rowid,dataset_title,publisher,author,dataset_issued,dataset_modified,dataset_description,source,info_url,start_date,end_date,file_title,download_url,format,file_description,file_created,file_modified,file_size,licence 399,TB Home applications 1923 to 1932,Queensland State Archives,,2014-06-24T03:03:45.073887,2022-06-28T06:47:38.987377,"This index was compiled from the correspondence kept by the [Queensland War Council]( between 1923 and 1932 in relation to homes for returned soldiers who were suffering from TB. The records are held at [Queensland State Archives]( ",,,,,TB Home applications 1923 to 1932,,CSV,"This open data file lists the names of returned soldiers suffering from TB who applied to the Queensland War Council for a [TB Home ]( between 1923 and 1932. Information also includes the application number, date of statutory declaration and Queensland State Archives' [catalogue ]( details.",2014-06-24T03:06:09.258097,2022-04-26T01:38:50.280692,47616.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 403,Windsor Town Council Honour Roll 1914 to 1925,Queensland State Archives,,2015-11-24T05:31:47.361772,2022-06-28T04:01:22.815008,"This index was compiled from the [Honour Roll]( kept by the Windsor Town Council between 1914 and 1925, and from additional soldier research completed by Queensland State Archives staff and volunteers. The records are held at [Queensland State Archives]( ",,,,,Windsor Town Council Honour Roll 1914 to 1925,,CSV,"This open data file lists the names of civilians serving in the First World War as recorded in the [Windsor Town Council Honour Roll]( for the period 1914 to 1925 . Information also includes the rank, honours, Service Number and Queensland State Archives' catalogue details.",2015-11-24T05:33:19.638918,2022-04-26T01:42:58.147529,406528.0,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0