rowid,dataset_title,publisher,author,dataset_issued,dataset_modified,dataset_description,source,info_url,start_date,end_date,file_title,download_url,format,file_description,file_created,file_modified,file_size,licence 849,South Australian Museum Ichthyology Collection,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2013-03-21T05:15:15.690837,2020-02-18T23:51:32.608265,"The South Australian Museum fish collection is comprised of over eleven thousand registered lots. The collection has a strong regional focus with freshwater fishes of southern and central Australia and Southern Ocean marine fishes, including deep-sea species, well represented. The SA Museum manages this dataset using the EMu collection management system. It is interpreted into the [Darwin Core]( metadata schema (DwC) and semi-regularly exported to the [Atlas of Living Australia]( (ALA) and the [Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums]( (OZCAM). Data sourced from Australian museums on both the ALA and OZCAM should be identical, but on ALA they are combined with observational data from citizen science initiatives and other sources. Both of those sites make it possible to combine, interrogate and analyse data through web services such as the [Spatial Analysis Portal]( In the Spatial Portal ALA data can be combined with meteorological and other environmental data sourced from and made accessible by relevant government agencies. Data about endangered species are either withheld from online publication, or coordinates or other data are obscured on the ALA and OZCAM. In those circumstances more specific information is available directly from SA Museum collection managers if it is genuinely required for research purposes. SA Museum data can be downloaded in full from the Atlas of Living Australia, or broken down into discipline specific parts (e.g. Herpetology, Mammalogy etc). On download the ALA will request an email address (not mandatory) and a reason for download (mandatory) – this is required to track usage of the ALA data to help data providers determine priorities for upload and improvement. ",,,1880-2014,,SA Museum Ichthyology Collection,,HTML,"The fish collection is comprised of over eleven thousand registered lots. The collection has a strong regional focus with freshwater fishes of southern and central Australia and Southern Ocean marine fishes, including deep-sea species, well represented.",2013-03-21T05:16:04.727350,2013-04-10T03:52:29.999055,32768.0,Creative Commons Attribution 850,South Australian Museum Ichthyology Collection,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2013-03-21T05:15:15.690837,2020-02-18T23:51:32.608265,"The South Australian Museum fish collection is comprised of over eleven thousand registered lots. The collection has a strong regional focus with freshwater fishes of southern and central Australia and Southern Ocean marine fishes, including deep-sea species, well represented. The SA Museum manages this dataset using the EMu collection management system. It is interpreted into the [Darwin Core]( metadata schema (DwC) and semi-regularly exported to the [Atlas of Living Australia]( (ALA) and the [Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums]( (OZCAM). Data sourced from Australian museums on both the ALA and OZCAM should be identical, but on ALA they are combined with observational data from citizen science initiatives and other sources. Both of those sites make it possible to combine, interrogate and analyse data through web services such as the [Spatial Analysis Portal]( In the Spatial Portal ALA data can be combined with meteorological and other environmental data sourced from and made accessible by relevant government agencies. Data about endangered species are either withheld from online publication, or coordinates or other data are obscured on the ALA and OZCAM. In those circumstances more specific information is available directly from SA Museum collection managers if it is genuinely required for research purposes. SA Museum data can be downloaded in full from the Atlas of Living Australia, or broken down into discipline specific parts (e.g. Herpetology, Mammalogy etc). On download the ALA will request an email address (not mandatory) and a reason for download (mandatory) – this is required to track usage of the ALA data to help data providers determine priorities for upload and improvement. ",,,1880-2014,,Metadata tempate for Ichthyology Collection,,DOC,High Level metadata information for Ichthyology Collection,2013-05-14T21:36:03.682895,2014-10-30T09:00:45,851968.0,Creative Commons Attribution 851,South Australian Museum Ichthyology Collection,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2013-03-21T05:15:15.690837,2020-02-18T23:51:32.608265,"The South Australian Museum fish collection is comprised of over eleven thousand registered lots. The collection has a strong regional focus with freshwater fishes of southern and central Australia and Southern Ocean marine fishes, including deep-sea species, well represented. The SA Museum manages this dataset using the EMu collection management system. It is interpreted into the [Darwin Core]( metadata schema (DwC) and semi-regularly exported to the [Atlas of Living Australia]( (ALA) and the [Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums]( (OZCAM). Data sourced from Australian museums on both the ALA and OZCAM should be identical, but on ALA they are combined with observational data from citizen science initiatives and other sources. Both of those sites make it possible to combine, interrogate and analyse data through web services such as the [Spatial Analysis Portal]( In the Spatial Portal ALA data can be combined with meteorological and other environmental data sourced from and made accessible by relevant government agencies. Data about endangered species are either withheld from online publication, or coordinates or other data are obscured on the ALA and OZCAM. In those circumstances more specific information is available directly from SA Museum collection managers if it is genuinely required for research purposes. SA Museum data can be downloaded in full from the Atlas of Living Australia, or broken down into discipline specific parts (e.g. Herpetology, Mammalogy etc). On download the ALA will request an email address (not mandatory) and a reason for download (mandatory) – this is required to track usage of the ALA data to help data providers determine priorities for upload and improvement. ",,,1880-2014,,Field definitions,,CSV,Field Definitions - Atlas of Living Australia datasets,2013-05-23T20:46:11.826210,2016-06-24T04:16:27.495064,19397.0,Creative Commons Attribution 852,South Australian Museum Ichthyology Collection,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2013-03-21T05:15:15.690837,2020-02-18T23:51:32.608265,"The South Australian Museum fish collection is comprised of over eleven thousand registered lots. The collection has a strong regional focus with freshwater fishes of southern and central Australia and Southern Ocean marine fishes, including deep-sea species, well represented. The SA Museum manages this dataset using the EMu collection management system. It is interpreted into the [Darwin Core]( metadata schema (DwC) and semi-regularly exported to the [Atlas of Living Australia]( (ALA) and the [Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums]( (OZCAM). Data