24 rows where author = "opendata@qm.qld.gov.au", "dataset_modified" is on date 2022-06-20 and licence = "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0"

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  • Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 · 24
Link rowid ▼ dataset_title publisher author dataset_issued dataset_modified dataset_description source info_url start_date end_date file_title download_url format file_description file_created file_modified file_size licence
527 Board of the Queensland Museum Annual Report - Consultancies 2019-2020 Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2020-09-30T04:20:57.940458 2022-06-20T13:17:33.784074 Queensland Museum Network Consultancies for the financial year 2019-2020 data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/135a8ed3-ea45-4906-b7b4-889d1a1a657c     Board of the Queensland Museum Annual Report - Consultancies 2019-2020 https://www.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/135a8ed3-ea45-4906-b7b4-889d1a1a657c/resource/66bfba9b-e22c-49da-9398-26fef34742dc/download/2019-20-annual-report-consultancies-reporting-template.csv CSV Consultancies reported in the Queensland Museum Annual Report 2019-2020 2020-09-30T04:45:14.957510 2020-09-30T23:55:25.222342 408.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
530 Board of the Queensland Museum Annual Report - Overseas Travel 2019-2020 Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2020-09-30T04:54:22.172465 2022-06-20T13:17:42.042153 Appendix to the Queensland Museum Annual Report for 2019-2020 that contains overseas travel data data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/d94f760b-b1c9-4fd6-b7de-ab3c68be5485     Queensland Museum Network Travel 2019-20 https://www.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/d94f760b-b1c9-4fd6-b7de-ab3c68be5485/resource/03fede96-d938-43a0-b734-013d03d08869/download/2019-20-annual-report-overseas-travel-reporting-template_1_corrected.csv CSV Excel file containing overseas travel data as reported on the Queensland Museum Annual Report for 2… 2020-09-30T04:55:13.087218 2020-10-22T00:04:37.502085 816.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
531 Board of the Queensland Museum Annual Report - Overseas Travel 2016-2017 Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2018-10-23T02:51:51.574782 2022-06-20T13:17:37.052369 Appendix to the Queensland Museum Annual Report for 2016-2017 that contains overseas travel data data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/b3248d33-5118-464b-9e06-dc291934bfc2     Board of the Queensland Museum Annual Report - Overseas Travel 2016-17 https://www.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/b3248d33-5118-464b-9e06-dc291934bfc2/resource/9f44f6cd-3e93-4656-a881-12c4d9b3e4a7/download/board-of-the-queensland-museum-annual-report-overseas-travel-2016-17.xlsx XLSX Overseas travel data reported in the Board of the Queensland Museum Annual Report 2016-2017 2018-10-23T02:52:55.261661 2018-10-23T02:52:55.181849 11366.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
539 3D model of the mandible of Sarcophilus laniarius Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2014-07-10T00:02:47.607586 2022-06-20T09:25:35.895848 The 3D model of the mandible of *Sarcophilus laniarius* in OBJ format. The mandible of *Sarcophilus… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/da34ffc8-b31e-4467-b4e3-0071790158ea     3D model of the Sarcophilus laniarius mandible - OBJ file http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/microsites/data/3d-models/Sarcophilus-laniarius/Sarcophilus laniarius mandi… OBJ An OBJ file containing the geometry definition of the 3D model of the *Sarcophilus laniarius* mandib… 2014-07-10T00:03:20.192093 2014-07-10T00:03:20.192093 96783564.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
540 3D model of the mandible of Sarcophilus laniarius Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2014-07-10T00:02:47.607586 2022-06-20T09:25:35.895848 The 3D model of the mandible of *Sarcophilus laniarius* in OBJ format. The mandible of *Sarcophilus… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/da34ffc8-b31e-4467-b4e3-0071790158ea     3D model of the Sarcophilus laniarius mandible - MTL file http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/microsites/data/3d-models/Sarcophilus-laniarius/Sarcophilus laniarius mandi… MTL The Material Template Library (MTL) file that describes the surface shading properties of the 3D mod… 2014-07-10T00:03:48.433679 2014-07-10T00:03:48.433679 786.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
541 3D model of the mandible of Sarcophilus laniarius Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2014-07-10T00:02:47.607586 2022-06-20T09:25:35.895848 The 3D model of the mandible of *Sarcophilus laniarius* in OBJ format. The mandible of *Sarcophilus… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/da34ffc8-b31e-4467-b4e3-0071790158ea     First image file of the 3D model of the Sarcophilus laniarius mandible http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/microsites/data/3d-models/Sarcophilus-laniarius/Sarcophilus laniarius mandi… JPG This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Sar… 2014-07-10T00:04:15.690482 2014-07-10T00:04:16.142079 1755232.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
542 3D model of the mandible of Sarcophilus laniarius Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2014-07-10T00:02:47.607586 2022-06-20T09:25:35.895848 The 3D model of the mandible of *Sarcophilus laniarius* in OBJ format. The mandible of *Sarcophilus… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/da34ffc8-b31e-4467-b4e3-0071790158ea     Second image file of the 3D model of the Sarcophilus laniarius mandible http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/microsites/data/3d-models/Sarcophilus-laniarius/Sarcophilus laniarius mandi… JPG This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Sar… 2014-07-10T00:04:56.519311 2014-07-10T00:04:57.119084 1611336.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
