546,3D model of the fish skeleton of Percalates antiquus,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T23:37:41.604672,2022-06-20T09:25:05.444278,The 3D model of the fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* in OBJ format. The fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,3D model of the Percalates antiquus fish skeleton - OBJ file, 1M poly.obj,OBJ,An OBJ file containing the geometry definition of the 3D model of the *Percalates antiquus* fish skeleton.,2014-07-09T23:44:19.737435,2014-07-09T23:44:19.737435,110939340.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
547,3D model of the fish skeleton of Percalates antiquus,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T23:37:41.604672,2022-06-20T09:25:05.444278,The 3D model of the fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* in OBJ format. The fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,3D model of the Percalates antiquus fish skeleton - MTL file, 1M poly.mtl,MTL,The Material Template Library (MTL) file that describes the surface shading properties of the 3D model of the *Percalates antiquus* fish skeleton.,2014-07-09T23:44:55.282810,2014-07-09T23:44:55.282810,786.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
548,3D model of the fish skeleton of Percalates antiquus,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T23:37:41.604672,2022-06-20T09:25:05.444278,The 3D model of the fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* in OBJ format. The fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,First image file of the 3D model of the Percalates antiquus fish skeleton, 1M poly.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Percalates antiquus* fish skeleton. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-09T23:46:16.797021,2014-07-09T23:46:17.186841,1106908.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
549,3D model of the fish skeleton of Percalates antiquus,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T23:37:41.604672,2022-06-20T09:25:05.444278,The 3D model of the fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* in OBJ format. The fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Second image file of the 3D model of the Percalates antiquus fish skeleton, 1M poly1.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Percalates antiquus* fish skeleton. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-09T23:46:46.161533,2014-07-09T23:46:46.849350,1644738.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
550,3D model of the fish skeleton of Percalates antiquus,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T23:37:41.604672,2022-06-20T09:25:05.444278,The 3D model of the fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* in OBJ format. The fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Third image file of the 3D model of the Percalates antiquus fish skeleton, 1M poly2.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Percalates antiquus* fish skeleton. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-09T23:47:29.947129,2014-07-09T23:47:30.981479,1844284.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
551,3D model of the fish skeleton of Percalates antiquus,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T23:37:41.604672,2022-06-20T09:25:05.444278,The 3D model of the fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* in OBJ format. The fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Fourth image file of the 3D model of the Percalates antiquus fish skeleton, 1M poly3.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Percalates antiquus* fish skeleton. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-09T23:48:03.814517,2014-07-09T23:48:04.817388,1810041.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
552,3D model of the fish skeleton of Percalates antiquus,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T23:37:41.604672,2022-06-20T09:25:05.444278,The 3D model of the fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* in OBJ format. The fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Fifth image file of the 3D model of the Percalates antiquus fish skeleton, 1M poly4.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Percalates antiquus* fish skeleton. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-09T23:48:34.508840,2014-07-09T23:48:35.616404,1866111.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
553,3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp.,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T00:46:08.789190,2022-06-20T09:24:41.345406,The 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. in OBJ format. The dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton - OBJ file, 800k.obj,OBJ,An OBJ file containing the geometry definition of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton.,2014-07-09T22:31:10.748649,2014-07-09T22:31:10.748649,97307852.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
554,3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp.,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T00:46:08.789190,2022-06-20T09:24:41.345406,The 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. in OBJ format. The dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton - MTL file, 800k.mtl,MTL,The Material Template Library (MTL) file that describes the surface shading properties of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton.,2014-07-09T22:31:45.445465,2014-07-09T22:31:45.445465,706.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
555,3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp.,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T00:46:08.789190,2022-06-20T09:24:41.345406,The 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. in OBJ format. The dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,First image file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton, 800k.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-09T22:32:18.274937,2014-07-09T22:32:18.594323,1106908.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
556,3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp.,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T00:46:08.789190,2022-06-20T09:24:41.345406,The 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. in OBJ format. The dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Second image file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton, 800k1.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-09T22:32:53.173299,2014-07-09T22:32:53.490928,1644738.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
557,3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp.,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T00:46:08.789190,2022-06-20T09:24:41.345406,The 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. in OBJ format. The dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Third image file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton, 800k2.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-09T22:33:31.634143,2014-07-09T22:33:32.418873,1913652.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
558,3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp.,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T00:46:08.789190,2022-06-20T09:24:41.345406,The 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. in OBJ format. The dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Fourth image file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton, 800k3.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-09T22:34:05.471222,2014-07-09T22:34:06.214784,1899683.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
559,3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp.,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T00:46:08.789190,2022-06-20T09:24:41.345406,The 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. in OBJ format. The dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Fifth image file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton, 800k4.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-09T22:34:37.403956,2014-07-09T22:34:38.014181,1369416.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0