3 rows where "dataset_issued" is on date 2014-06-10, "file_created" is on date 2017-07-06, format = "CSV" and publisher = "State Library of South Australia"

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  • State Library of South Australia · 3


Link rowid ▼ dataset_title publisher author dataset_issued dataset_modified dataset_description source info_url start_date end_date file_title download_url format file_description file_created file_modified file_size licence
660 19th Century Photographs by Captain Samuel Sweet State Library of South Australia State Library of South Australia 2014-06-10T13:51:09.849031 2022-01-24T04:24:02.651995 These photographs (approximately 920) were taken by Captain Samuel Sweet, sea captain and photograph… data.sa.gov.au https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/28baf505-4c5f-4e45-9fae-2605ee1cf7c1 1865-01-01 1902-12-31 19th Century Photographs by Captain Samuel Sweet https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/28baf505-4c5f-4e45-9fae-2605ee1cf7c1/resource/63aaa2e1-b689-4cc9-8835-95d76dd19e74/download/sweetphotographs.csv CSV **Explanation of fields** - **RECORD #** : SLSA unique identifier eg "b20223389" - **URL** : URL to… 2017-07-06T15:53:39.871109 2017-07-06T05:53:39.717475   Creative Commons Attribution
697 19th Century Photographs by Townsend Duryea State Library of South Australia State Library of South Australia 2014-06-10T12:57:32.375370 2019-08-29T04:40:29.655895 The photographs (approximately 165) were taken by Townsend Duryea, a noted photographer of colonial … data.sa.gov.au https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/97f60b3e-9b50-4cc2-9960-73288d076c51 1856-01-01 1887-12-31 19th Century Photographs by Townsend Duryea https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/97f60b3e-9b50-4cc2-9960-73288d076c51/resource/f9c75608-0939-4439-ae4d-15e28476bb74/download/duryeaphotographs.csv CSV **Explanation of fields** - **RECORD #** : SLSA unique identifier eg "b20223389" - **URL** : URL to… 2017-07-06T16:15:59.980827 2017-07-06T06:15:59.875068   Creative Commons Attribution
775 19th Century Photographs by Ernest Gall State Library of South Australia State Library of South Australia 2014-06-10T13:32:58.334603 2017-07-06T06:11:06.592081 The photographs (approximately 660) were taken by Ernest Gall, a South Australian born photographer … data.sa.gov.au https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/54c50844-6653-4704-8dc8-5f5c8f5f14eb 1850-01-01 1920-12-31 19th Century Photographs by Ernest Gall https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/54c50844-6653-4704-8dc8-5f5c8f5f14eb/resource/ff7198a2-fb79-4858-9a4e-1bc9b9250f79/download/gallphotographs.csv CSV **Explanation of fields** - **RECORD #** : SLSA unique identifier eg "b20223389" - **URL** : URL to… 2017-07-06T16:07:57.922939 2017-07-06T06:07:57.838055   Creative Commons Attribution

Advanced export

JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited

CSV options:

CREATE TABLE [glam-datasets] (
   [dataset_title] TEXT,
   [publisher] TEXT,
   [author] TEXT,
   [dataset_issued] TEXT,
   [dataset_modified] TEXT,
   [dataset_description] TEXT,
   [source] TEXT,
   [info_url] TEXT,
   [start_date] TEXT,
   [end_date] TEXT,
   [file_title] TEXT,
   [download_url] TEXT,
   [format] TEXT,
   [file_description] TEXT,
   [file_created] TEXT,
   [file_modified] TEXT,
   [file_size] TEXT,
   [licence] TEXT
CREATE INDEX [idx_glam-datasets_source_publisher_format_licence]
    ON [glam-datasets] ([source], [publisher], [format], [licence]);