2 rows where dataset_description = "These files held at [Queensland State Archives]( record the particulars of travel of nominated/sponsored immigrants who came to Queensland between 1947 and 1976. Each file may include: a nominal roll of assisted passage migrants (passenger list), luggage lists, notes of passenger travel arrangements after arrival, correspondence on payment of rail fares, and welfare officers report on meeting ship. The passenger lists include: name of passenger (nominated immigrants), age, religion, occupation, country / place of origin, name of ship or flight number of aircraft, date of arrival, and name and address of nominator. For the majority of the aircraft files only the passenger list for the flight is included on the file. The files are arranged in chronological order by the date of arrival of the ship or aircraft. While each ship has a separate file for each voyage, the aircraft files include passenger lists for several months or a period of one year." and "dataset_modified" is on date 2022-06-29
This data as json, CSV (advanced)
Suggested facets: dataset_issued (date), file_created (date), file_modified (date)
dataset_description ✖
- These files held at [Queensland State Archives]( record the particulars of travel of nominated/sponsored immigrants who came to Queensland between 1947 and 1976. Each file may include: a nominal roll of assisted passage migrants (passenger list), luggage lists, notes of passenger travel arrangements after arrival, correspondence on payment of rail fares, and welfare officers report on meeting ship. The passenger lists include: name of passenger (nominated immigrants), age, religion, occupation, country / place of origin, name of ship or flight number of aircraft, date of arrival, and name and address of nominator. For the majority of the aircraft files only the passenger list for the flight is included on the file. The files are arranged in chronological order by the date of arrival of the ship or aircraft. While each ship has a separate file for each voyage, the aircraft files include passenger lists for several months or a period of one year. · 2 ✖
Link | rowid ▼ | dataset_title | publisher | author | dataset_issued | dataset_modified | dataset_description | source | info_url | start_date | end_date | file_title | download_url | format | file_description | file_created | file_modified | file_size | licence |
377 | 377 | Migrant Ship and Aircraft files 1947-1976 | Queensland State Archives | | 2018-02-23T04:47:50.201505 | 2022-06-29T01:27:11.646654 | These files held at [Queensland State Archives](… | | | Migrant Ship and Aircraft files 1947-1976 | | CSV | These files record the particulars of travel of nominated / sponsored immigrants who came to Queensl… | 2018-02-23T04:49:34.496821 | 2018-02-23T04:49:34.411719 | 347136.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | ||
378 | 378 | Migrant Ship and Aircraft files 1947-1976 | Queensland State Archives | | 2018-02-23T04:47:50.201505 | 2022-06-29T01:27:11.646654 | These files held at [Queensland State Archives](… | | | Migrant Ship and Aircraft files 1947-1976 JSON | | JSON | Note: JSON data set is experimental. Use CSV resource in case of errors. These files record the par… | 2018-09-03T23:44:27.247409 | 2018-09-03T23:44:27.159580 | 408576.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited
CREATE TABLE [glam-datasets] ( [dataset_title] TEXT, [publisher] TEXT, [author] TEXT, [dataset_issued] TEXT, [dataset_modified] TEXT, [dataset_description] TEXT, [source] TEXT, [info_url] TEXT, [start_date] TEXT, [end_date] TEXT, [file_title] TEXT, [download_url] TEXT, [format] TEXT, [file_description] TEXT, [file_created] TEXT, [file_modified] TEXT, [file_size] TEXT, [licence] TEXT ); CREATE INDEX [idx_glam-datasets_source_publisher_format_licence] ON [glam-datasets] ([source], [publisher], [format], [licence]);