{"rowid": 839, "dataset_title": "Community History Live Stream", "publisher": "History Trust of South Australia", "author": "History Trust of South Australia", "dataset_issued": "2015-05-15T01:26:37.366511", "dataset_modified": "2017-06-27T02:08:43.727429", "dataset_description": "The community history website is a place for community organisations, historical groups and individuals to come together to share their interests in and explore South Australia's community history.\n\nThis dataset provides access to organisations, events, news and blogs that are displayed on the website. ", "source": "data.sa.gov.au", "info_url": "https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/2ce2ab30-d17f-4902-b344-314e4b34538a", "start_date": "2011-04-01", "end_date": "2015-05-31", "file_title": "Community History Live Stream", "download_url": "https://data.history.sa.gov.au/communityhistory/", "format": "API", "file_description": "**Community History Endpoints**\n\n**Organisations**\n\nhttp://data.history.sa.gov.au/communityhistory/organisations\n\n**News**\n\nhttp://data.history.sa.gov.au/communityhistory/news\n\n**Events**\n\nhttp://data.history.sa.gov.au/communityhistory/events\n\n**Blogs**\n\nhttp://data.history.sa.gov.au/communityhistory/blogs\n\n**Article Detail**\n\nThe nid field on each of the items (listed using any of the above endpoints) can be used to get specific detail using the following endpoint:\n\nhttp://data.history.sa.gov.au/communityhistory/{nid} \n\nReplace {nid} with the nid obtained from one of the above endpoints.\n\n**Files**\n\nThe nid field on each of the events (listed using any of the above endpoints) can be used to get associated files (including base64 values) using the following endpoint:\n\nhttp://data.history.sa.gov.au/communityhistory/{nid}/files \n\nReplace {nid} with the nid obtained from one of the above endpoints.\n\n**Taxonomy**\n\nhttp://data.history.sa.gov.au/communityhistory/taxonomy/{id}\n\nReplace {id} with the taxonomy term id (represented by target_id throughout content)", "file_created": "2015-05-15T11:33:00.199640", "file_modified": "", "file_size": "", "licence": "Creative Commons Attribution"} {"rowid": 845, "dataset_title": "History Festival Archive", "publisher": "History Trust of South Australia", "author": "History Trust of South Australia", "dataset_issued": "2015-05-14T07:15:48.169739", "dataset_modified": "2017-06-27T02:07:34.579520", "dataset_description": "The History Festival is held every year in May. This dataset contains an archive of festival events for 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016.", "source": "data.sa.gov.au", "info_url": "https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/8606923a-8c21-4a2a-b31b-925f6fee4616", "start_date": "2013-05-01", "end_date": "2015-05-31", "file_title": "History Festival Events", "download_url": "https://data.history.sa.gov.au/abouttime/", "format": "API", "file_description": "**History Festival Endpoints**\n\n**Events**\n\nhttp://data.history.sa.gov.au/abouttime/events/{year}\n\nReplace {year} with 2013, 2014 or 2015\n\n**Event Detail**\n\nThe nid field on each of the events (listed using the 'Events' endpoint) can be used to get event specific detail using the following endpoint:\n\nhttp://data.history.sa.gov.au/abouttime/event/{year}/{nid} \n\nReplace {year} with 2013, 2014, 2015 or 2016\nReplace {nid} with the nid obtained from one of the events listing.\n\n**Event Images**\n\nThe nid field on each of the events (listed using the 'Events' endpoint) can be used to get event images (including base64 values) using the following endpoint:\n\nhttp://data.history.sa.gov.au/abouttime/event/{year}/{nid}/files \n\nReplace {year} with 2013, 2014, 2015 or 2016\nReplace {nid} with the nid obtained from one of the events listing.", "file_created": "2015-05-14T17:18:33.373635", "file_modified": "", "file_size": "", "licence": "Creative Commons Attribution"} {"rowid": 832, "dataset_title": "Passengers in History", "publisher": "History Trust of South Australia", "author": "History Trust of South Australia", "dataset_issued": "2016-06-28T00:52:30.371967", "dataset_modified": "2021-09-08T23:20:52.626089", "dataset_description": "_Passengers in History_ brings together two wonderful resources:\n

\nA passengers data base developed by the SA Maritime Museum,\nA list of ships\u2019 logs and diaries, titled Log of Logs.\n

\nThe passengers data base was produced by staff and volunteers at the South Australian Maritime Museum over 20 years. It includes entries for 328,000 passengers and 20,000 voyages to South Australia between 1836 and 1961.\n

