rowid,dataset_title,publisher,author,dataset_issued,dataset_modified,dataset_description,source,info_url,start_date,end_date,file_title,download_url,format,file_description,file_created,file_modified,file_size,licence 811,SA FOI – number of applications received by agency – local government,State Records South Australia,State Records,2018-02-02T04:04:29.901724,2021-11-22T03:49:00.876190,Annual reporting data on number of FOI applications received by Local Government agencies,,,2011-07-01,2019-06-30,SA FOI - number of applications received by agency - local government,,CSV,Annual reporting data on number of FOI applications received by Local Government agencies.,2018-02-02T15:05:08.425211,2021-11-22T03:48:54.147804,3517.0,Creative Commons Attribution 813,SA FOI - number of applications received by agency - State Government,State Records South Australia,State Records,2018-02-02T03:58:46.920972,2021-11-22T03:42:27.322332,Annual reporting data on number of FOI applications received by State Government agencies.,,,2011-07-01,2019-06-30,SA FOI - number of applications received by agency - state government,,CSV,Annual reporting data on number of FOI applications received by State Government agencies.,2018-02-02T15:00:23.854297,2021-11-22T03:42:20.192777,9700.0,Creative Commons Attribution 826,Executive Employment at the History Trust of South Australia,History Trust of South Australia,History Trust of South Australia,2017-09-28T03:04:15.192438,2021-12-14T00:05:31.975545,Executive employment at the History Trust of South Australia for the period 2011-12 to 2019-20 for annual reporting purposes.,,,2011-07-01,2020-06-30,Executive Employment at the History Trust of South Australia 2011-2020,,CSV,Executive employment at the History Trust of South Australia for the period 2011-12 to 2020-21 for annual reporting purposes.,2018-09-03T04:51:56.073524,2021-12-14T00:05:25.121777,209.0,Creative Commons Attribution 827,Consultants engaged by the History Trust of South Australia,History Trust of South Australia,History Trust of South Australia,2017-09-28T02:45:01.007581,2021-12-14T00:04:16.335642,A report of external consultants engaged by the History Trust of South Australia for the period 2011-12 to 2019-20 for annual reporting purposes.,,,2011-07-01,2020-06-30,Consultants engaged by the History Trust of South Australia,,CSV,number if consultants engaged by the History Trust of SA for annual reporting purposes,2019-11-08T00:52:08.054619,2021-12-14T00:04:09.561528,119.0,Creative Commons Attribution 828,Public Complaints History Trust of South Australia,History Trust of South Australia,History Trust of South Australia,2017-09-28T02:59:21.279583,2021-12-14T00:03:11.366438,Public Complaints received by History Trust of South Australia for the period 2011-12 to 2018-20 for annual reporting purposes.,,,2011-07-01,2020-06-30,Public complaints received by History Trust of South Australia,,CSV,Public complaints received by History Trust of South Australia for the period 2011-12 to 2020-21 for annual reporting purposes.,2018-09-03T04:47:28.935571,2021-12-14T00:03:04.113282,229.0,Creative Commons Attribution 829,Fraud detection at History Trust of South Australia,History Trust of South Australia,History Trust of South Australia,2017-09-28T02:56:50.547552,2021-12-14T00:01:53.940313,Fraud detected at History Trust of South Australia for the period 2011-12 to 2018-20 for annual reporting purposes.,,,2011-07-01,2020-06-30,Fraud detection at History Trust of South Australia 2011-2021,,CSV,Fraud detection at History Trust of South Australia for annual reporting processes covers period 2011 - 2021,2018-09-03T05:02:56.430669,2021-12-14T00:01:47.107979,122.0,Creative Commons Attribution 830,Whistleblowers Disclosure for History Trust of South Australia,History Trust of South Australia,History Trust of South Australia,2017-09-28T02:53:45.094443,2021-12-14T00:01:24.874833,Whistleblower disclosure at the History Trust of South Australia for the period 2011-12 to 2019-20 for annual report purposes.,,,2011-07-01,2020-06-30,Whistleblowers Disclosure for History Trust of South Australia 2011-2021,,CSV,Whistleblower disclosure at the History Trust of South Australia for the periods 2011-12 to 2017-21.,2018-09-03T04:55:39.086918,2021-12-14T00:01:17.948309,127.0,Creative Commons Attribution