543 3D model of the mandible of Sarcophilus laniarius Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2014-07-10T00:02:47.607586 2022-06-20T09:25:35.895848 The 3D model of the mandible of *Sarcophilus laniarius* in OBJ format. The mandible of *Sarcophilus… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/da34ffc8-b31e-4467-b4e3-0071790158ea     Third image file of the 3D model of the Sarcophilus laniarius mandible http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/microsites/data/3d-models/Sarcophilus-laniarius/Sarcophilus laniarius mandi… JPG This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Sar… 2014-07-10T00:05:21.144766 2014-07-10T00:05:21.759524 1844284.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
544 3D model of the mandible of Sarcophilus laniarius Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2014-07-10T00:02:47.607586 2022-06-20T09:25:35.895848 The 3D model of the mandible of *Sarcophilus laniarius* in OBJ format. The mandible of *Sarcophilus… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/da34ffc8-b31e-4467-b4e3-0071790158ea     Fourth image file of the 3D model of the Sarcophilus laniarius mandible http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/microsites/data/3d-models/Sarcophilus-laniarius/Sarcophilus laniarius mandi… JPG This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Sar… 2014-07-10T00:05:51.757654 2014-07-10T00:05:52.538280 1810041.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
545 3D model of the mandible of Sarcophilus laniarius Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2014-07-10T00:02:47.607586 2022-06-20T09:25:35.895848 The 3D model of the mandible of *Sarcophilus laniarius* in OBJ format. The mandible of *Sarcophilus… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/da34ffc8-b31e-4467-b4e3-0071790158ea     Fifth image file of the 3D model of the Sarcophilus laniarius mandible http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/microsites/data/3d-models/Sarcophilus-laniarius/Sarcophilus laniarius mandi… JPG This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Sar… 2014-07-10T00:06:21.446582 2014-07-10T00:06:22.269550 1866111.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
546 3D model of the fish skeleton of Percalates antiquus Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2014-07-09T23:37:41.604672 2022-06-20T09:25:05.444278 The 3D model of the fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* in OBJ format. The fish skeleton of *Perc… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/444c068b-4925-4a36-9d4f-bb56b820db29     3D model of the Percalates antiquus fish skeleton - OBJ file http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/microsites/data/3d-models/Percalates-antiquus/Percalates 1M poly.obj OBJ An OBJ file containing the geometry definition of the 3D model of the *Percalates antiquus* fish ske… 2014-07-09T23:44:19.737435 2014-07-09T23:44:19.737435 110939340.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
547 3D model of the fish skeleton of Percalates antiquus Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2014-07-09T23:37:41.604672 2022-06-20T09:25:05.444278 The 3D model of the fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* in OBJ format. The fish skeleton of *Perc… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/444c068b-4925-4a36-9d4f-bb56b820db29     3D model of the Percalates antiquus fish skeleton - MTL file http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/microsites/data/3d-models/Percalates-antiquus/Percalates 1M poly.mtl MTL The Material Template Library (MTL) file that describes the surface shading properties of the 3D mod… 2014-07-09T23:44:55.282810 2014-07-09T23:44:55.282810 786.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
548 3D model of the fish skeleton of Percalates antiquus Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2014-07-09T23:37:41.604672 2022-06-20T09:25:05.444278 The 3D model of the fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* in OBJ format. The fish skeleton of *Perc… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/444c068b-4925-4a36-9d4f-bb56b820db29     First image file of the 3D model of the Percalates antiquus fish skeleton http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/microsites/data/3d-models/Percalates-antiquus/Percalates 1M poly.jpg JPG This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Per… 2014-07-09T23:46:16.797021 2014-07-09T23:46:17.186841 1106908.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
549 3D model of the fish skeleton of Percalates antiquus Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2014-07-09T23:37:41.604672 2022-06-20T09:25:05.444278 The 3D model of the fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* in OBJ format. The fish skeleton of *Perc… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/444c068b-4925-4a36-9d4f-bb56b820db29     Second image file of the 3D model of the Percalates antiquus fish skeleton http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/microsites/data/3d-models/Percalates-antiquus/Percalates 1M poly1.jpg JPG This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Per… 2014-07-09T23:46:46.161533 2014-07-09T23:46:46.849350 1644738.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
550 3D model of the fish skeleton of Percalates antiquus Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2014-07-09T23:37:41.604672 2022-06-20T09:25:05.444278 The 3D model of the fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* in OBJ format. The fish skeleton of *Perc… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/444c068b-4925-4a36-9d4f-bb56b820db29     Third image file of the 3D model of the Percalates antiquus fish skeleton http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/microsites/data/3d-models/Percalates-antiquus/Percalates 1M poly2.jpg JPG This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Per… 2014-07-09T23:47:29.947129 2014-07-09T23:47:30.981479 1844284.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
