rowid,dataset_title,publisher,author,dataset_issued,dataset_modified,dataset_description,source,info_url,start_date,end_date,file_title,download_url,format,file_description,file_created,file_modified,file_size,licence 509,Queensland Museum customer complaints—financial year,Queensland Museum,,2020-08-03T23:09:23.411645,2020-09-30T03:52:44.932373,Number of customer complaints made to Queensland Museum by financial year since 2018-19.,,,,,Queensland Museum customer complaints—financial year,,CSV,Number of customer complaints made to Queensland Museum by financial year since 2018-19.,2020-08-03T23:12:17.257467,2020-09-30T03:52:36.784604,845.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 510,Queensland Museum collection of historical objects,Queensland Museum,,2014-06-25T05:09:11.124505,2019-07-10T16:42:11.311022,"A list of historical objects in the Queensland Museum including classification, measurements, materials, production place, primary maker, object type and photograph of the object.",,,,,Queensland Museum collection of historical object records,,CSV,"A CSV file containing records of a selection of historical objects in the Queensland Museum collection including their classification, materials, measurements, production place, primary maker, object type, and a reference to a photograph of the object.",2014-06-25T05:09:42.879738,2014-06-25T05:09:47.569396,678502.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 511,Queensland Museum collection of ethnographic objects,Queensland Museum,,2014-06-25T05:06:33.560592,2019-07-10T16:42:01.529656,"A list of ethnographic objects in the Queensland Museum including classification, measurements, materials, production place, object type, locality and photograph of the object.",,,,,Queensland Museum collection of ethnographic object records,,CSV,"A CSV file containing records of a selection of ethnographic objects in the Queensland Museum collection including their classification, materials, measurements, production place, locality and reference to a photograph of the object.",2014-06-25T05:07:17.786568,2014-06-25T05:07:20.342970,360448.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 512,Queensland Museum collection of palaeontology specimens,Queensland Museum,,2014-02-18T23:16:11.099352,2019-07-10T16:42:27.020218,"A list of palaeontology specimens in the Queensland Museum collection including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution.",,,,,Queensland Museum palaeontology collection records,,CSV,"A CSV file containing records of all palaeontology specimens in the Queensland Museum collection including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution. For more information about the fields please consult [CSV Fields](",2014-02-18T23:16:34.210620,2017-06-23T00:00:00,2936012.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 513,Queensland Museum collection of crustacean specimens,Queensland Museum,,2014-02-18T23:00:09.810287,2019-07-10T16:41:56.188929,"A list of specimens of crustacean species in Queensland including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution.",,,,,Queensland Museum crustaceans collection records,,CSV,"A CSV file containing records of all crustacean specimens in the Queensland Museum collection including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution. For more information about the fields please consult [CSV Fields] (",2014-02-18T23:00:42.076260,2017-06-23T00:00:00,47710208.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 514,Queensland Museum collection of protozoan specimens,Queensland Museum,,2014-02-18T23:18:45.102073,2019-07-10T16:42:34.524484,"A list of specimens of protozoan species in Queensland including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution.",,,,,Queensland Museum protozoan collection records,,CSV,"A CSV file containing records of all protozoan specimens in the Queensland Museum collection including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution. For more information about the fields please consult [CSV Fields] (",2014-02-18T23:19:05.331656,2017-06-23T00:00:00,41733324.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 515,Queensland Museum collection of porifera specimens,Queensland Museum,,2014-02-18T23:17:33.156389,2019-07-10T16:42:28.966430,"A list of specimens of porifera species in Queensland including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution.",,,,,Queensland Museum porifera collection records,,CSV,"A CSV file containing records of all porifera specimens in the Queensland Museum collection including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution. For more information about the fields please consult [CSV Fields] (",2014-02-18T23:17:56.098808,2017-06-23T00:00:00,40475033.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 516,Queensland Museum collection of mollusc specimens,Queensland Museum,,2014-02-18T23:13:21.911525,2019-07-10T16:42:22.637554,"A list of specimens of mollusc species in Queensland including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution.",,,,,Queensland Museum molluscs collection records,,CSV,"A CSV file containing records of all mollusc specimens in the Queensland Museum collection including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution. For more information about the fields please consult [CSV Fields] (",2014-02-18T23:13:43.543143,2017-06-23T00:00:00,21076377.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 517,Queensland Museum collection of mammal specimens,Queensland Museum,,2014-02-18T23:08:18.685885,2019-07-10T16:42:21.031112,"A list of specimens of mammal species in Queensland including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution. ",,,,,Queensland Museum mammals collection records,,CSV,"A CSV file containing records of all mammal specimens in the Queensland Museum collection including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution. For more information about the fields please consult [CSV Fields] (",2014-02-18T23:08:47.065762,2017-06-23T00:00:00,21076377.