sourced from Australian museums on both the ALA and OZCAM should be identical, but on ALA they are combined with observational data from citizen science initiatives and other sources. Both of those sites make it possible to combine, interrogate and analyse data through web services such as the [Spatial Analysis Portal]( In the Spatial Portal ALA data can be combined with meteorological and other environmental data sourced from and made accessible by relevant government agencies. Data about endangered species are either withheld from online publication, or coordinates or other data are obscured on the ALA and OZCAM. In those circumstances more specific information is available directly from SA Museum collection managers if it is genuinely required for research purposes. SA Museum data can be downloaded in full from the Atlas of Living Australia, or broken down into discipline specific parts (e.g. Herpetology, Mammalogy etc). On download the ALA will request an email address (not mandatory) and a reason for download (mandatory) – this is required to track usage of the ALA data to help data providers determine priorities for upload and improvement. ",,,1880-2014,,Information about ichthyology at the South Australian Museum,,HTML,Information about ichthyology at the South Australian Museum,2014-06-04T08:35:49.718522,2014-06-04T09:00:24.940416,9196.0,Creative Commons Attribution 861,South Australian Museum Herpetology Collection,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2013-03-21T05:07:17.288715,2020-02-18T01:28:14.693870,"Over 70,000 specimens have been registered in this collection, which has a particular emphasis on South Australian and arid zone fauna. A second major regional focus is Melanesia, especially the island of New Guinea (Papua New Guinea and Papua Province, Indonesia), with some 6,000 registered specimens. Most material is formalin-fixed and stored in 70% alcohol, with tadpoles stored in formalin. There is a significant dry skeletal collection of over 1,500 specimens, mostly skulls, and this will continue to be expanded. Since 1980, the great majority of specimens acquired (approx. 40,000) have had tissue samples (mostly liver) taken for genetic and biochemical research. These are held in the S.A. Museum's Australian Biological Tissue Collection. All specimens are individually registered and the data entered on a collections management system. All specimens are stored on-site in the S.A. Museum Science Centre alcohol storage facilities. The SA Museum manages this dataset using the KE EMu collection management system. It is interpreted into the [Darwin Core]( metadata schema (DwC) and semi-regularly exported to the [Atlas of Living Australia]( (ALA) and the [Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums]( (OZCAM). Data sourced from Australian museums on both the ALA and OZCAM should be identical, but on ALA they are combined with observational data from citizen science initiatives and other sources. Both of those sites make it possible to combine, interrogate and analyse data through web services such as the [Spatial Analysis Portal]( In the Spatial Portal ALA data can be combined with meteorological and other environmental data sourced from and made accessible by relevant government agencies. The ALA also has a fully documented [API]( Data about endangered species are either withheld from online publication, or coordinates or other data are obscured on the ALA and OZCAM. In those circumstances more specific information is available directly from SA Museum collection managers if it is genuinely required for research purposes. SA Museum data can be downloaded in full from the Atlas of Living Australia, or broken down into discipline specific parts (e.g. Herpetology, Mammalogy etc). On download the ALA will request an email address (not mandatory) and a reason for download (mandatory) – this is required to track usage of the ALA data to help data providers determine priorities for upload and improvement. ",,,1880-2014,,SA Museum Herpetology Collection,,Mixed Formats,"Over 70,000 specimens have been registered in this collection, which has a particular emphasis on South Australian and arid zone fauna",2013-03-21T05:11:08.311453,2013-04-10T03:52:30.946234,32768.0,Creative Commons Attribution 862,South Australian Museum Herpetology Collection,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2013-03-21T05:07:17.288715,2020-02-18T01:28:14.693870,"Over 70,000 specimens have been registered in this collection, which has a particular emphasis on South Australian and arid zone fauna. A second major regional focus is Melanesia, especially the island of New Guinea (Papua New Guinea and Papua Province, Indonesia), with some 6,000 registered specimens. Most material is formalin-fixed and stored in 70% alcohol, with tadpoles stored in formalin. There is a significant dry skeletal collection of over 1,500 specimens, mostly skulls, and this will continue to be expanded. Since 1980, the great majority of specimens acquired (approx. 40,000) have had tissue samples (mostly liver) taken for genetic and biochemical research. These are held in the S.A. Museum's Australian Biological Tissue Collection. All specimens are individually registered and the data entered on a collections management system. All specimens are stored on-site in the S.A. Museum Science Centre alcohol storage facilities. The SA Museum manages this dataset using the KE EMu collection management system. It is interpreted into the [Darwin Core]( metadata schema (DwC) and semi-regularly exported to the [Atlas of Living Australia]( (ALA) and the [Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums]( (OZCAM). Data sourced from Australian museums on both the ALA and OZCAM should be identical, but on ALA they are combined with observational data from citizen science initiatives and other sources. Both of those sites make it possible to combine, interrogate and analyse data through web services such as the [Spatial Analysis Portal]( In the Spatial Portal ALA data can be combined with meteorological and other environmental data sourced from and made accessible by relevant government agencies. The ALA also has a fully documented [API]( Data about endangered species are either withheld from online publication, or coordinates or other data are obscured on the ALA and OZCAM. In those circumstances more specific information is available directly from SA Museum collection managers if it is genuinely required for research purposes. SA Museum data can be downloaded in full from the Atlas of Living Australia, or broken down into discipline specific parts (e.g. Herpetology, Mammalogy etc). On download the ALA will request an email address (not mandatory) and a reason for download (mandatory) – this is required to track usage of the ALA data to help data providers determine priorities for upload and improvement. ",,,1880-2014,,Metadata Herpetology,,DOC,"Contains information such as Short Description, Update Frequency, Last Updated, Organisation,File Format, Author, Mentors, Themes, etc ",2013-05-09T23:53:47.039883,2014-10-30T09:00:51,851968.0,Creative Commons Attribution 863,South Australian Museum Herpetology Collection,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2013-03-21T05:07:17.288715,2020-02-18T01:28:14.693870,"Over 70,000 specimens have been registered in this collection, which has a particular emphasis on South Australian and arid zone fauna. A second major regional focus is Melanesia, especially the island of New Guinea (Papua New Guinea and Papua Province, Indonesia), with some 6,000 registered specimens. Most material is formalin-fixed and stored in 70% alcohol, with tadpoles stored in formalin. There is a significant dry skeletal collection of over 1,500 specimens, mostly skulls, and this will continue to be expanded. Since 1980, the great majority of specimens acquired (approx. 