3 rows where "dataset_modified" is on date 2017-07-28 and source = ""
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Suggested facets: dataset_title, dataset_issued, dataset_modified, dataset_description, info_url, start_date, end_date, dataset_issued (date), start_date (date), end_date (date), file_created (date)
Link | rowid ▼ | dataset_title | publisher | author | dataset_issued | dataset_modified | dataset_description | source | info_url | start_date | end_date | file_title | download_url | format | file_description | file_created | file_modified | file_size | licence |
835 | 835 | Bond Studios Glass Negative Collection | History Trust of South Australia | History Trust of South Australia | 2017-06-27T01:57:42.716364 | 2017-07-28T07:37:33.822683 | The collection comprises 2,558 glass negatives from Bond Studios in Port Adelaide. AE Bond was list… | | | 1867-01-01 | 1930-01-01 | Bond Studios Glass Negative Collection | | API | Instructions are provided in the primary URL An example of a basic implementation can be viewed at … | 2017-06-27T11:59:58.825973 | Other (Open) | ||
836 | 836 | South Australian Government Photographic Collection | History Trust of South Australia | History Trust of South Australia | 2017-06-23T06:53:25.398879 | 2017-07-28T07:36:38.007416 | The collection broadly documents sixty-seven years of government activities, state celebrations, and… | | | South Australian Government Photographic Collection API | | API | Refer to main page for information surrounding the end points. Meta data and images can be accessed … | 2017-06-23T16:55:54.382324 | Other (Open) | ||||
837 | 837 | South Australian Government Photographic Collection | History Trust of South Australia | History Trust of South Australia | 2017-06-23T06:53:25.398879 | 2017-07-28T07:36:38.007416 | The collection broadly documents sixty-seven years of government activities, state celebrations, and… | | | SA Government Photographic Collection | | API | Developer Portal. | 2017-07-28T17:36:38.052331 | Other (Open) |
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JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited
CREATE TABLE [glam-datasets] ( [dataset_title] TEXT, [publisher] TEXT, [author] TEXT, [dataset_issued] TEXT, [dataset_modified] TEXT, [dataset_description] TEXT, [source] TEXT, [info_url] TEXT, [start_date] TEXT, [end_date] TEXT, [file_title] TEXT, [download_url] TEXT, [format] TEXT, [file_description] TEXT, [file_created] TEXT, [file_modified] TEXT, [file_size] TEXT, [licence] TEXT ); CREATE INDEX [idx_glam-datasets_source_publisher_format_licence] ON [glam-datasets] ([source], [publisher], [format], [licence]);