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 518,Queensland Museum collection of fish specimens,Queensland Museum,,2014-02-18T23:03:21.761994,2019-07-10T16:42:08.792925,"A list of specimens of fish species in Queensland including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution.",,,,,Queensland Museum fishes collection records,,CSV,"A CSV file containing records of all fish specimens in the Queensland Museum collection including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution. For more information about the fields please consult [CSV Fields] (",2014-02-18T23:03:45.925979,2017-06-23T00:00:00,38168166.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 519,Queensland Museum collection of entomology specimens,Queensland Museum,,2014-02-18T23:01:35.439275,2019-07-10T16:42:06.045184,"A list of specimens of entomology species in Queensland including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution.",,,,,Queensland Museum entomology collection records,,CSV,"A CSV file containing records of all entomology specimens in the Queensland Museum collection including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution. For more information about the fields please consult [CSV Fields] (",2014-02-18T23:02:02.219241,2017-06-23T00:00:00,245576499.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 520,Queensland Museum collection of coral specimens,Queensland Museum,,2014-02-18T22:58:48.728592,2019-07-10T16:41:54.364768,"A list of specimens of coral species in Queensland including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution.",,,,,Queensland Museum corals collection records,,CSV,"A CSV file containing records of all coral specimens in the Queensland Museum collection including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution. For more information about the fields please consult [CSV Fields] (",2014-02-18T22:59:12.826494,2017-06-21T00:00:00,52638515.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 521,Queensland Museum collection of arachnid specimens,Queensland Museum,,2014-02-18T22:44:14.425584,2019-07-10T16:41:46.569392,"A list of specimens of arachnid species in Queensland including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution.",,,,,Queensland Museum arachnids collection records,,CSV,"A CSV file containing records of all arachnid specimens in the Queensland Museum collection including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution. For more information about the fields please consult [CSV Fields] (",2014-02-18T22:44:45.386516,2017-06-22T00:00:00,91226112.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 522,Queensland Museum collection of bird specimens,Queensland Museum,,2014-02-18T22:46:12.580451,2019-07-10T16:41:46.464988,"A list of specimens of bird species in Queensland including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution.",,,,,Queensland Museum birds collection records,,CSV,"A CSV file containing records of all bird specimens in the Queensland Museum collection including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution. For more information about the fields please consult [CSV Fields] (",2014-02-18T22:46:40.880995,2017-06-23T00:00:00,30723276.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 523,Queensland Museum collection of amphibians and reptiles,Queensland Museum,,2014-02-18T22:36:38.813763,2019-07-10T16:41:40.902352,"A list of specimens of amphibian and reptile species in Queensland including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and locality.",,,,,Queensland Museum amphibians and reptiles collection records,,CSV,"A CSV file containing records of all amphibian and reptile specimens in the Queensland Museum collection including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and locality. For more information about the fields please consult [CSV Fields] (",2014-02-18T22:37:38.848749,2017-06-22T00:00:00,86612377.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 525,Queensland Museum collection of specimens of other invertebrates,Queensland Museum,,2014-02-18T23:14:39.826733,2019-07-10T16:42:35.344871,"A list of specimens of other invertebrate species in Queensland including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution.",,,,,Queensland Museum collection records of other invertebrates,,CSV,"A CSV file containing records of all specimens of other invertebrates in the Queensland Museum collection including their common names, scientific names, taxonomy, and distribution. For more information about the fields please consult [CSV Fields] (",2014-02-18T23:15:01.283733,2017-06-23T00:00:00,62285414.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 526,Board of the Queensland Museum Annual Report - Consultancies 2017-2018,Queensland Museum,,2018-10-12T06:24:02.188222,2020-09-30T04:31:34.429741,Queensland Museum Network Consultancies for the financial year 2017-2018,,,,,Board of the Queensland Museum Annual Report - Consultancies 2017-2018,,XLSX,Consultancies reported in the Queensland Museum Annual Report 2017-2018,2018-10-12T06:25:53.579773,2018-10-12T06:25:53.502536,13824.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 527,Board of the Queensland Museum Annual Report - Consultancies 2019-2020,Queensland Museum,,2020-09-30T04:20:57.940458,2022-06-20T13:17:33.784074,Queensland Museum Network Consultancies for the financial year 2019-2020,,,,,Board of the Queensland Museum Annual Report - Consultancies 2019-2020,,CSV,Consultancies reported in the Queensland Museum Annual Report 2019-2020,2020-09-30T04:45:14.957510,2020-09-30T23:55:25.222342,408.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 528,Board of the Queensland Museum Annual Report - Consultancies 2016-2017,Queensland Museum,,2018-10-23T02:46:33.941097,2019-07-10T16:42:40.244311,Appendix to the Queensland Museum Network Annual Report for 2016-2017 that contains consultancies data for the financial year 2016-2017,,,,,Board of the Queensland Museum Annual Report - Consultancies 2016-17,,XLSX,Consultancies reported in the Board of the Queensland Museum Annual Report 2016-2017,2018-10-23T02:49:01.282675,2018-10-23T02:49:01.133956,13824.