7 rows where dataset_description = "Cabinet decisions are given the formal title 'Minutes'. The term 'Decisions' is not strictly applicable to Cabinet in the legal sense as the exercise of statutory powers is normally the legislative responsibility of individual ministers or of the Executive Council. Information recorded in Decisions includes the location and date of the meeting, decision number, submission number, title, and decision and circulation statement (for example, 'all ministers'). Each decision has been stamped and signed by the Secretary to Cabinet. A statement of certification as a correct copy is also stamped. The circulation records include the decision number, location and date of the meeting, subject, submission number (number or oral submission), number of copies made and circulation details (number, name of minister or department, date and time). Cabinet submissions were intended to lead to cabinet decisions and come in four distinct forms: policy, authority to prepare a Bill, authority to introduce a Bill, and authority to forward significant subordinate legislation. Submissions include the submission number, copy number and the name of the person or department making the submission. Each submission is stamped with the date and time received. Supporting documentation for submissions are included, such as plans, reports and bills. Cabinet Minutes are held at [Queensland State Archives](https://www.archivessearch.qld.gov.au/series/S142)", "dataset_modified" is on date 2022-06-28, format = "CSV", licence = "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0" and source = "data.qld.gov.au"

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  • data.qld.gov.au · 7


  • Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 · 7


Link rowid ▼ dataset_title publisher author dataset_issued dataset_modified dataset_description source info_url start_date end_date file_title download_url format file_description file_created file_modified file_size licence
387 Cabinet Minutes Queensland State Archives web@archives.qld.gov.au 2017-06-29T03:47:22.564346 2022-06-28T22:51:31.012585 Cabinet decisions are given the formal title 'Minutes'. The term 'Decisions' is not strictly applica… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/8cfc4428-9c77-400c-9a9e-0225254411a5     1974 - 1985 Cabinet Minutes https://www.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/8cfc4428-9c77-400c-9a9e-0225254411a5/resource/4ed9d668-01db-42e8-b2f4-a891ea06db00/download/cabinet-minutes-1974-1985.csv CSV The Cabinet minutes for 1974 - 1985 record the decisions of Queensland Cabinet for those years. 2021-01-18T05:09:42.439682 2022-06-20T05:24:09.827841 1262127.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
388 Cabinet Minutes Queensland State Archives web@archives.qld.gov.au 2017-06-29T03:47:22.564346 2022-06-28T22:51:31.012585 Cabinet decisions are given the formal title 'Minutes'. The term 'Decisions' is not strictly applica… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/8cfc4428-9c77-400c-9a9e-0225254411a5     1986 Cabinet Minutes https://www.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/8cfc4428-9c77-400c-9a9e-0225254411a5/resource/16a76e3c-f72b-445b-9fba-c0314de90724/download/cabinet-minutes-1986.csv CSV Cabinet decisions are given the formal title 'Minutes'. The term 'Decisions' is not strictly applica… 2017-06-29T13:48:02.179220 2018-08-30T00:00:00 1013248.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
389 Cabinet Minutes Queensland State Archives web@archives.qld.gov.au 2017-06-29T03:47:22.564346 2022-06-28T22:51:31.012585 Cabinet decisions are given the formal title 'Minutes'. The term 'Decisions' is not strictly applica… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/8cfc4428-9c77-400c-9a9e-0225254411a5     1987 Cabinet minutes https://www.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/8cfc4428-9c77-400c-9a9e-0225254411a5/resource/db3b0bcf-8ca0-4c07-80da-0e6397761280/download/cabinet-minutes-1987.csv CSV The Cabinet minutes for 1987 record the decisions of Queensland Cabinet for that year 2021-01-15T06:03:08.530162 2021-01-15T06:03:08.392627 2097152.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
390 Cabinet Minutes Queensland State Archives web@archives.qld.gov.au 2017-06-29T03:47:22.564346 2022-06-28T22:51:31.012585 Cabinet decisions are given the formal title 'Minutes'. The term 'Decisions' is not strictly applica… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/8cfc4428-9c77-400c-9a9e-0225254411a5     1988 Cabinet Minutes https://www.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/8cfc4428-9c77-400c-9a9e-0225254411a5/resource/adb7e8b6-8ff6-4825-92d6-74f016d52d29/download/cabinet-minutes-1988.csv CSV The Cabinet minutes for 1988 record the decisions of Queensland Cabinet for that year 2021-01-18T05:05:24.946276 2021-01-18T05:05:24.809957 1572864.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
391 Cabinet Minutes Queensland State Archives web@archives.qld.gov.au 2017-06-29T03:47:22.564346 2022-06-28T22:51:31.012585 Cabinet decisions are given the formal title 'Minutes'. The term 'Decisions' is not strictly applica… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/8cfc4428-9c77-400c-9a9e-0225254411a5     1989 Cabinet Minutes https://www.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/8cfc4428-9c77-400c-9a9e-0225254411a5/resource/31571acf-de21-48e3-8682-30c68dc1bf6b/download/cabinet-minutes-1989.csv CSV The Cabinet minutes for 1989 record the decisions of Queensland Cabinet for that year 2021-01-18T05:04:24.734169 2021-01-18T05:04:24.605273 1572864.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
392 Cabinet Minutes Queensland State Archives web@archives.qld.gov.au 2017-06-29T03:47:22.564346 2022-06-28T22:51:31.012585 Cabinet decisions are given the formal title 'Minutes'. The term 'Decisions' is not strictly applica… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/8cfc4428-9c77-400c-9a9e-0225254411a5     1990 Cabinet Minutes https://www.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/8cfc4428-9c77-400c-9a9e-0225254411a5/resource/b88625fa-29ec-44a4-ab51-9131156edebc/download/cabinet-minutes-1990.csv CSV The Cabinet minutes for 1990 record the decisions of Queensland Cabinet for that year 2021-01-18T05:00:47.631213 2021-01-18T05:00:47.446257 787456.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
393 Cabinet Minutes Queensland State Archives web@archives.qld.gov.au 2017-06-29T03:47:22.564346 2022-06-28T22:51:31.012585 Cabinet decisions are given the formal title 'Minutes'. The term 'Decisions' is not strictly applica… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/8cfc4428-9c77-400c-9a9e-0225254411a5     1986 - 1990 Cabinet Minutes https://www.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/8cfc4428-9c77-400c-9a9e-0225254411a5/resource/a50259ff-a2b2-4316-95e9-7e57de4b6e33/download/cabinet-minutes-1986-1990.csv CSV The Cabinet minutes for 1986 - 1990 record the decisions of Queensland Cabinet for those years. 2021-01-18T05:08:21.125915 2022-06-20T05:38:19.564869 8715721.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

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