rowid,dataset_title,publisher,author,dataset_issued,dataset_modified,dataset_description,source,info_url,start_date,end_date,file_title,download_url,format,file_description,file_created,file_modified,file_size,licence 1136,PROV Digitisation Program statistics,Public Records Office Victoria,,2014-12-22T15:30:23.521591,2015-11-25T23:24:22.573059,"The list, split by financial year, details record 'series' (or collections) have been digitised and published, and the quantity of records in each series. Quantity is measured in 'shelf-metres' (literally the amount of space taken up on a shelf), as a simple way of counting the range of very different material we hold.",,,,,Digitisation Program statistics,,CSV,,2014-12-22T14:37:55.624824,,,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International 1143,Records transferred to PROV custody,Public Records Office Victoria,,2014-12-22T15:31:07.647124,2015-11-25T23:24:50.217423,"Public Record Office Victoria is the archives of the State Government of Victoria. The Collection includes memories of events and decisions great and small that have shaped the history of the Colony and State of Victoria, as well as records of immigration and shipping, criminal trials and prisons, premiers and governors, royal commissions, boards of inquiry, wills and probates and more. ‘Holdings’ refers to the totality of archival records (regardless of format) in the custody or under the control of the Archives. It does not include temporary records. 'Disposal’ relates to the quantity of archival records de-accessioned during the reporting period. This does not include destruction of time-expired temporary records or transfer of records to other Archives An ‘item’ is a single record keeping unit, which exists as a discrete entity. Among other things, an item might be: - A group of pages fastened together to form a file - A single volume, card, map, plan, photograph, film, sound recording, computer tape or other document. Figures on the number of items may be estimates only.",,,,,Records transferred to PROV custody,,CSV,,2014-12-22T14:06:00.205918,,,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International 1151,PROV Historic Plans Collection 1836-1984,Public Records Office Victoria,,2014-12-22T15:31:36.114829,2015-11-25T23:25:31.568581,"The 'Historic Plans Collection' was gathered together by the Lands Department as a collation of important early survey work done in Victoria. The plans are organised into 48 collections based on their purpose - road surveys, surveys of the coast and rivers, mining locations and so on. This dataset contains all the metadata that we have about the plans, including title, date, and frequently notes on scale, features and the surveyor responsible. The data includes names of parishes and townships each plan covers. This information can be geocoded using data maintained on by the Department of Primary Industries.",,,,,Historic Plans Collection 1836-1984,,CSV,,2014-12-22T13:55:46.244280,,,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International 1158,PROV Victorian Government Agencies and Collections metadata,Public Records Office Victoria,,2014-12-22T15:32:52.262244,2015-11-25T23:25:52.877718,"Public Record Office Victoria has compiled a short administrative history for every government agency whose records we hold, as well as a history of every recordkeeping 'series' (or collection) that has been transferrred to us. This information helps researchers identify who might have collected relevant information and how that information is compiled. This data has been made available through an OAI-PMH interface to Research Data Australia. Currently details exist for roughly 2,500 agencies and 14,500 series. Use the OAI protocol to retrieve data: e.g.",,,,,Victorian Government Agencies and Collections metadata,,XML,,2014-12-22T13:37:54.589631,,,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International 1169,PROV Local History Grants Recipients Round 11 (2012-2013),Public Records Office Victoria,,2014-12-22T15:32:40.059800,2015-11-25T23:25:41.999003,"This KML file lists grant recipients by location and includes details of the funded project. The Hon Heidi Victoria MP, Minister for the Arts announced the 2012-2013 Local History Grant recipients on 6 June 2013. ",,,,,Local History Grants Recipients Round 11 (2012-2013),,KML,,2014-12-22T13:45:42.781728,,,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International 1174,PROV VPRS 515/P1 Central Register of Male Prisoners,Public Records Office Victoria,,2014-12-22T15:31:24.668706,2015-11-25T23:25:09.356571,"The history of those sentenced to custody in Melbourne-area prisons, including Pentridge, the Collingwood Stockade and the prison hulks, was detailed in 'central' registers of male and female prisoners. The prison registers list crimes and sentences, frequently include photographs of the prisoner and record notes on their time in custody. Well-known figures such as Ned Kelly and Squizzy Taylor are recorded in these volumes. These registers have been digitised and indexes to the prisoners are being compiled by PROV volunteers. The data indexed from the male registers (VPRS 515) includes the prisoner name and number and a reference to the digital image available on PROV's website. ",,,,,VPRS 515/P1 Central Register of Male Prisoners,,CSV,,2014-12-22T13:59:26.428692,,,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International 1175,"PROV Index to Wills, Probate and Administration Records 1841-2009",Public Records Office Victoria,,2014-12-22T15:31:47.407541,2015-11-25T23:25:20.843223,This data was largely compiled by volunteers working with the Genealogical Society of Utah as part of a project to digitise Victorian probate records for the nineteenth and first part of the twentieth century. Later data was compiled by staff of the Supreme Court of Victoria. This data can be used to identify particular records held by Public Record Office Victoria as well as the basis of statistical research.,,,,,"Index to Wills, Probate and Administration Records 1841-2009",,CSV,,2014-12-22T13:50:24.796748,,,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International