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 529,Board of the Queensland Museum Annual Report - Overseas Travel 2017-2018,Queensland Museum,,2018-10-12T06:28:44.035627,2019-07-10T16:42:44.062106,Appendix to the Queensland Museum Annual Report for 2017-2018 that contains overseas travel data,,,,,Queensland Museum Network Travel 2017-18.xlsx,,XLSX,Excel file containing overseas travel data as reported on the Queensland Museum Annual Report for 2017-2018,2018-10-12T06:29:46.084412,2018-10-12T06:29:45.999966,15974.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 530,Board of the Queensland Museum Annual Report - Overseas Travel 2019-2020,Queensland Museum,,2020-09-30T04:54:22.172465,2022-06-20T13:17:42.042153,Appendix to the Queensland Museum Annual Report for 2019-2020 that contains overseas travel data,,,,,Queensland Museum Network Travel 2019-20,,CSV,Excel file containing overseas travel data as reported on the Queensland Museum Annual Report for 2019-2020,2020-09-30T04:55:13.087218,2020-10-22T00:04:37.502085,816.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 531,Board of the Queensland Museum Annual Report - Overseas Travel 2016-2017,Queensland Museum,,2018-10-23T02:51:51.574782,2022-06-20T13:17:37.052369,Appendix to the Queensland Museum Annual Report for 2016-2017 that contains overseas travel data,,,,,Board of the Queensland Museum Annual Report - Overseas Travel 2016-17,,XLSX,Overseas travel data reported in the Board of the Queensland Museum Annual Report 2016-2017,2018-10-23T02:52:55.261661,2018-10-23T02:52:55.181849,11366.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 533,Printable 3D model of an Ichthyosaur paddle,Queensland Museum,,2016-07-28T04:53:24.933290,2019-07-10T09:03:48.653088,The printable 3D model of an Ichthyosaur paddle in OBJ format. The Ichthyosaur paddle is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Printable 3D model of an Ichthyosaur paddle - OBJ file,,OBJ,An OBJ file containing the geometry definition of the 3D model of an Ichthyosaur paddle.,2016-07-28T04:56:03.396350,,120380147.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 534,Printable 3D model of a Muttaburrasaurus skull,Queensland Museum,,2016-07-28T05:01:08.866363,2019-07-10T09:03:43.416013,The printable 3D model of a Muttaburrasaurus skull in OBJ format. The Muttaburrasaurus skull is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Printable 3D model of a Muttaburrasaurus skull - OBJ file,,OBJ,An OBJ file containing the geometry definition of the 3D model of a *Muttaburrasaurus* skull.,2016-07-28T05:04:24.991030,,150176350.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 535,Printable 3D model of an Ammonite,Queensland Museum,,2016-07-28T04:40:16.614711,2019-07-10T09:03:47.299030,The printable 3D model of an Ammonite in OBJ format. The Ammonite is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Printable 3D model of an Ammonite - OBJ file,,OBJ,An OBJ file containing the geometry definition of the 3D model of an Ammonite.,2016-07-28T04:45:08.076746,,492540676.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 536,Printable 3D model of an Ammonite,Queensland Museum,,2016-07-28T04:40:16.614711,2019-07-10T09:03:47.299030,The printable 3D model of an Ammonite in OBJ format. The Ammonite is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Printable 3D model of an Ammonite - MTL file,,MTL,The Material Template Library (MTL) file that describes the surface shading properties of the 3D model of an Ammonite.,2016-07-28T04:48:48.953718,2016-07-28T00:00:00,214.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 537,Printable 3D model of a block of Ammonite,Queensland Museum,,2016-07-28T04:16:37.988385,2019-07-10T09:03:42.333408,The printable 3D model of a block of Ammonite in OBJ format. The block of Ammonite is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Printable 3D model of a block of Ammonite - OBJ file,,OBJ,An OBJ file containing the geometry definition of the 3D model of a block of Ammonite.,2016-07-28T04:25:25.716771,,492699674.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 538,Printable 3D model of a block of Ammonite,Queensland Museum,,2016-07-28T04:16:37.988385,2019-07-10T09:03:42.333408,The printable 3D model of a block of Ammonite in OBJ format. The block of Ammonite is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Printable 3D model of a block of Ammonite - MTL file,,MTL,The Material Template Library (MTL) file that describes the surface shading properties of the 3D model of a block of Ammonite.,2016-07-28T04:30:08.063065,2016-07-28T00:00:00,214.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 539,3D model of the mandible of Sarcophilus laniarius,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-10T00:02:47.607586,2022-06-20T09:25:35.895848,The 3D model of the mandible of *Sarcophilus laniarius* in OBJ format. The mandible of *Sarcophilus laniarius* is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,3D model of the Sarcophilus laniarius mandible - OBJ file, laniarius mandible 800k poly.obj,OBJ,An OBJ file containing the geometry definition of the 3D model of the *Sarcophilus laniarius* mandible.,2014-07-10T00:03:20.192093,2014-07-10T00:03:20.192093,96783564.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 540,3D model of the mandible of Sarcophilus laniarius,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-10T00:02:47.607586,2022-06-20T09:25:35.895848,The 3D model of the mandible of *Sarcophilus laniarius* in OBJ format. The mandible of *Sarcophilus laniarius* is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,3D model of the Sarcophilus laniarius mandible - MTL file, laniarius mandible 800k poly.mtl,MTL,The Material Template Library (MTL) file that describes the surface shading properties of the 3D model of the *Sarcophilus laniarius* mandible.,2014-07-10T00:03:48.433679,2014-07-10T00:03:48.433679,786.