1 row where file_description = "A selected and wide range of digitised archival and published materials (1101 items) from the State Library of South Australia's SA Memory program. SA Memory is an online gateway to South Australian history, heritage and culture. This multimedia website focuses on the South Australian experience – what makes South Australia unique. SA Memory illustrates and interprets themes to highlight South Australia's people, places, issues and events from the colony's beginnings to contemporary times: South Australia's 'memory'. **Explanation of fields** - **id** : ID from the originating content management system - **TITLE** : title of the item's web page in the SA Memory web site - **CREATOR** : creator of the item displayed on the SA Memory web site - **INNOPAC** : URL of the record in the Library's catalogue - **LINK** : URL of the item's SA Memory web page, with an image of the item - **coverage_place** : geographic place covered (if applicable) e.g., Loxton - **COVERAGE_REGION** : geographic region covered (if applicable) e.g., Riverland - **FILE_BROWSE** : URL or partial URL of the image displayed on the item's web page NOTE: to be a usable URL, the enclosing link tags <link></link> will need to be removed, and if it is a partial URL starting with /webdata/, then prepend http://www.samemory.sa.gov.au - **FURTHER_INFO** : other interesting information about the item - [unused field] - **LATITUDE** : latitude in decimal degrees (if available) - **LONGITUDE** : longitude in decimal degrees (if available) - **ORIGINAL_FORMAT** : original format of the item - **PUBLISHER** : who published the item - **PLACE_OF_CREATION** : place where the item was published - **ADDITIONAL_CREATOR** : other names who were involved in creating the item - **COVERAGE_PERIOD** : coverage period e.g., 1914-1918 - **COVERAGE_YEAR** : specific year (not used here)", format = "CSV" and publisher = "State Library of South Australia"

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  • State Library of South Australia · 1


Link rowid ▼ dataset_title publisher author dataset_issued dataset_modified dataset_description source info_url start_date end_date file_title download_url format file_description file_created file_modified file_size licence
765 SA Memory State Library of South Australia State Library of South Australia 2013-03-07T16:15:35.228085 2019-08-29T02:29:51.427322 A selected and wide range of digitised archival and published materials from the State Library of So… data.sa.gov.au https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/7cd90f98-1d89-4921-8373-151f4ad5d1a1 1836-2010   SA Memory https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/7cd90f98-1d89-4921-8373-151f4ad5d1a1/resource/4e3c2761-9938-4da1-9208-764fa204fda1/download/samemorycontentobjects_2011.csv CSV A selected and wide range of digitised archival and published materials (1101 items) from the State … 2013-05-31T01:01:00.469271 2019-08-28T23:40:58.400220 1495812.0 Creative Commons Attribution

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JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited

CSV options:

CREATE TABLE [glam-datasets] (
   [dataset_title] TEXT,
   [publisher] TEXT,
   [author] TEXT,
   [dataset_issued] TEXT,
   [dataset_modified] TEXT,
   [dataset_description] TEXT,
   [source] TEXT,
   [info_url] TEXT,
   [start_date] TEXT,
   [end_date] TEXT,
   [file_title] TEXT,
   [download_url] TEXT,
   [format] TEXT,
   [file_description] TEXT,
   [file_created] TEXT,
   [file_modified] TEXT,
   [file_size] TEXT,
   [licence] TEXT
CREATE INDEX [idx_glam-datasets_source_publisher_format_licence]
    ON [glam-datasets] ([source], [publisher], [format], [licence]);