40,000) have had tissue samples (mostly liver) taken for genetic and biochemical research. These are held in the S.A. Museum's Australian Biological Tissue Collection. All specimens are individually registered and the data entered on a collections management system. All specimens are stored on-site in the S.A. Museum Science Centre alcohol storage facilities. The SA Museum manages this dataset using the KE EMu collection management system. It is interpreted into the [Darwin Core]( metadata schema (DwC) and semi-regularly exported to the [Atlas of Living Australia]( (ALA) and the [Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums]( (OZCAM). Data sourced from Australian museums on both the ALA and OZCAM should be identical, but on ALA they are combined with observational data from citizen science initiatives and other sources. Both of those sites make it possible to combine, interrogate and analyse data through web services such as the [Spatial Analysis Portal]( In the Spatial Portal ALA data can be combined with meteorological and other environmental data sourced from and made accessible by relevant government agencies. The ALA also has a fully documented [API]( Data about endangered species are either withheld from online publication, or coordinates or other data are obscured on the ALA and OZCAM. In those circumstances more specific information is available directly from SA Museum collection managers if it is genuinely required for research purposes. SA Museum data can be downloaded in full from the Atlas of Living Australia, or broken down into discipline specific parts (e.g. Herpetology, Mammalogy etc). On download the ALA will request an email address (not mandatory) and a reason for download (mandatory) – this is required to track usage of the ALA data to help data providers determine priorities for upload and improvement. ",,,1880-2014,,Field definitions,,CSV,Field Definitions - Atlas of Living Australia datasets,2013-05-23T20:45:19.534335,2016-06-24T04:13:44.323858,19397.0,Creative Commons Attribution 864,South Australian Museum Herpetology Collection,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2013-03-21T05:07:17.288715,2020-02-18T01:28:14.693870,"Over 70,000 specimens have been registered in this collection, which has a particular emphasis on South Australian and arid zone fauna. A second major regional focus is Melanesia, especially the island of New Guinea (Papua New Guinea and Papua Province, Indonesia), with some 6,000 registered specimens. Most material is formalin-fixed and stored in 70% alcohol, with tadpoles stored in formalin. There is a significant dry skeletal collection of over 1,500 specimens, mostly skulls, and this will continue to be expanded. Since 1980, the great majority of specimens acquired (approx. 40,000) have had tissue samples (mostly liver) taken for genetic and biochemical research. These are held in the S.A. Museum's Australian Biological Tissue Collection. All specimens are individually registered and the data entered on a collections management system. All specimens are stored on-site in the S.A. Museum Science Centre alcohol storage facilities. The SA Museum manages this dataset using the KE EMu collection management system. It is interpreted into the [Darwin Core]( metadata schema (DwC) and semi-regularly exported to the [Atlas of Living Australia]( (ALA) and the [Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums]( (OZCAM). Data sourced from Australian museums on both the ALA and OZCAM should be identical, but on ALA they are combined with observational data from citizen science initiatives and other sources. Both of those sites make it possible to combine, interrogate and analyse data through web services such as the [Spatial Analysis Portal]( In the Spatial Portal ALA data can be combined with meteorological and other environmental data sourced from and made accessible by relevant government agencies. The ALA also has a fully documented [API]( Data about endangered species are either withheld from online publication, or coordinates or other data are obscured on the ALA and OZCAM. In those circumstances more specific information is available directly from SA Museum collection managers if it is genuinely required for research purposes. SA Museum data can be downloaded in full from the Atlas of Living Australia, or broken down into discipline specific parts (e.g. Herpetology, Mammalogy etc). On download the ALA will request an email address (not mandatory) and a reason for download (mandatory) – this is required to track usage of the ALA data to help data providers determine priorities for upload and improvement. ",,,1880-2014,,Information about herpetology at the South Australian Museum,,HTML,Information about herpetology at the South Australian Museum,2014-06-04T08:44:13.780750,2014-06-04T09:00:21.690925,9109.0,Creative Commons Attribution 865,South Australian Museum Arachnology Collection,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2016-06-24T05:00:45.749753,2020-02-18T01:13:20.998657,"The Arachnology Collection at the South Australian Museum contains around 300,000 arachnids as well as many centipedes and millipedes (Myriapoda). Of these around 56,000 have been databased. Spider specimens make up the largest component, with some 200,000 specimens stored in alcohol. The Sparassidae (huntsman spiders) are particularly well represented in the collection with over 2000 Australasian specimens. The collection also houses a significant mite (Acarina) collection (about 45,000 specimens) in alcohol or on glass microscope slides, approximately 5000 scorpion (Scorpiones) specimens and a smaller number of Myriapoda specimens (about 3600). The SA Museum manages this dataset using the KE EMu collection management system. It is interpreted into the [Darwin Core]( metadata schema (DwC) and semi-regularly exported to the [Atlas of Living Australia]( (ALA) and the [Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums]( (OZCAM). Data sourced from Australian museums on both the ALA and OZCAM should be identical, but on ALA they are combined with observational data from citizen science initiatives and other sources. Both of those sites make it possible to combine, interrogate and analyse data through web services such as the [Spatial Analysis Portal]( In the Spatial Portal ALA data can be combined with meteorological and other environmental data sourced from and made accessible by relevant government agencies. The ALA also has a fully documented [API]( Data about endangered species are either withheld from online publication, or coordinates or other data are obscured on the ALA and OZCAM. In those circumstances more specific information is available directly from SA Museum collection managers if it is genuinely required for research purposes. SA Museum data can be downloaded in full from the Atlas of Living Australia, or