022-06-29T02:15:29.952423 | This dataset was compiled from records held at [Queensland State Archives](… | | | Steam locomotive drawings 1864 to 1966 | | CSV | This open data file provides description details for working drawings of most classes of Queensland … | 2017-01-17T03:49:11.513118 | 2018-04-17T23:51:43.618938 | 1048576.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | ||
371 | 371 | Steam locomotive drawings and railway plans | Queensland State Archives | | 2017-01-17T03:47:37.179290 | 2022-06-29T02:15:29.952423 | This dataset was compiled from records held at [Queensland State Archives](… | | | Steam locomotive drawings 1864 to 1966 JSON | | JSON | This open data file provides description details for working drawings of most classes of Queensland … | 2018-09-04T05:53:53.981992 | 2018-09-04T05:53:53.892268 | 1048576.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | ||
372 | 372 | Steam locomotive drawings and railway plans | Queensland State Archives | | 2017-01-17T03:47:37.179290 | 2022-06-29T02:15:29.952423 | This dataset was compiled from records held at [Queensland State Archives](… | | | Railway plans and sections 1865 to 1999 | | CSV | This open data file provides description details for plans of Queensland Railway station buildings, … | 2017-01-17T04:01:38.297839 | 2018-04-17T23:47:26.293194 | 414720.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | ||
373 | 373 | Steam locomotive drawings and railway plans | Queensland State Archives | | 2017-01-17T03:47:37.179290 | 2022-06-29T02:15:29.952423 | This dataset was compiled from records held at [Queensland State Archives](… | | | Railway plans and sections 1865 to 1999 JSON | | JSON | This open data file provides description details for plans of Queensland Railway station buildings, … | 2018-09-04T05:52:20.728714 | 2018-09-04T00:00:00 | 503808.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | ||
374 | 374 | School Admissions Registers 1878-2001 | Queensland State Archives | | 2017-06-29T05:54:35.461097 | 2022-06-29T02:06:47.270076 | This index is a compilation of all series of school admission registers for all state schools from 1… | | | School Admission Registers 1878-2001 | | CSV | This index is a compilation of all series of school admission registers for all state schools from 1… | 2017-06-29T15:56:01.051197 | 2017-06-29T05:56:00.874005 | 3879731.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | ||
375 | 375 | Road and Bridge Job Files 1861-2017 | Queensland State Archives | | 2018-04-30T23:04:33.206794 | 2022-06-29T01:35:20.595686 | This series contains the microfilmed engineering drawings and other miscellaneous drawings of works,… | | | Road and Bridge Job Files 1861-2017 | | CSV | This series contains the microfilmed engineering drawings and other miscellaneous drawings of works,… | 2018-04-30T23:05:53.663037 | 2018-04-30T23:05:53.574957 | 7340032.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | ||
376 | 376 | Road and Bridge Job Files 1861-2017 | Queensland State Archives | | 2018-04-30T23:04:33.206794 | 2022-06-29T01:35:20.595686 | This series contains the microfilmed engineering drawings and other miscellaneous drawings of works,… | | | Road and Bridge Job Files 1861-2017 JSON | | JSON | This series contains the microfilmed engineering drawings and other miscellaneous drawings of works,… | 2018-09-04T04:38:04.393817 | 2018-09-04T04:38:04.301293 | 12058624.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | ||
377 | 377 | Migrant Ship and Aircraft files 1947-1976 | Queensland State Archives | | 2018-02-23T04:47:50.201505 | 2022-06-29T01:27:11.646654 | These files held at [Queensland State Archives](… | | | Migrant Ship and Aircraft files 1947-1976 | | CSV | These files record the particulars of travel of nominated / sponsored immigrants who came to Queensl… | 2018-02-23T04:49:34.496821 | 2018-02-23T04:49:34.411719 | 347136.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | ||
378 | 378 | Migrant Ship and Aircraft files 1947-1976 | Queensland State Archives | | 2018-02-23T04:47:50.201505 | 2022-06-29T01:27:11.646654 | These files held at [Queensland State Archives](… | | | Migrant Ship and Aircraft files 1947-1976 JSON | | JSON | Note: JSON data set is experimental. Use CSV resource in case of errors. These files record the par… | 2018-09-03T23:44:27.247409 | 2018-09-03T23:44:27.159580 | 408576.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | ||
379 | 379 | Divorces 1861 to 1894 | Queensland State Archives | | 2013-03-04T06:19:24.196414 | 2022-06-29T01:22:58.327644 | This index was compiled from the Matrimonial petitions (otherwise known as divorce files) as created… | | | Divorces 1861-1894 | | CSV | This open data file lists the names of respondents and co-respondents involved in matrimonial petiti… | 2013-03-04T00:20:34.044969 | 2020-06-08T04:09:54.158638 | 101683.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | ||
380 | 380 | Divorces 1861 to 1894 | Queensland State Archives | | 2013-03-04T06:19:24.196414 | 2022-06-29T01:22:58.327644 | This index was compiled from the Matrimonial petitions (otherwise known as divorce files) as created… | | | Divorces 1861-1894 JSON | | JSON | This open data file lists the names of respondents and co-respondents involved in matrimonial petiti… | 2018-09-04T05:41:11.129993 | 2018-09-04T05:41:11.044085 | 88166.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | ||
381 | 381 | Marine Infrastructure and Vessels 1860-2006 | Queensland State Archives | | 2018-04-13T05:42:37.824366 | 2022-06-29T01:19:16.690084 | This series held at [Queensland State Archives](… | | | Marine Infrastructure and Vessels 1860-2006 | | CSV | This series comprises drawings and charts of Queensland ports and harbour areas together with port a… | 2018-04-13T05:44:36.428513 | 2018-04-13T05:44:36.335248 | 2726297.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | ||
382 | 382 | Marine Infrastructure and Vessels 1860-2006 | Queensland State Archives | | 2018-04-13T05:42:37.824366 | 2022-06-29T01:19:16.690084 | This series held at [Queensland State Archives](… | | | Marine Infrastructure and Vessels 1860-2006 JSON | | JSON | This series comprises drawings and charts of Queensland ports and harbour areas together with port a… | 2018-09-04T04:19:47.360887 | 2018-09-04T04:19:47.256161 | 3774873.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited
CREATE TABLE [glam-datasets] ( [dataset_title] TEXT, [publisher] TEXT, [author] TEXT, [dataset_issued] TEXT, [dataset_modified] TEXT, [dataset_description] TEXT, [source] TEXT, [info_url] TEXT, [start_date] TEXT, [end_date] TEXT, [file_title] TEXT, [download_url] TEXT, [format] TEXT, [file_description] TEXT, [file_created] TEXT, [file_modified] TEXT, [file_size] TEXT, [licence] TEXT ); CREATE INDEX [idx_glam-datasets_source_publisher_format_licence] ON [glam-datasets] ([source], [publisher], [format], [licence]);