1 row where format = "XSD" and start_date = "Not specified"

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Suggested facets: dataset_modified (date), file_modified (date)



Link rowid ▼ dataset_title publisher author dataset_issued dataset_modified dataset_description source info_url start_date end_date file_title download_url format file_description file_created file_modified file_size licence
654 Commonwealth Agencies National Archives of Australia National Archives of Australia 2013-05-12T11:26:21.392325 2016-04-28T01:27:05.899301 Descriptions of Commonwealth Agencies responsible for creating archival records series held by the N… data.gov.au https://data.gov.au/dataset/beaa25fc-0e22-4c17-afe1-8b3cb5cbcfcc Not specified   Agency Schema https://data.gov.au/data/dataset/beaa25fc-0e22-4c17-afe1-8b3cb5cbcfcc/resource/477f26a3-87fd-4af9-8074-30ba4ccd02de/download/agency.xsd XSD   2016-04-28T11:15:46.771316 2016-04-27   Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia

Advanced export

JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited

CSV options:

CREATE TABLE [glam-datasets] (
   [dataset_title] TEXT,
   [publisher] TEXT,
   [author] TEXT,
   [dataset_issued] TEXT,
   [dataset_modified] TEXT,
   [dataset_description] TEXT,
   [source] TEXT,
   [info_url] TEXT,
   [start_date] TEXT,
   [end_date] TEXT,
   [file_title] TEXT,
   [download_url] TEXT,
   [format] TEXT,
   [file_description] TEXT,
   [file_created] TEXT,
   [file_modified] TEXT,
   [file_size] TEXT,
   [licence] TEXT
CREATE INDEX [idx_glam-datasets_source_publisher_format_licence]
    ON [glam-datasets] ([source], [publisher], [format], [licence]);