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 541,3D model of the mandible of Sarcophilus laniarius,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-10T00:02:47.607586,2022-06-20T09:25:35.895848,The 3D model of the mandible of *Sarcophilus laniarius* in OBJ format. The mandible of *Sarcophilus laniarius* is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,First image file of the 3D model of the Sarcophilus laniarius mandible, laniarius mandible 800k poly.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Sarcophilus laniarius* mandible. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-10T00:04:15.690482,2014-07-10T00:04:16.142079,1755232.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 542,3D model of the mandible of Sarcophilus laniarius,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-10T00:02:47.607586,2022-06-20T09:25:35.895848,The 3D model of the mandible of *Sarcophilus laniarius* in OBJ format. The mandible of *Sarcophilus laniarius* is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Second image file of the 3D model of the Sarcophilus laniarius mandible, laniarius mandible 800k poly1.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Sarcophilus laniarius* mandible. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-10T00:04:56.519311,2014-07-10T00:04:57.119084,1611336.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 543,3D model of the mandible of Sarcophilus laniarius,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-10T00:02:47.607586,2022-06-20T09:25:35.895848,The 3D model of the mandible of *Sarcophilus laniarius* in OBJ format. The mandible of *Sarcophilus laniarius* is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Third image file of the 3D model of the Sarcophilus laniarius mandible, laniarius mandible 800k poly2.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Sarcophilus laniarius* mandible. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-10T00:05:21.144766,2014-07-10T00:05:21.759524,1844284.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 544,3D model of the mandible of Sarcophilus laniarius,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-10T00:02:47.607586,2022-06-20T09:25:35.895848,The 3D model of the mandible of *Sarcophilus laniarius* in OBJ format. The mandible of *Sarcophilus laniarius* is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Fourth image file of the 3D model of the Sarcophilus laniarius mandible, laniarius mandible 800k poly3.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Sarcophilus laniarius* mandible. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-10T00:05:51.757654,2014-07-10T00:05:52.538280,1810041.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 545,3D model of the mandible of Sarcophilus laniarius,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-10T00:02:47.607586,2022-06-20T09:25:35.895848,The 3D model of the mandible of *Sarcophilus laniarius* in OBJ format. The mandible of *Sarcophilus laniarius* is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Fifth image file of the 3D model of the Sarcophilus laniarius mandible, laniarius mandible 800k poly4.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Sarcophilus laniarius* mandible. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-10T00:06:21.446582,2014-07-10T00:06:22.269550,1866111.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 546,3D model of the fish skeleton of Percalates antiquus,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T23:37:41.604672,2022-06-20T09:25:05.444278,The 3D model of the fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* in OBJ format. The fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,3D model of the Percalates antiquus fish skeleton - OBJ file, 1M poly.obj,OBJ,An OBJ file containing the geometry definition of the 3D model of the *Percalates antiquus* fish skeleton.,2014-07-09T23:44:19.737435,2014-07-09T23:44:19.737435,110939340.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 547,3D model of the fish skeleton of Percalates antiquus,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T23:37:41.604672,2022-06-20T09:25:05.444278,The 3D model of the fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* in OBJ format. The fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,3D model of the Percalates antiquus fish skeleton - MTL file, 1M poly.mtl,MTL,The Material Template Library (MTL) file that describes the surface shading properties of the 3D model of the *Percalates antiquus* fish skeleton.,2014-07-09T23:44:55.282810,2014-07-09T23:44:55.282810,786.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 548,3D model of the fish skeleton of Percalates antiquus,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T23:37:41.604672,2022-06-20T09:25:05.444278,The 3D model of the fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* in OBJ format. The fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,First image file of the 3D model of the Percalates antiquus fish skeleton, 1M poly.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Percalates antiquus* fish skeleton. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-09T23:46:16.797021,2014-07-09T23:46:17.186841,1106908.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 549,3D model of the fish skeleton of Percalates antiquus,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T23:37:41.604672,2022-06-20T09:25:05.444278,The 3D model of the fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* in OBJ format. The fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Second image file of the 3D model of the Percalates antiquus fish skeleton, 1M poly1.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Percalates antiquus* fish skeleton. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-09T23:46:46.161533,2014-07-09T23:46:46.849350,1644738.