rowid,dataset_title,publisher,author,dataset_issued,dataset_modified,dataset_description,source,info_url,start_date,end_date,file_title,download_url,format,file_description,file_created,file_modified,file_size,licence 83,State Library of Queensland - Unstacked logs - Catalogue usage,State Library of Queensland,,2019-05-17T04:27:32.465035,2021-05-03T23:27:48.070954,"This open data file contains usage data from the State Library of Queensland’s Unstacked interface at . This includes bibliographic information about viewed items and activity details for each ‘view’ on Unstacked. Unstacked is a real-time visualisation of resources users are accessing from the State Library of Queensland’s online catalogue. As onsite and offsite users select items in the catalogue, the cover or preview image for the item appears in Unstacked. So, when an image appears, it means someone just looked at that item. Users on Unstacked can select the image to view more details about the item and click through to the item’s record in the State Library catalogue. The Unstacked database stores information about each item and ‘view’ interaction that it visualises. This includes bibliographic information about the item (title, publisher, date, description, subject, ISBN, etc.) and activity details for each view (date/time, onsite/offsite, display image URL, etc.). Additional background information can be found at: ",,,,,July 2019 — Unstacked logs - Catalogue usage,,CSV,July 2019 usage data from the State Library of Queensland’s Unstacked interface at . This includes bibliographic information about viewed items and activity details for each ‘view’ on Unstacked.,2019-08-05T01:29:50.589454,2019-08-26T04:42:54.099378,18874368.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 141,State Library of Queensland - Catalogue searches,State Library of Queensland,,2012-12-07T05:55:14.502123,2021-03-08T07:42:00.611055,"This open data file contains the text strings searched in the State Library’s online catalogue each month with the total number of times each text string was searched during the month. The State Library’s online catalogue is openly available at Users search the catalogue remotely and onsite in the library to find digital and physical collection materials and access subscription databases. State Library collections include photographs, newspapers, video, audio, books, online training, music, maps, 3D objects, journals, websites and more. At the end of the month, the raw search data from the catalogue is exported and analysed to count recurring searches.",,,,,July 2019 Catalogue searches,,CSV,The text strings searched and count of recurring searches in the State Library’s online catalogue during July 2019.,2019-08-05T02:37:36.208413,2019-08-27T00:30:01.562190,134144.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0