\nThis data set is presented as a search index that can expose most open data formats.", "source": "data.sa.gov.au", "info_url": "https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/ffa75eb8-475a-460b-91d1-714f269016d5", "start_date": "1836-01-01", "end_date": "1961-01-01", "file_title": "Passengers in History Search Index", "download_url": "https://data.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select", "format": "API", "file_description": "#Passengers in History API Documentation#\nThe Passengers in History data endpoint has been provided using an Apache Solr index (see https://lucene.apache.org/solr/) that uses a Drupal Solr 4.x schema (see https://www.drupal.org/project/search_api_solr). See [https://wiki.apache.org/solr/QueryParametersIndex](https://wiki.apache.org/solr/QueryParametersIndex) for more detail surrounding the query syntax.\n
\nAn example of a basic implementation can be viewed at https://data.history.sa.gov.au/gallery_pih.php?type=vessel&startindex=0\n
\nReplace the type parameter with any of the types listed below to return associated images eg. https://data.history.sa.gov.au/gallery_pih.php?type=passenger&startindex=0\n
\nThe example code can be downloaded from https://data.history.sa.gov.au/gallery_pih.php.txt\n
\nThe open_data index contains 7 different types of content:\n
\n* voyage\n* passenger\n* vessel\n* master\n* port\n* source\n* organisation\n
\nAdditionally, the photo index (photo_index) can be used to retrieve photos (specify the index using the index_id query parameter).\n
\nA voyage is centric to most other content types contains references to passengers, vessels and ports. A join query should be used to get information about related content (see https://wiki.apache.org/solr/Join for information surrounding the query syntax for joins). \nThe is_nid field is the unique identifier.\n
\nThe number of rows per query is limited to 999 so the start and rows query parameters would need to be used to iterate over the entire result set.\n
\nThere are many response formats available (see https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Response+Writers). Just add the parameter 'wt' to the query and select the response format eg. json or csv. The default is xml.\n##Examples##\nA typical workflow might be:\n
\nGet the voyage/s that arrived in 1836:\n
\n[https://data.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?q=index_id:open_data AND is_field_voyage_year:1836](https://data.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?q=index_id:open_data AND is_field_voyage_year:1836)\n

\nUse a join to get the passengers for one of the voyages (use the voyage is_nid field)\n
\n[https://data.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?start=0&rows=50&q={!join from=im_field_passengers to=is_nid}index_id:open_data AND is_nid:944632](https://data.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?start=0&rows=50&q={!join from=im_field_passengers%20to=is_nid}index_id:open_data AND is_nid:944632)\n

\nUse a join to find the origin and destination of a particular voyage:\n
\n[https://data.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?q={!join from=is_field_origin to=is_nid}index_id:open_data AND is_nid:944632](https://data.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?q={!join from=is_field_origin to=is_nid}index_id:open_data AND is_nid:944632)\n
\n[https://data.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?q={!join from=is_field_destination to=is_nid}index_id:open_data AND is_nid:944632](https://data.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?q={!join from=is_field_destination to=is_nid}index_id:open_data AND is_nid:944632)\n

\nUse a join to find the vessel for the voyage:\n
\n[https://data.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?q={!join from=is_field_vessel to=is_nid}index_id:open_data AND is_nid:944632](https://data.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?q={!join from=is_field_vessel to=is_nid}index_id:open_data AND is_nid:944632)\n

\nUse a join to find photos of the vessel (using the vessel is_nid):\n
\n[https://data.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?q=index_id:photo_index AND im_file_usage_list:920026](https://data.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?q=index_id:photo_index AND im_file_usage_list:920026)\n

\nUse a join to find out where a vessel was built (using the vessel is_nid):\n
\n[https://data.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?q={!join from=is_field_built_where to=is_nid}index_id:open_data AND is_nid:923958](https://data.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?q={!join from=is_field_built_where to=is_nid}index_id:open_data AND is_nid:923958)\n

\nUse a join to find the built by organisation for a particular vessel:\n
\n[https://data.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?q={!join from=is_field_built_by to=is_nid}index_id:open_data AND is_nid:923958](https://data.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?q={!join%20from=is_field_built_by%20to=is_nid}index_id:open_data%20AND%20is_nid:923958)\n

\nGet organisation details (using the organisation is_nid):\n
\n[https://data.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?q=index_id:open_data AND ss_type:organisation AND is_nid:916199](https://data.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?q=index_id:open_data%20AND%20ss_type:organisation%20AND%20is_nid:916199)\n

\nOr find all vessels built by the organisation (using the organisation is_nid):\n
\n[https://data.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?q=index_id:open_data AND is_field_built_by:916199](https://data.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?q=index_id:open_data%20AND%20is_field_built_by:916199)\n

\n##Other Useful Queries\nFind all photos that are attached to a passenger:\n
\ndata.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?q={!join from=is_nid to=im_file_usage_list}ss_type:(passenger OR image)\n

\nOr find all passengers that have a photo attached (the reverse):\n
\ndata.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?q={!join from=im_file_usage_list to=is_nid}ss_type:(passenger OR image)\n

\nAll fields are searchable (see listing below). There are many search options using the Apache Solr query syntax. For instance to find all vessels that have the word \u2018Adelaide\u2019 in their tm_title field but not the word \u2018port\u2019:\n
\ndata.history.sa.gov.au:8983/solr/passengers/select?q=index_id:open_data AND ss_type:vessel AND tm_title:(adelaide -port)\n
\nIn this case ss_type is specifically set to be \u2018vessel\u2019. The \u2013 represents negation of the term. There are many more options \u2013 refer to a good blog here [https://yonik.com/solr/query-syntax/](https://yonik.com/solr/query-syntax/)\n

