{"rowid": 684, "dataset_title": "River Murray Steamers Photographs", "publisher": "State Library of South Australia", "author": "State Library of South Australia", "dataset_issued": "2013-05-21T08:50:23.798607", "dataset_modified": "2020-01-15T06:40:22.394087", "dataset_description": "Selection of images (51) from the State Library of South Australia collections of paddle steamers along the River Murray. These are a selection of images from a range of subjects and other State library photo sets on Flickr and range from 1870-1950.\n", "source": "data.sa.gov.au", "info_url": "https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/43833a96-103b-4d76-b017-b8a2bfff4b24", "start_date": "1870-01-01", "end_date": "1952-12-31", "file_title": "River Murray Steamers Photographs", "download_url": "https://www.flickr.com/photos/state_library_south_australia/sets/72157623658731007/", "format": "JPEG", "file_description": "Selection of images (51) from the State Library of South Australia collections of paddle steamers along the River Murray, These are a selection of images from a range of subjects and other State library photo sets on Flickr and range from 1870-1950.\n", "file_created": "2013-05-21T03:51:16.892994", "file_modified": "2013-05-21T04:00:15.758037", "file_size": "20.0", "licence": "Creative Commons Attribution"}