306,Lazaret patient registers,Queensland State Archives,,2021-08-02T03:56:42.736987,2022-08-09T05:57:48.272370,"This dataset is an index to [lazaret patient registers]( held at [Queensland State Archives]( They document patient information captured at these lazarets, including personal particulars, medical history and location information (admissions, transfers etc.).",,,,,Lazaret Patient Registers,,CSV,"The registers for 1892 to 1940  are admission, medical, discharge and death registers of sufferers of Hansen's disease (also known as leprosy) at Stradbroke Island (Dunwich), Friday Island, Peel Island and Fantome Island Lazarets.
Several of the registers record personal particulars such as name, age, sex, nationality, parent's details and other biographical information. Also often recorded are dates of admission/arrival, dates and locations of death, burial and grave information, discharge dates and transfer information. Some of the registers record medical treatment and test results during the patient's period of residence.",2021-08-02T04:02:56.057025,2021-08-19T02:44:00.170724,471040.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0