\nFacet search on the voyage destination for a date range between 1834 and 1836:\n
\nIn this case use a port search by node to get the titles of the ports eg.(using the first facet):\n
\nThe answer is most likely to be Sydney!\n

\n##Content Type Fields##\n###Passenger \n
\n* is_nid\n* ss_type\n* tm_field_occupation\n* tm_field_surname\n* tm_field_firstname\n* is_field_age\n* is_arrival_year\n
\n* is_nid\n* ss_type\n* ds_field_depart_date\n* is_field_destination\n* tm_field_master\n* is_field_origin\n* is_field_vessel\n* is_field_voyage_year\n* tm_title\n
\n* is_nid\n* ss_type\n* tm_title\n* tm_field_services\n* im_field_sources\n* is_field_year_end\n* is_field_year_start\n* is_field_built_by\n* is_field_built_where\n* is_field_built_year\n* tm_field_demise\n* tm_field_rig\n* tm_field_dimensions\n* tm_field_tonnage\n
\n* is_nid\n* ss_type\n* tm_title\n* tm_field_location\n* tm_field_reference\n
\n* is_nid\n* ss_type\n* tm_title\n
\n* is_nid\n* ss_type\n* tm_title\n
\n* is_fid: Unique ID for a file\n* tm_field_citation: Includes copyright information\n* tm_field_file_image_title_text: Image title\n* tm_field_location: Location of the image\n* tm_field_source: Source of the image\n* is_file_usage_count: Number of times this file is used in passengersinhistory.sa.gov.au\n* im_file_usage_list: List of content that uses this file\n* ss_url: Url to the file\n", "file_created": "2016-06-28T10:54:22.341773", "file_modified": "", "file_size": "", "licence": "Creative Commons Attribution"} {"rowid": 672, "dataset_title": "South Australians of World War 1 Photographs Flickr set", "publisher": "State Library of South Australia", "author": "Andrew Piper", "dataset_issued": "2013-05-21T09:06:33.212603", "dataset_modified": "2020-02-24T02:07:29.790770", "dataset_description": "A selection (542) of portraits of soldiers. This set of portraits comes from our Chamberlain Collection and includes portraits of Soldiers prior to embarkation in studios and at various military camps in South Australia including Morphettville and Jubilee Oval.\n\n", "source": "data.sa.gov.au", "info_url": "https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/0384a465-903c-4b2b-93ec-826acbe2c66b", "start_date": "1914-1916", "end_date": "", "file_title": "Flickr API", "download_url": "https://www.flickr.com/services/api/", "format": "API", "file_description": "This dataset can be used in conjunction with the Flickr API.", "file_created": "2014-07-07T04:03:42.373664", "file_modified": "2014-07-07T05:05:26.071019", "file_size": "20.0", "licence": "Creative Commons Attribution"} {"rowid": 922, "dataset_title": "WW1 Diary and Letter Transcripts", "publisher": "State Library of NSW", "author": "State Library of NSW", "dataset_issued": "2016-07-25T22:26:44.309321", "dataset_modified": "2016-07-25T22:26:59.738806", "dataset_description": "Approximately 11,000 volumes of letters and diaries of WW1 Australian soldiers have been collected by the Library. For the WWI Centenary Commemoration we have committed to making them accessible to all through digitisation and transcription.", "source": "data.nsw.gov.au", "info_url": "https://data.nsw.gov.au/data/dataset/4095e38b-785f-4f3c-917f-d041fce0e408", "start_date": "", "end_date": "", "file_title": "WW1 Diary and Letter Transcripts API", "download_url": "http://www.sl.nsw.gov.au/api", "format": "API", "file_description": "", "file_created": "2016-07-26T08:26:59.285520", "file_modified": "", "file_size": "", "licence": "Creative Commons Attribution"} {"rowid": 943, "dataset_title": "OpenGov NSW API", "publisher": "NSW State Archives", "author": "", "dataset_issued": "2013-05-28T05:04:20.514798", "dataset_modified": "2015-02-03T06:33:14.130405", "dataset_description": "A repository of information published by NSW Government agencies, including Annual Reports and open access information released under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).", "source": "data.nsw.gov.au", "info_url": "https://data.nsw.gov.au/data/dataset/e2c36616-36db-4bb3-a907-87db836481f0", "start_date": "", "end_date": "", "file_title": "OpenGov NSW API", "download_url": "https://www.opengov.nsw.gov.au/api", "format": "API", "file_description": "OpenGov NSW data and functionality are available via an open web API. This service provides additional options for agencies wishing to integrate OpenGov NSW with their own websites. It also means that external developers, and members of the public more broadly, can easily extract and use OpenGov NSW data. For more information, visit: [https://www.opengov.nsw.gov.au/api](https://www.opengov.nsw.gov.au/api)", "file_created": "2013-05-28T01:05:30.921458", "file_modified": "", "file_size": "", "licence": "Creative Commons Attribution"}