broken down into discipline specific parts (e.g. Herpetology, Mammalogy etc). On download the ALA will request an email address (not mandatory) and a reason for download (mandatory) – this is required to track usage of the ALA data to help data providers determine priorities for upload and improvement. ",,,1880-01-01,2016-01-01,South Australian Museum Arachnology collection on the Atlas of Living Australia,,Mixed Formats,"The Atlas of Living Australia page for the South Australian Museum Arachnology collection. As an alternative to downloading the entire dataset the ALA also provides [an API](",2016-06-24T15:02:39.155583,,,Creative Commons Attribution 866,South Australian Museum - Complaints,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T04:04:04.497286,2019-12-15T23:58:26.137371,Data detailing complaints for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Complaints - 2018-19,,CSV,Complaints data from 2018-18 Annual Report,2019-09-04T23:32:04.277036,2019-09-04T23:32:28.358032,,Creative Commons Attribution 867,South Australian Museum - Complaints,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T04:04:04.497286,2019-12-15T23:58:26.137371,Data detailing complaints for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Complaints - 2017-18,,CSV,Data regarding complaints for 2017-18.,2019-08-15T04:04:32.157485,2019-08-15T04:04:32.119917,,Creative Commons Attribution 868,South Australian Museum - Complaints,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T04:04:04.497286,2019-12-15T23:58:26.137371,Data detailing complaints for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Complaints - 2016-17,,CSV,Complaints data from 2016-17 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:18:05.816378,2019-09-04T04:18:05.770575,,Creative Commons Attribution 869,South Australian Museum - Complaints,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T04:04:04.497286,2019-12-15T23:58:26.137371,Data detailing complaints for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Complaints - 2015-16,,CSV,Complaints data from 2015-16 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:16:19.128276,2019-09-04T04:16:19.031655,,Creative Commons Attribution 870,South Australian Museum - Complaints,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T04:04:04.497286,2019-12-15T23:58:26.137371,Data detailing complaints for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Complaints - 2014-15,,CSV,Complaints data from 2014-15 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:14:04.171986,2019-09-04T04:14:04.108871,,Creative Commons Attribution 871,South Australian Museum - Consultants,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T03:56:41.725035,2019-12-09T01:09:25.753421,Data regarding consultants for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Consultants - 2018-19,,CSV,Consultants data from 2018-19 Annual Report,2019-09-04T23:38:26.634663,2019-09-04T23:38:26.585714,,Creative Commons Attribution 872,South Australian Museum - Consultants,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T03:56:41.725035,2019-12-09T01:09:25.753421,Data regarding consultants for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Consultants - 2017-18,,CSV,Data regarding consultants for 2017-18.,2019-08-15T03:57:12.167061,2019-08-15T03:57:12.130205,,Creative Commons Attribution 873,South Australian Museum - Consultants,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T03:56:41.725035,2019-12-09T01:09:25.753421,Data regarding consultants for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Consultants - 2016-17,,CSV,Consultants data from 2016-17 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:29:16.674702,2019-09-04T04:29:16.628739,,Creative Commons Attribution 874,South Australian Museum - Consultants,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T03:56:41.725035,2019-12-09T01:09:25.753421,Data regarding consultants for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Consultants - 2015-16,,CSV,Consultants data from 2015-16 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:29:59.787875,2019-09-04T04:29:59.743965,,Creative Commons Attribution 875,South Australian Museum - Consultants,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T03:56:41.725035,2019-12-09T01:09:25.753421,Data regarding consultants for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Consultants - 2014-15,,CSV,Consultants data from 2014-15 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:30:52.002997,2019-09-04T04:30:51.954220,,Creative Commons Attribution 876,South Australian Museum - Consultants,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T03:56:41.725035,2019-12-09T01:09:25.753421,Data regarding consultants for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Consultants - 2013-14,,CSV,Consultants data from 2013-14 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:31:24.342931,2019-09-04T04:31:24.294353,,Creative Commons Attribution 877,South Australian Museum - Contractors,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T03:58:27.191500,2019-12-09T01:09:06.088144,Data detailing contractors for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Contractors - 2018-19,,CSV,Contractors data from 2018-19 Annual Report,2019-09-04T23:42:35.167567,2019-09-04T23:42:35.100491,,Creative Commons Attribution 878,South Australian Museum - Contractors,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T03:58:27.191500,2019-12-09T01:09:06.088144,Data detailing contractors for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Contractors - 2017-18,,CSV,Data regarding contractors for 2017-18.,2019-08-15T03:59:09.056241,2019-08-15T03:59:09.004337,,Creative Commons Attribution 879,South Australian Museum - Contractors,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T03:58:27.191500,2019-12-09T01:09:06.088144,Data detailing contractors for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Contractors - 2016-17,,CSV,Contractors data from 2016-17 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:26:01.108966,2019-09-04T04:26:01.060874,,Creative Commons Attribution 880,South Australian Museum - Contractors,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T03:58:27.191500,2019-12-09T01:09:06.088144,Data detailing contractors for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Contractors - 2015-16,,CSV,Contractors data from 2015-16 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:26:43.223202,2019-09-04T04:26:43.156338,,Creative Commons Attribution 881,South Australian Museum - Contractors,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T03:58:27.191500,2019-12-09T01:09:06.088144,Data detailing contractors for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Contractors - 2014-15,,CSV,Contractors data from 2014-15 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:27:22.235852,2019-09-04T04:27:22.156934,,Creative Commons Attribution 882,South Australian Museum - Contractors,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T03:58:27.191500,2019-12-09T01:09:06.088144,Data detailing contractors for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Contractors - 2013-14,,CSV,Contractors data from 2013-14 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:28:01.372509,2019-09-04T04:28:01.300110,,Creative Commons Attribution 883,South Australian Museum - Executive