1 row where dataset_description = "These indexes were compiled from the [Chronological register of convicts (Crown prisoners) at Moreton Bay](https://www.archivessearch.qld.gov.au/items/ITM869689) penal settlement as kept by the Commandant's Office, Moreton Bay, from 1824 to 1839. This open data file lists the names of convicts (Crown prisoners) at Moreton Bay penal settlement from 1824 to 1839. Information also includes height, complexion, eye and hair colour, age, religion and native place and [Queensland State Archives](www.archives.qld.gov.au)' catalogue details.", "dataset_modified" is on date 2022-06-21 and publisher = "Queensland State Archives"

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  • Queensland State Archives · 1


Link rowid ▼ dataset_title publisher author dataset_issued dataset_modified dataset_description source info_url start_date end_date file_title download_url format file_description file_created file_modified file_size licence
442 Convict register (chronological) 1824 to 1839 Queensland State Archives web@archives.qld.gov.au 2012-12-10T23:06:38.128577 2022-06-21T00:05:53.906955 These indexes were compiled from the [Chronological register of convicts (Crown prisoners) at Moreto… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/75d36b23-4510-463e-aa85-0fac1d7b3899     Chronological Register of Convicts 1824-1839 https://www.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/75d36b23-4510-463e-aa85-0fac1d7b3899/resource/f79328f8-faa0-4465-8e9d-b9a65f3ab386/download/index-to-the-chronological-register-of-convicts-1824-1839.csv CSV These indexes were compiled from the Chronological register of convicts (Crown prisoners) at Moreton… 2018-03-02T01:33:46.947119 2021-03-11T22:22:41.715739 2726297.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

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JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited

CSV options:

CREATE TABLE [glam-datasets] (
   [dataset_title] TEXT,
   [publisher] TEXT,
   [author] TEXT,
   [dataset_issued] TEXT,
   [dataset_modified] TEXT,
   [dataset_description] TEXT,
   [source] TEXT,
   [info_url] TEXT,
   [start_date] TEXT,
   [end_date] TEXT,
   [file_title] TEXT,
   [download_url] TEXT,
   [format] TEXT,
   [file_description] TEXT,
   [file_created] TEXT,
   [file_modified] TEXT,
   [file_size] TEXT,
   [licence] TEXT
CREATE INDEX [idx_glam-datasets_source_publisher_format_licence]
    ON [glam-datasets] ([source], [publisher], [format], [licence]);