551 3D model of the fish skeleton of Percalates antiquus Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2014-07-09T23:37:41.604672 2022-06-20T09:25:05.444278 The 3D model of the fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* in OBJ format. The fish skeleton of *Perc… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/444c068b-4925-4a36-9d4f-bb56b820db29     Fourth image file of the 3D model of the Percalates antiquus fish skeleton http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/microsites/data/3d-models/Percalates-antiquus/Percalates 1M poly3.jpg JPG This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Per… 2014-07-09T23:48:03.814517 2014-07-09T23:48:04.817388 1810041.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
552 3D model of the fish skeleton of Percalates antiquus Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2014-07-09T23:37:41.604672 2022-06-20T09:25:05.444278 The 3D model of the fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* in OBJ format. The fish skeleton of *Perc… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/444c068b-4925-4a36-9d4f-bb56b820db29     Fifth image file of the 3D model of the Percalates antiquus fish skeleton http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/microsites/data/3d-models/Percalates-antiquus/Percalates 1M poly4.jpg JPG This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Per… 2014-07-09T23:48:34.508840 2014-07-09T23:48:35.616404 1866111.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
553 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2014-07-09T00:46:08.789190 2022-06-20T09:24:41.345406 The 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. in OBJ format. The dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp.… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/4b63fe30-b774-4832-b195-8026b7146176     3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton - OBJ file http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/microsites/data/3d-models/Minmi/minmi 800k.obj OBJ An OBJ file containing the geometry definition of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton. 2014-07-09T22:31:10.748649 2014-07-09T22:31:10.748649 97307852.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
554 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2014-07-09T00:46:08.789190 2022-06-20T09:24:41.345406 The 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. in OBJ format. The dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp.… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/4b63fe30-b774-4832-b195-8026b7146176     3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton - MTL file http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/microsites/data/3d-models/Minmi/minmi 800k.mtl MTL The Material Template Library (MTL) file that describes the surface shading properties of the 3D mod… 2014-07-09T22:31:45.445465 2014-07-09T22:31:45.445465 706.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
555 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2014-07-09T00:46:08.789190 2022-06-20T09:24:41.345406 The 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. in OBJ format. The dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp.… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/4b63fe30-b774-4832-b195-8026b7146176     First image file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/microsites/data/3d-models/Minmi/minmi 800k.jpg JPG This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the Minm… 2014-07-09T22:32:18.274937 2014-07-09T22:32:18.594323 1106908.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
556 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2014-07-09T00:46:08.789190 2022-06-20T09:24:41.345406 The 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. in OBJ format. The dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp.… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/4b63fe30-b774-4832-b195-8026b7146176     Second image file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/microsites/data/3d-models/Minmi/minmi 800k1.jpg JPG This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the Minm… 2014-07-09T22:32:53.173299 2014-07-09T22:32:53.490928 1644738.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
557 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2014-07-09T00:46:08.789190 2022-06-20T09:24:41.345406 The 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. in OBJ format. The dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp.… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/4b63fe30-b774-4832-b195-8026b7146176     Third image file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/microsites/data/3d-models/Minmi/minmi 800k2.jpg JPG This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the Minm… 2014-07-09T22:33:31.634143 2014-07-09T22:33:32.418873 1913652.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
558 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2014-07-09T00:46:08.789190 2022-06-20T09:24:41.345406 The 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. in OBJ format. The dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp.… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/4b63fe30-b774-4832-b195-8026b7146176     Fourth image file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/microsites/data/3d-models/Minmi/minmi 800k3.jpg JPG This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the Minm… 2014-07-09T22:34:05.471222 2014-07-09T22:34:06.214784 1899683.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
559 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. Queensland Museum opendata@qm.qld.gov.au 2014-07-09T00:46:08.789190 2022-06-20T09:24:41.345406 The 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. in OBJ format. The dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp.… data.qld.gov.au https://data.qld.gov.au/dataset/4b63fe30-b774-4832-b195-8026b7146176     Fifth image file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/microsites/data/3d-models/minmi/minmi 800k4.jpg JPG This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the Minm… 2014-07-09T22:34:37.403956 2014-07-09T22:34:38.014181 1369416.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

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