Employment,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T03:53:56.674169,2019-12-09T01:08:44.186137,Data detailing executive employment at the South Australian Museum.,,,,,Executive Employment - 2018-19,,CSV,Executive Employment data from 2018-19 Annual Report,2019-09-04T23:46:00.607610,2019-09-04T23:46:00.534359,,Creative Commons Attribution 884,South Australian Museum - Executive Employment,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T03:53:56.674169,2019-12-09T01:08:44.186137,Data detailing executive employment at the South Australian Museum.,,,,,Executive Employment - 2017-18,,CSV,Data regarding Executive Employment for 2017-18.,2019-08-15T03:54:34.903947,2019-08-15T03:54:34.859781,,Creative Commons Attribution 885,South Australian Museum - Executive Employment,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T03:53:56.674169,2019-12-09T01:08:44.186137,Data detailing executive employment at the South Australian Museum.,,,,,Executive Employment - 2016-17,,CSV,Executive Employment data from 2016-17 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:32:27.127445,2019-09-04T04:32:27.062435,,Creative Commons Attribution 886,South Australian Museum - Executive Employment,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T03:53:56.674169,2019-12-09T01:08:44.186137,Data detailing executive employment at the South Australian Museum.,,,,,Executive Employment - 2015-16,,CSV,Executive Employment data from 2015-16 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:32:56.480809,2019-09-04T04:32:56.429536,,Creative Commons Attribution 887,South Australian Museum - Executive Employment,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T03:53:56.674169,2019-12-09T01:08:44.186137,Data detailing executive employment at the South Australian Museum.,,,,,Executive Employment - 2014-15,,CSV,Executive Employment data from 2014-15 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:33:27.848636,2019-09-04T04:33:27.800232,,Creative Commons Attribution 888,South Australian Museum - Executive Employment,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T03:53:56.674169,2019-12-09T01:08:44.186137,Data detailing executive employment at the South Australian Museum.,,,,,Executive Employment - 2013-14,,CSV,Executive Employment data from 2013-14 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:34:02.328217,2019-09-04T04:34:02.255162,,Creative Commons Attribution 889,South Australian Museum - Whistle Blowers,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T04:02:36.377113,2019-12-09T01:08:18.617465,Data detailing whistle blowers for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Whistle Blowers - 2018-19,,CSV,Whistle Blowers data from 2018-19 Annual Report,2019-09-04T23:50:44.326883,2019-09-04T23:50:44.259824,,Creative Commons Attribution 890,South Australian Museum - Whistle Blowers,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T04:02:36.377113,2019-12-09T01:08:18.617465,Data detailing whistle blowers for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Whistle Blowers - 2017-18,,CSV,Data regarding whistle blowers for 2017-18.,2019-08-15T04:03:02.133735,2019-08-15T04:03:02.078403,,Creative Commons Attribution 891,South Australian Museum - Whistle Blowers,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T04:02:36.377113,2019-12-09T01:08:18.617465,Data detailing whistle blowers for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Whistle Blowers - 2016-17,,CSV,Whistle Blowers data from 2016-17 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:19:57.696860,2019-09-04T04:19:57.630354,,Creative Commons Attribution 892,South Australian Museum - Whistle Blowers,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T04:02:36.377113,2019-12-09T01:08:18.617465,Data detailing whistle blowers for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Whistle Blowers - 2015-16,,CSV,Whistle Blowers data from 2015-16 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:20:37.102007,2019-09-04T04:20:37.057670,,Creative Commons Attribution 893,South Australian Museum - Whistle Blowers,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T04:02:36.377113,2019-12-09T01:08:18.617465,Data detailing whistle blowers for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Whistle Blowers - 2014-15,,CSV,Whistle Blowers data from 2014-15 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:21:18.705174,2019-09-04T04:21:18.630661,,Creative Commons Attribution 894,South Australian Museum - Whistle Blowers,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T04:02:36.377113,2019-12-09T01:08:18.617465,Data detailing whistle blowers for the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Whistle Blowers - 2013-14,,CSV,Whistle Blowers data from 2013-14 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:22:03.593544,2019-09-04T04:22:03.518510,,Creative Commons Attribution 895,South Australian Museum - Work Health and Safety,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T02:02:11.516432,2019-12-09T01:07:54.505235,"Data detailing workplace injury claims, work health and safety regulations and return to work costs for the South Australian Museum",,,,,Workplace Health and Safety - 2018-19,,CSV,Workplace Health and Safety data from 2018-19 Annual Report,2019-09-05T00:07:24.041894,2019-09-05T00:07:23.987951,,Creative Commons Attribution 896,South Australian Museum - Work Health and Safety,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T02:02:11.516432,2019-12-09T01:07:54.505235,"Data detailing workplace injury claims, work health and safety regulations and return to work costs for the South Australian Museum",,,,,Workplace Health and Safety (Workers Compensation) - 2018-19,,CSV,Workplace Health and Safety (Workers Compensation) data from 2018-19 Annual Report,2019-09-05T00:08:29.240565,2019-09-05T00:08:29.188469,,Creative Commons Attribution 897,South Australian Museum - Work Health and Safety,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T02:02:11.516432,2019-12-09T01:07:54.505235,"Data detailing workplace injury claims, work health and safety regulations and return to work costs for the South Australian Museum",,,,,Workplace Health and Safety - 2017-18,,CSV,Data regarding Work Health and Safety and Return to Work Performance for 2017-18.,2019-08-15T03:48:19.066304,2019-08-15T03:48:19.010996,,Creative Commons Attribution 898,South Australian Museum - Work Health and Safety,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T02:02:11.516432,2019-12-09T01:07:54.505235,"Data detailing workplace injury claims, work health and safety regulations and return to work costs for the South Australian Museum",,,,,Workplace Health and Safety (Workers Compensation) - 2015-16,,CSV,Workplace Health and Safety (Workers Compensation) data from 2015-16 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:35:39.186891,2019-09-04T04:35:39.119550,,Creative Commons Attribution 899,South Australian Museum - Work Health and Safety,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T02:02:11.516432,2019-12-09T01:07:54.505235,"Data detailing workplace injury claims, work health and safety regulations and return to work costs for the South Australian Museum",,,,,Workplace Health and Safety (Injuries) - 2015-16,,CSV,Workplace Health and Safety (Injuries) data from 2015-16 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:37:34.631468,2019-09-05T00:10:45.255593,,Creative Commons Attribution 900,South Australian Museum - Work Health and Safety,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T02:02:11.516432,2019-12-09T01:07:54.505235,"Data detailing workplace injury claims, work health and safety regulations and return to work costs for the South Australian Museum",,,,,Workplace Health and Safety - 2014-15,,CSV,Workplace Health and Safety data from 2014-15 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:38:18.193067,2019-09-04T04:38:18.144963,,Creative Commons Attribution 901,South Australian Museum - Work Health and Safety,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T02:02:11.516432,2019-12-09T01:07:54.505235,"Data detailing workplace injury claims, work health and safety regulations and return to work costs for the South Australian Museum",,,,,Workplace Health and Safety - 2013-14,,CSV,Workplace Health and Safety data from 2013-14 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:39:05.788999,2019-09-04T04:39:05.738395,,Creative Commons Attribution 902,South Australian Museum - Fraud,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T04:00:51.826093,2019-12-09T01:07:21.373770,Data detailing fraud detected at the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Fraud - 2018-19,,CSV,Fraud data from 2018-19 Annual Report,2019-09-04T23:48:11.199165,2019-09-04T23:48:11.146340,,Creative Commons Attribution 903,South Australian Museum - Fraud,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T04:00:51.826093,2019-12-09T01:07:21.373770,Data detailing fraud detected at the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Fraud - 2017-18,,CSV,Data regarding instances of fraud for 2017-18.,2019-08-15T04:01:18.561705,2019-08-15T04:01:18.509959,,Creative Commons Attribution 904,South Australian Museum - Fraud,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T04:00:51.826093,2019-12-09T01:07:21.373770,Data detailing fraud detected at the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Fraud - 2016-17,,CSV,Fraud data from 2016-17 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:23:11.555572,2019-09-04T04:23:11.496419,,Creative Commons Attribution 905,South Australian Museum - Fraud,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T04:00:51.826093,2019-12-09T01:07:21.373770,Data detailing fraud detected at the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Fraud - 2015-16,,CSV,Fraud data from 2015-16 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:23:49.248313,2019-09-04T04:23:49.180734,,Creative Commons Attribution 906,South Australian Museum - Fraud,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T04:00:51.826093,2019-12-09T01:07:21.373770,Data detailing fraud detected at the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Fraud - 2014-15,,CSV,Fraud data from 2014-15 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:24:25.334175,2019-09-04T04:24:25.289244,,Creative Commons Attribution 907,South Australian Museum - Fraud,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2019-08-15T04:00:51.826093,2019-12-09T01:07:21.373770,Data detailing fraud detected at the South Australian Museum. ,,,,,Fraud - 2013-14,,CSV,Fraud data from 2013-14 Annual Report,2019-09-04T04:25:02.864610,2019-09-04T04:25:02.797084,,Creative Commons Attribution 908,South Australian Museum Marine Invertebrates collection,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2016-07-05T03:33:27.070432,2017-05-08T02:34:29.724267,"The Marine invertebrates collection is currently represented by 23 phyla and holds more than one million specimen lots including 1,700 holotypes, 11,300 secondary types, 33,000 registered lots and 1,400 microscope slide preparations. Specimens include molluscs, crustaceans, worms, sponges, jellyfish, corals and sea anemones, sea stars and sea urchins. Of these specimens about 5,500 have been databased and are accessible through the Atlas of Living Australia, more than 1500 of them with digital images of the specimen and label. The SA Museum manages this dataset using the KE EMu collection management system. It is interpreted into the [Darwin Core]( metadata schema (DwC) and semi-regularly exported to the [Atlas of Living Australia]( (ALA) and the [Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums]( (OZCAM). Data sourced from Australian museums on both the ALA and OZCAM should be identical, but on ALA they are combined with observational data from citizen science initiatives and other sources. Both of those sites make it possible to combine, interrogate and analyse data through web services such as the [Spatial Analysis Portal]( In the Spatial Portal ALA data can be combined with meteorological and other environmental data sourced from and made accessible by relevant government agencies. The ALA also has a fully documented [API]( The Museum has also been using the ALA's Online Volunteer Digitisation Portal, [DIGIVOL]( to digitise the data for Marine Invertebrate specimens. To facilitate this a large quantity of specimens have been imaged. Data about endangered species are either withheld from online publication, or coordinates or other data are obscured on the ALA and OZCAM. In those circumstances more specific information is available directly from SA Museum collection managers if it is genuinely required for research purposes. SA Museum data can be downloaded in full from the Atlas of Living Australia, or broken down into discipline specific parts (e.g. Herpetology, Mammalogy etc). On download the ALA will request an email address (not mandatory) and a reason for download (mandatory) – this is required to track usage of the ALA data to help data providers determine priorities for upload and improvement. ",,,1880-01-01,2016-01-01,South Australian Museum Marine Invertebrates Collection,,HTML,The South Australian Museum Marine Invertebrates Collection data available through the Atlas of Living Australia,2016-07-05T13:34:15.892177,,,Creative Commons Attribution 909,South Australian Museum Marine Invertebrates collection,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2016-07-05T03:33:27.070432,2017-05-08T02:34:29.724267,"The Marine invertebrates collection is currently represented by 23 phyla and holds more than one million specimen lots including 1,700 holotypes, 11,300 secondary types, 33,000 registered lots and 1,400 microscope slide preparations. Specimens include molluscs, crustaceans, worms, sponges, jellyfish, corals and sea anemones, sea stars and sea urchins. Of these specimens about 5,500 have been databased and are accessible through the Atlas of Living Australia, more than 1500 of them with digital images of the specimen and label. The SA Museum manages this dataset using the KE EMu collection management system. It is interpreted into the [Darwin Core]( metadata schema (DwC) and semi-regularly exported to the [Atlas of Living Australia]( (ALA) and the [Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums]( (OZCAM). Data sourced from Australian museums on both the ALA and OZCAM should be identical, but on ALA they are combined with observational data from citizen science initiatives and other sources. Both of those sites make it possible to combine, interrogate and analyse data through web services such as the [Spatial Analysis Portal]( In the Spatial Portal ALA data can be combined with meteorological and other environmental data sourced from and made accessible by relevant government agencies. The ALA also has a