975,State Library of Western Australia Digitised Maps 1840-1985,State Library of Western Australia,Author Not Specified,2018-05-22T01:39:30.141933,2022-05-25T18:46:14.858073,"This dataset contains bibliographic records and persistent URLs for the digitised maps held within the State Library of Western Australia’s map collection, including cadastral and town-site maps across the state of Western Australia. The maps range from the early 1840s to the mid-1980s and include land use, zoning, lot numbers, boundary measurements, terms of sale, and locality plans; as well as distances from utilities, landmarks and businesses.

Highlights include the Lindsay J. Peet Collection of Cadastral Maps; town-site maps from the WA Department of Lands and Surveys; the Australia Soviet Military City Plans, Perth; and the Polus Antarticus states, which show the South Pole and Australia prior to the discoveries of Tasman in 1642 and 1643-44. This set also includes the Historic map series 1880-1890 which has been captured as its own dataset.",,,,,SLWA Digitised Maps 1840-1985 CSV,,CSV,This CSV file contains limited bibliographic data from this collection including title of map; author; publisher; description of resource and a link to the image on the SLWA website. Tools used to create this dataset: AACR2 - Anglo American Cataloguing Rules RDA - Resource Description and Access LCSH - Library of Congress Subject Headings,2018-05-22T01:55:04.619387,2018-05-22T01:55:04.577187,,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
976,State Library of Western Australia Digitised Maps 1840-1985,State Library of Western Australia,Author Not Specified,2018-05-22T01:39:30.141933,2022-05-25T18:46:14.858073,"This dataset contains bibliographic records and persistent URLs for the digitised maps held within the State Library of Western Australia’s map collection, including cadastral and town-site maps across the state of Western Australia. The maps range from the early 1840s to the mid-1980s and include land use, zoning, lot numbers, boundary measurements, terms of sale, and locality plans; as well as distances from utilities, landmarks and businesses.

Highlights include the Lindsay J. Peet Collection of Cadastral Maps; town-site maps from the WA Department of Lands and Surveys; the Australia Soviet Military City Plans, Perth; and the Polus Antarticus states, which show the South Pole and Australia prior to the discoveries of Tasman in 1642 and 1643-44. This set also includes the Historic map series 1880-1890 which has been captured as its own dataset.",,,,,SLWA Digitised Maps 1840-1985 MODS,,XML,"This MODXML file contains limited bibliographic data from this collection including title of map; author; publisher; description of resource and a link to the image on the SLWA website. Tools used to create this dataset: MarcEdit MODSXML AACR2 - Anglo American Cataloguing Rules RDA - Resource Description and Access LCSH - Library of Congress Subject Headings About MODSXML: Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS) is a schema for a bibliographic element set that may be used for a variety of purposes, and particularly for library applications. The standard is maintained by the Network Development and MARC Standards Office of the Library of Congress with input from users.",2018-05-22T01:57:13.337426,2018-05-22T01:57:13.274265,,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
977,State Library of Western Australia Digitised Maps 1840-1985,State Library of Western Australia,Author Not Specified,2018-05-22T01:39:30.141933,2022-05-25T18:46:14.858073,"This dataset contains bibliographic records and persistent URLs for the digitised maps held within the State Library of Western Australia’s map collection, including cadastral and town-site maps across the state of Western Australia. The maps range from the early 1840s to the mid-1980s and include land use, zoning, lot numbers, boundary measurements, terms of sale, and locality plans; as well as distances from utilities, landmarks and businesses.

Highlights include the Lindsay J. Peet Collection of Cadastral Maps; town-site maps from the WA Department of Lands and Surveys; the Australia Soviet Military City Plans, Perth; and the Polus Antarticus states, which show the South Pole and Australia prior to the discoveries of Tasman in 1642 and 1643-44. This set also includes the Historic map series 1880-1890 which has been captured as its own dataset.",,,,,SLWA Digitised Maps 1840-1985 MARC,,XML,"This MARCXML file contains limited bibliographic data from this collection including title of map; author; publisher; description of resource and a link to the image on the SLWA website. Tools used to create this dataset: MarcEdit MARC21XML AACR2 - Anglo American Cataloguing Rules RDA - Resource Description and Access LCSH - Library of Congress Subject Headings About MODSXML: Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS) is a schema for a bibliographic element set that may be used for a variety of purposes, and particularly for library applications. The standard is maintained by the Network Development and MARC Standards Office of the Library of Congress with input from users.",2018-05-22T01:58:02.896108,2018-05-22T01:58:02.831403,,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0