3 rows where "file_created" is on date 2015-07-01
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Suggested facets: dataset_issued (date), file_modified (date)
Link | rowid ▼ | dataset_title | publisher | author | dataset_issued | dataset_modified | dataset_description | source | info_url | start_date | end_date | file_title | download_url | format | file_description | file_created | file_modified | file_size | licence |
311 | 311 | Toowoomba prison records 1864 to 1906 | Queensland State Archives | | 2015-07-01T23:02:18.577723 | 2022-08-09T05:55:00.317328 | These indexes were compiled from Toowoomba prison records including [Court book],(https://www.archiv… | | | Prisoners tried, Toowoomba 1864-1903 | | CSV | This open data file lists the names of prisoners tried at criminal sittings at Toowoomba and other … | 2015-07-01T23:05:50.004258 | 2022-05-10T06:15:23.084149 | 309248.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | ||
369 | 369 | Teachers 1860 to 1905 | Queensland State Archives | | 2015-07-01T04:19:08.161316 | 2022-06-29T02:19:11.161781 | This index was compiled from the registers of teachers, admitted to service in schools, as kept by t… | | | Teachers 1860 to 1905 | | CSV | This open data file alphabetically lists the names of teachers registered by the Boards of Education… | 2015-07-01T04:21:24.083543 | 2022-04-19T01:30:05.249200 | 7654604.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | ||
709 | 709 | South Australian Photographs World War 1 1914-1929 | State Library of South Australia | Andrew Piper | 2013-05-31T07:08:43.848160 | 2019-08-29T04:37:07.788643 | This dataset is an extract from the photographic collections of the State Library of South Australia… | | | South Australian Photographs World War 1 - 1914-1929 | | CSV | Compiled 2015. This data set has been superseded by an updated version at the top of this Data and R… | 2015-07-01T11:38:47.920554 | Creative Commons Attribution |
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JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited
CREATE TABLE [glam-datasets] ( [dataset_title] TEXT, [publisher] TEXT, [author] TEXT, [dataset_issued] TEXT, [dataset_modified] TEXT, [dataset_description] TEXT, [source] TEXT, [info_url] TEXT, [start_date] TEXT, [end_date] TEXT, [file_title] TEXT, [download_url] TEXT, [format] TEXT, [file_description] TEXT, [file_created] TEXT, [file_modified] TEXT, [file_size] TEXT, [licence] TEXT ); CREATE INDEX [idx_glam-datasets_source_publisher_format_licence] ON [glam-datasets] ([source], [publisher], [format], [licence]);