fully documented [API]( The Museum has also been using the ALA's Online Volunteer Digitisation Portal, [DIGIVOL]( to digitise the data for Marine Invertebrate specimens. To facilitate this a large quantity of specimens have been imaged. Data about endangered species are either withheld from online publication, or coordinates or other data are obscured on the ALA and OZCAM. In those circumstances more specific information is available directly from SA Museum collection managers if it is genuinely required for research purposes. SA Museum data can be downloaded in full from the Atlas of Living Australia, or broken down into discipline specific parts (e.g. Herpetology, Mammalogy etc). On download the ALA will request an email address (not mandatory) and a reason for download (mandatory) – this is required to track usage of the ALA data to help data providers determine priorities for upload and improvement. ",,,1880-01-01,2016-01-01,Specimen images from the South Australian Museum Marine Invertebrates collection,,HTML,The records from the South Australian Museum Marine Invertebrates collection which are accompanied by images.,2016-07-05T13:35:25.650675,,,Creative Commons Attribution 913,South Australian Museum Terrestrial Invertebrate Collection,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2013-03-21T05:57:20.220041,2016-07-05T03:45:43.422359,"The collection has Australia-wide and Indo-Pacific representation, plus some world specimens for comparative purposes. The collection comprises 1200000 pinned specimens, 450000 specimens in spirit and 20000 slides. There are 8670 holotypes, of which 5000 are from the A.M. Lea beetle collection. There are 23000 other types. In summary, the entomological collections Class Insecta comprise 662 Australian families and 85,961 known Australian species. The arachnological collections comprise spiders (50000 specimens in alcohol), mites (25000 slide mounts and 20000 specimens in alcohol), scorpions (5000 specimens in alcohol) and myriapods. Images from this collection are available on the Atlas of Living Australia. The SA Museum manages this dataset using the KE EMu collection management system. It is interpreted into the [Darwin Core]( metadata schema (DwC) and semi-regularly exported to the [Atlas of Living Australia]( (ALA) and the [Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums]( (OZCAM). Data sourced from Australian museums on both the ALA and OZCAM should be identical, but on ALA they are combined with observational data from citizen science initiatives and other sources. Both of those sites make it possible to combine, interrogate and analyse data through web services such as the [Spatial Analysis Portal]( In the Spatial Portal ALA data can be combined with meteorological and other environmental data sourced from and made accessible by relevant government agencies. The ALA also has a fully documented [API]( Data about endangered species are either withheld from online publication, or coordinates or other data are obscured on the ALA and OZCAM. In those circumstances more specific information is available directly from SA Museum collection managers if it is genuinely required for research purposes. SA Museum data can be downloaded in full from the Atlas of Living Australia, or broken down into discipline specific parts (e.g. Herpetology, Mammalogy etc). On download the ALA will request an email address (not mandatory) and a reason for download (mandatory) – this is required to track usage of the ALA data to help data providers determine priorities for upload and improvement. ",,,1860-2014,,South Australian Museum Terrestrial Invertebrate Collection,,HTML,"The collection has Australia-wide and Indo-Pacific representation, plus some world specimens for comparative purposes. The collection comprises 1200000 pinned specimens, 450000 specimens in spirit and 20000 slides. There are 8670 holotypes, of which 5000 are from the A.M. Lea beetle collection. There are 23000 other types. In summary, the entomological collections Class Insecta comprise 662 Australian families and 85,961 known Australian species. ",2013-03-21T05:58:09.709614,2013-04-09T13:48:30.513485,32768.0,Creative Commons Attribution 914,South Australian Museum Terrestrial Invertebrate Collection,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2013-03-21T05:57:20.220041,2016-07-05T03:45:43.422359,"The collection has Australia-wide and Indo-Pacific representation, plus some world specimens for comparative purposes. The collection comprises 1200000 pinned specimens, 450000 specimens in spirit and 20000 slides. There are 8670 holotypes, of which 5000 are from the A.M. Lea beetle collection. There are 23000 other types. In summary, the entomological collections Class Insecta comprise 662 Australian families and 85,961 known Australian species. The arachnological collections comprise spiders (50000 specimens in alcohol), mites (25000 slide mounts and 20000 specimens in alcohol), scorpions (5000 specimens in alcohol) and myriapods. Images from this collection are available on the Atlas of Living Australia. The SA Museum manages this dataset using the KE EMu collection management system. It is interpreted into the [Darwin Core]( metadata schema (DwC) and semi-regularly exported to the [Atlas of Living Australia]( (ALA) and the [Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums]( (OZCAM). Data sourced from Australian museums on both the ALA and OZCAM should be identical, but on ALA they are combined with observational data from citizen science initiatives and other sources. Both of those sites make it possible to combine, interrogate and analyse data through web services such as the [Spatial Analysis Portal]( In the Spatial Portal ALA data can be combined with meteorological and other environmental data sourced from and made accessible by relevant government agencies. The ALA also has a fully documented [API]( Data about endangered species are either withheld from online publication, or coordinates or other data are obscured on the ALA and OZCAM. In those circumstances more specific information is available directly from SA Museum collection managers if it is genuinely required for research purposes. SA Museum data can be downloaded in full from the Atlas of Living Australia, or broken down into discipline specific parts (e.g. Herpetology, Mammalogy etc). On download the ALA will request an email address (not mandatory) and a reason for download (mandatory) – this is required to track usage of the ALA data to help data providers determine priorities for upload and improvement. ",,,1860-2014,,Metadata tempate- Terrestrial Invertebrates.doc,,DOC,Contains high level metadata information of the Terrestrial Invertebrates dataset.,2013-05-14T21:03:23.389242,2014-10-30T09:01:23,852480.0,Creative Commons Attribution 915,South Australian Museum Terrestrial Invertebrate Collection,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2013-03-21T05:57:20.220041,2016-07-05T03:45:43.422359,"The collection has Australia-wide and Indo-Pacific representation, plus some world specimens for comparative purposes. The collection comprises 1200000 pinned specimens, 450000 specimens in spirit and 20000 slides. There are 8670 holotypes, of which 5000 are from the A.M. Lea beetle collection. There are 23000 other types. In summary, the entomological collections Class Insecta comprise 662 Australian