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 550,3D model of the fish skeleton of Percalates antiquus,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T23:37:41.604672,2022-06-20T09:25:05.444278,The 3D model of the fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* in OBJ format. The fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Third image file of the 3D model of the Percalates antiquus fish skeleton, 1M poly2.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Percalates antiquus* fish skeleton. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-09T23:47:29.947129,2014-07-09T23:47:30.981479,1844284.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 551,3D model of the fish skeleton of Percalates antiquus,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T23:37:41.604672,2022-06-20T09:25:05.444278,The 3D model of the fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* in OBJ format. The fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Fourth image file of the 3D model of the Percalates antiquus fish skeleton, 1M poly3.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Percalates antiquus* fish skeleton. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-09T23:48:03.814517,2014-07-09T23:48:04.817388,1810041.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 552,3D model of the fish skeleton of Percalates antiquus,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T23:37:41.604672,2022-06-20T09:25:05.444278,The 3D model of the fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* in OBJ format. The fish skeleton of *Percalates antiquus* is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Fifth image file of the 3D model of the Percalates antiquus fish skeleton, 1M poly4.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the *Percalates antiquus* fish skeleton. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-09T23:48:34.508840,2014-07-09T23:48:35.616404,1866111.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 553,3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp.,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T00:46:08.789190,2022-06-20T09:24:41.345406,The 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. in OBJ format. The dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton - OBJ file, 800k.obj,OBJ,An OBJ file containing the geometry definition of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton.,2014-07-09T22:31:10.748649,2014-07-09T22:31:10.748649,97307852.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 554,3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp.,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T00:46:08.789190,2022-06-20T09:24:41.345406,The 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. in OBJ format. The dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton - MTL file, 800k.mtl,MTL,The Material Template Library (MTL) file that describes the surface shading properties of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton.,2014-07-09T22:31:45.445465,2014-07-09T22:31:45.445465,706.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 555,3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp.,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T00:46:08.789190,2022-06-20T09:24:41.345406,The 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. in OBJ format. The dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,First image file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton, 800k.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-09T22:32:18.274937,2014-07-09T22:32:18.594323,1106908.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 556,3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp.,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T00:46:08.789190,2022-06-20T09:24:41.345406,The 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. in OBJ format. The dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Second image file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton, 800k1.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-09T22:32:53.173299,2014-07-09T22:32:53.490928,1644738.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 557,3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp.,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T00:46:08.789190,2022-06-20T09:24:41.345406,The 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. in OBJ format. The dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Third image file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton, 800k2.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-09T22:33:31.634143,2014-07-09T22:33:32.418873,1913652.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 558,3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp.,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T00:46:08.789190,2022-06-20T09:24:41.345406,The 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. in OBJ format. The dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Fourth image file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton, 800k3.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-09T22:34:05.471222,2014-07-09T22:34:06.214784,1899683.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 559,3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp.,Queensland Museum,,2014-07-09T00:46:08.789190,2022-06-20T09:24:41.345406,The 3D model of the dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. in OBJ format. The dinosaur skeleton of Minmi sp. is from the Queensland Museum Geosciences collection.,,,,,Fifth image file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton, 800k4.jpg,JPG,"This image file is entered into the Material Template Library (MTL) file of the 3D model of the Minmi dinosaur skeleton. This image, together with the OBJ and MTL files, are used by 3D viewers to render the 3D model.",2014-07-09T22:34:37.403956,2014-07-09T22:34:38.014181,1369416.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0