families and 85,961 known Australian species. The arachnological collections comprise spiders (50000 specimens in alcohol), mites (25000 slide mounts and 20000 specimens in alcohol), scorpions (5000 specimens in alcohol) and myriapods. Images from this collection are available on the Atlas of Living Australia. The SA Museum manages this dataset using the KE EMu collection management system. It is interpreted into the [Darwin Core]( metadata schema (DwC) and semi-regularly exported to the [Atlas of Living Australia]( (ALA) and the [Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums]( (OZCAM). Data sourced from Australian museums on both the ALA and OZCAM should be identical, but on ALA they are combined with observational data from citizen science initiatives and other sources. Both of those sites make it possible to combine, interrogate and analyse data through web services such as the [Spatial Analysis Portal]( In the Spatial Portal ALA data can be combined with meteorological and other environmental data sourced from and made accessible by relevant government agencies. The ALA also has a fully documented [API]( Data about endangered species are either withheld from online publication, or coordinates or other data are obscured on the ALA and OZCAM. In those circumstances more specific information is available directly from SA Museum collection managers if it is genuinely required for research purposes. SA Museum data can be downloaded in full from the Atlas of Living Australia, or broken down into discipline specific parts (e.g. Herpetology, Mammalogy etc). On download the ALA will request an email address (not mandatory) and a reason for download (mandatory) – this is required to track usage of the ALA data to help data providers determine priorities for upload and improvement. ",,,1860-2014,,Field definitions,,CSV,Field Definitions - Atlas of Living Australia datasets,2013-05-23T20:48:07.948833,2016-06-24T04:09:09.146071,19397.0,Creative Commons Attribution 916,South Australian Museum Terrestrial Invertebrate Collection,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2013-03-21T05:57:20.220041,2016-07-05T03:45:43.422359,"The collection has Australia-wide and Indo-Pacific representation, plus some world specimens for comparative purposes. The collection comprises 1200000 pinned specimens, 450000 specimens in spirit and 20000 slides. There are 8670 holotypes, of which 5000 are from the A.M. Lea beetle collection. There are 23000 other types. In summary, the entomological collections Class Insecta comprise 662 Australian families and 85,961 known Australian species. The arachnological collections comprise spiders (50000 specimens in alcohol), mites (25000 slide mounts and 20000 specimens in alcohol), scorpions (5000 specimens in alcohol) and myriapods. Images from this collection are available on the Atlas of Living Australia. The SA Museum manages this dataset using the KE EMu collection management system. It is interpreted into the [Darwin Core]( metadata schema (DwC) and semi-regularly exported to the [Atlas of Living Australia]( (ALA) and the [Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums]( (OZCAM). Data sourced from Australian museums on both the ALA and OZCAM should be identical, but on ALA they are combined with observational data from citizen science initiatives and other sources. Both of those sites make it possible to combine, interrogate and analyse data through web services such as the [Spatial Analysis Portal]( In the Spatial Portal ALA data can be combined with meteorological and other environmental data sourced from and made accessible by relevant government agencies. The ALA also has a fully documented [API]( Data about endangered species are either withheld from online publication, or coordinates or other data are obscured on the ALA and OZCAM. In those circumstances more specific information is available directly from SA Museum collection managers if it is genuinely required for research purposes. SA Museum data can be downloaded in full from the Atlas of Living Australia, or broken down into discipline specific parts (e.g. Herpetology, Mammalogy etc). On download the ALA will request an email address (not mandatory) and a reason for download (mandatory) – this is required to track usage of the ALA data to help data providers determine priorities for upload and improvement. ",,,1860-2014,,Information about terrestrial invertebrates at the South Australian Museum,,HTML,Information about terrestrial invertebrates at the South Australian Museum.,2014-06-04T08:21:41.870868,2014-06-04T09:00:29.267363,9619.0,Creative Commons Attribution 917,South Australian Museum Terrestrial Invertebrate Collection,South Australian Museum,South Australian Museum,2013-03-21T05:57:20.220041,2016-07-05T03:45:43.422359,"The collection has Australia-wide and Indo-Pacific representation, plus some world specimens for comparative purposes. The collection comprises 1200000 pinned specimens, 450000 specimens in spirit and 20000 slides. There are 8670 holotypes, of which 5000 are from the A.M. Lea beetle collection. There are 23000 other types. In summary, the entomological collections Class Insecta comprise 662 Australian families and 85,961 known Australian species. The arachnological collections comprise spiders (50000 specimens in alcohol), mites (25000 slide mounts and 20000 specimens in alcohol), scorpions (5000 specimens in alcohol) and myriapods. Images from this collection are available on the Atlas of Living Australia. The SA Museum manages this dataset using the KE EMu collection management system. It is interpreted into the [Darwin Core]( metadata schema (DwC) and semi-regularly exported to the [Atlas of Living Australia]( (ALA) and the [Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums]( (OZCAM). Data sourced from Australian museums on both the ALA and OZCAM should be identical, but on ALA they are combined with observational data from citizen science initiatives and other sources. Both of those sites make it possible to combine, interrogate and analyse data through web services such as the [Spatial Analysis Portal]( In the Spatial Portal ALA data can be combined with meteorological and other environmental data sourced from and made accessible by relevant government agencies. The ALA also has a fully documented [API]( Data about endangered species are either withheld from online publication, or coordinates or other data are obscured on the ALA and OZCAM. In those circumstances more specific information is available directly from SA Museum collection managers if it is genuinely required for research purposes. SA Museum data can be downloaded in full from the Atlas of Living Australia, or broken down into discipline specific parts (e.g. Herpetology, Mammalogy etc). On download the ALA will request an email address (not mandatory) and a reason for download (mandatory) – this is required to track usage of the ALA data to help data providers determine priorities for upload and improvement. ",,,1860-2014,,Type Specimen images from the South Australian Museum Terrestrial Invertebrates collection,,,"The South Australian Museum has been photographing the Type specimens in the Terrestrial Invertebrates collection. These images, of over 3500 specimens, can be accessed on the Atlas of Living Australia.",2016-06-28T11:25:21.631431,,,Creative Commons Attribution